The UFC is going to show Mcgregor who really runs things and strip his belt.


Apr 12, 2016
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Dude got way too big headed and as much of a draw as he is the UFC won't risk losing control of the rest of the fighters and will make an example of him. They will strip his belt and crush him just to prove who is boss.
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If they do that 2016 will be a bad year, they have no stars without McGregor.
You are over estimating Mcgregors position in the company.
if the UFC is saying he's refusing to do media the yes, they have to strip him. he probably doesn't want to cut to 145 anymore anyway.

Conor will get his money and probably fight at UFC 200 as well
Stars exist, they're just not known yet. Rockhold could windmill kick Weidman into unconsciousness. Anderson could show up again. Anything can happen. I seriously don't understand how so many people on this forum are on McGregor's dick all the time.
If he retired, then wouldn't he automatically be stripped?

The UFC has him by the balls, it's not like he can fight anywhere else. UFC was fine before him, and will survive without him. The money will dry up, and Conor will be back.
Strip him and do away with that Aldo vs Edgar for the "interim" title nonsense.
Fucking awesome, now Frankie vs Aldo will be for the strap, like it should have been all along.
Dude got way to big headed and as much of a draw as he is the UFC won't risk losing control of the rest of the fighters and will make an example of him. They will strip his belt and crush him just ton prove who is boss.
If he is retired then isn't the belt automatically back, no need for the big ceremonial " strip him of his belt to show him who's boss" bullshit that sherdog haters are dying for.
“I don’t give a fuck about nothing. The only thing I give a fuck about is my check, and my checks are superheavy.”
-Kenny Florian
Conor is nothing, he is just a human, nothing more than that. UFC will flush his ass down the river and he is not even 00000000.1% of UFC. they were doing amazing before he came, and they will do amazing when he is gone. Conor aint no God, UFC is the God in all of this. in few years when he has run of of money he will come begging back to fight.
If they do that 2016 will be a bad year, they have no stars without McGregor.
You sound a little crazy when you say something like that. They always have other stars. There will always be a next man up. This is why I agree with TS. This was all about McGregor overreaching. The fight made more since at 155, everyone knew that but McGregor had to have his way, the UFC said OK. Then McGregor decides he isn't going to promote it the way he had agreed to... the UFC put their foot down. No one fighter is bigger than the sport and the UFC, for now, is the sport.
Conor is nothing, he is just a human, nothing more than that. UFC will flush his ass down the river and he is not even 00000000.1% of UFC. they were doing amazing before he came, and they will do amazing when he is gone. Conor aint no God, UFC is the God in all of this. in few years when he has run of of money he will come begging back to fight.
I agree but .1% would have sufficed.