The tough choice to make (outlaw steakhouse)


Blue Belt
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
Does Sherdog allow to continue interrupting threads with spam because they are a paying sponsor? Or do they side with the forum and its intended purpose of discussion of specific topics related to MMA?

Posting the same damned unrelated topic in multiple threads is pure spam, pure and simple. It's abuse of the forum, and a disservice to the conversations. It is simply taking advantage of hot topics, as opposed to taking part in them. I for one am not amused. I come here to read about the topics that I pick... I love to hear other people's takes on fights and fighters. I don't need to be invited to sign up for email lists by someone abusing their status as a sponsor.
its always nice to see them on every thread talking about it ..LOL NOT ... will i ever eat there not now ..LOL
Spamming the threads, when they already advertise here, is totally ineffective. Its intrusive, offensive, and counterproductive. Seriously, I'm going for a steak tomorrow. I can choose between an Outback, and a Lone Star - they're right next to each other. I'm going to Lone Star. I thought those audio bits with Chuck were annoying, but the spam has got to go.
Dr.Meat said:
Spamming the threads, when they already advertise here, is totally ineffective. Its intrusive, offensive, and counterproductive. Seriously, I'm going for a steak tomorrow. I can choose between an Outback, and a Lone Star - they're right next to each other. I'm going to Lone Star. I thought those audio bits with Chuck were annoying, but the spam has got to go.

you said that perfect ... man i like chuck but they do suck
Alright. So are we about to have an Outlaw Boycott?! Let's do this right.

Loki: You get the lanterns.
Kolios and Meat: You get the pitch forks.

I'll rally the mob
Okinawa_Gaijin said:
It would be pretty funny if they spammed this thread.

yes then it would start something for sure
outlaw steakhouse must be sleep now becasue he hasnt came on yet .. i give it by 9 and it will be on here lol
Yea I agree. Outlaw Steakhouse do your thing and thanks for promoting mma, but seriously spamming a thread w/ the same information within 10 minutes is just a bit much. We already get the Chuck vids w/ the ads. Can't Outlaw Steakhouse just get a sticky thread about Chucks' forum? This is much classier and less intrusive imo.
on wednesday. Email customer service to sign up for free live web chat with the champ email [email protected]

Chat with Chuck live for FREE

bjornturock said:
on wednesday. Email customer service to sign up for free live web chat with the champ email [email protected]

Chat with Chuck live for FREE


lol no we want him to post it .. not you ...
lol at this thread it never realy bothers me and i want to try thier shiit
I'm surprised he hasn't posted here, actually.

Just ignore him and never order from there. That will make him shut up.
johnnloki said:
Does Sherdog allow to continue interrupting threads with spam because they are a paying sponsor? Or do they side with the forum and its intended purpose of discussion of specific topics related to MMA?

Posting the same damned unrelated topic in multiple threads is pure spam, pure and simple. It's abuse of the forum, and a disservice to the conversations. It is simply taking advantage of hot topics, as opposed to taking part in them. I for one am not amused. I come here to read about the topics that I pick... I love to hear other people's takes on fights and fighters. I don't need to be invited to sign up for email lists by someone abusing their status as a sponsor.

Hey Sherdog has to make money, or else this site would fall into nothingness and everyone would have to take up full time jobs and work on this in their spare time.

Do the Outlaw Steak House ads suck? YES! But get used to the ads, that's why the site remains free!
Why don't they just make it a sticky? I'm sure there are a lot of people here who'd like to chat with Chuck Liddell.
whitag said:
Why don't they just make it a sticky? I'm sure there are a lot of people here who'd like to chat with Chuck Liddell.

"Chuck, do you prefer a NY Strip or T-Bone before a big fight?"
wamrage said:
It gets kind of annoying.
Agreed I always see that the MMA Discussion is sponsored by them when browsing the forums and I hear Chuck giving his advertisement for it when I browse through the news on the front page. MUST BUY OUTLAW STEAK :icon_evil