The superhuman moves of Romero...


Gold Belt
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
Let’s hope this guy keeps on fighting because he is very entertaining! Do you approve?
Shoot that guy is fast. all jacked up on Mountain Dew...
A-level athlete, PEDs do not explain this freak of nature. The way he moves, he is like a machine whose gears were to move accurately to a thousandth of an inch
I luh you Michael!

Romero is as cold as the communism he comes from in the cage that for sure.
Could've had better hang time on that Showtime punch
If Romero debuted in MMA in 2003, he would’ve stole Anderson’s legacy and Romero would be the MW GOAT right now.
Romero could try out for Sherdog.

He's def got potential.
forget USADA we should be testing his DNA to see if he really is human
It was a small thing but the way he popped up so quick after stumbling in round 5 in the second Whittaker fight was freakin insane for a guy his size that late in a fight.
I'm used to seeing guys 185+ in the 5th round being hardly able to stand up and he just bounced right to his feet like a god damned BW. Wish I had a gif of it.
A-level athlete, PEDs do not explain this freak of nature. The way he moves, he is like a machine whose gears were to move accurately to a thousandth of an inch
PEDS didn’t explain Bork Lazer too.
Until he got USADAd ,then “it was always obvious!!”.