The town that Lesnar lives in...

dude can claim Canada all he wants but he is every other Minnesota Farm Boy ive ever meet. Suplex City turn up.
dude can claim Canada all he wants but he is every other Minnesota Farm Boy ive ever meet. Suplex City turn up.

I mean, there's not really much difference between someone from Minnesota or Canada, haha.
oh look they even have a bridge :)
I completely understand why he lives there

Shipping from Amazon is getting cheap and quick as fuck. Get me all tucked away in the sticks, set me up w/internet, and I'll never bug you again.
I think you'd be surprised

What are you the fuckin' expert on the difference between people from minnesota and canada all of a sudden? do you have a blog now? go fuk yaself
I mean, there's not really much difference between someone from Minnesota or Canada, haha.

It depends. Rural Alberta, Saskatchewan (where Brock lives), and Manitoba will be similar to rural Minnesota. The other provinces no.
What are you the fuckin' expert on the difference between people from minnesota and canada all of a sudden? do you have a blog now? go fuk yaself
I've seen Fargo it's all the same
What are you the fuckin' expert on the difference between people from minnesota and canada all of a sudden? do you have a blog now? go fuk yaself
As a lifelong resident of the great state that is Minnesota im well educated in the douchbaggery of both.