The truth about the woody pm.


animal mother


you posted this screenshot of a PM and portrayed it as genuine. you accused me of sending it.

the background on that screenshot is "blues brothers". the new color schemes were not uploaded to Sherdog until
May 22, 2003 . the new belts after that.

Originally posted by CounterCulture
What the fuck did Sherdog do? This Blues setting is alright but I want my fucking afterdark back. Plus it seems that the layout has changed somewhat/ When did all this go down?

Originally posted by Meat Fist
About five minutes ago. Hang tight, more to follow.

woody was banned on April 9, 2003 .

that is a month and a half before the earliest possible date the screenshot could have taken place--but apparently it was saved as soon as karebear found out i was woody.

Originally posted by Karebear
i didn't delete it, well until i took a screen capture of it anyway. once i found out you were woody i decided to hang on to it incase i ever needed it.

any pm taken before woody was banned couldn't have the new color scheme and any taken after would have the "banned" text, and not the belt as it appears in the PM. it should look like it does in this woody post. in addition, woody's signature should show up in the PM, as it was inserted upon creation of the account and was never changed.

furthermore, the time stamp on that PM shows woody as having 51 posts on Feb. 18, 2003. a simple search shows that woody got his 51st post on Dec. 2, 2002 and by Feb. 18, 2003 had 64 posts. woody profile

karebear first mentions having the screen cap at 9:24 p.m. not until 9:42 p.m. do we actually see the screen cap. as it has been proven unequovically that this PM is a complete fabrication, it is quite clear that DRA was photoshopping this doctored image in the interim.

as karebear has now been proven to have sent unrequested porn via pm and posted a fake pm and passed it off as real, and DRA was quite clearly complicit in this act, i request that both of them be banned immediately.
OMFG you are so pathetic that you care this much about your little internet identity. i used to have respect for ya man but holy fuck you're nothing but a loser to me now.
is that an admission of pwnage?
Good work detective.
The evidence is here in full force, do what the man says.

Karebear, you know I love you, but I'm willing to sacrifice you to get rid of DRA.
Originally posted by randomhero20022
is that an admission of pwnage?

that's exactly what it is. a link to this thread and the eclipse thread will be sent to meat and garrett.
Originally posted by randomhero20022
is that an admission of pwnage?

the only admission is that animal mother is a pathetic LOSER!!! LOOOOOSER!!
Why should they be banned AM? Just asking a question here :)
Originally posted by animal mother

as karebear has now been proven to have sent unrequested porn via pm

Banned for what? Making you look like a dumbass for taking so long to figure out such a GLARINGLY obvious problem with the PM? hahahaha You fucking moron. We didn't break any rules to be banned under!

Furthermore, I'd like to see the proof of karebear sending unrequested pics through PM. As I said earlier, even if the PM was proven fake you would still have nothing to back up your claims.

Good try little one, maybe next time it won't take you so long to get the obvious.
it's all about the timeline....all about the timeline...
Look at them scrambling, desperate, now that they've been found out.
Originally posted by karebear

so ummmmmm.... how much time did you are dra spend setting up the fake pm?????
Originally posted by Kippy Winstead
so ummmmmm.... how much time did you are dra spend setting up the fake pm?????

was going to say the exact same thing.
let me dumb it down for you, fellas.

any screenshot of a woody pm CANNOT contain the blues brothers color scheme and not include the "banned" text".

the date of woody's banning and the date of the introduction of the new schemes makes it impossible.
Originally posted by Kain

Karebear, you know I love you, but I'm willing to sacrifice you to get rid of DRA.

love you too but tell me what rule was broken?

exactly NONE!!! do you think i didn't realize the belt and the skin? he didn't because he was too busy having A HEART ATTACK that someone put a dent in his little world. well haha joke's on the loser. he has no proof that i did what he said i did so i gave him a taste of what it feels like. i thought he'd figure it out quicker then he did though. poor baby :(
Originally posted by animal mother
let me dumb it down for you, fellas.

any screenshot of a woody pm CANNOT contain the blues brothers color scheme and not include the "banned" text".

the date of woody's banning and the date of the introduction of the new schemes makes it impossible.

hahahahaha I can't beleive it took you this long to see that!

So where's the proof of your claim? I'm waiting?
AM, this is what I was hinting at in the first thread, but I never went to the trouble of finding out when we got the new styles