The storm before the storm


Dwight Belt
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
I got woken up at 3 AM CST because i saw lightning flash in my eyes and less than a second i heard thunder which means the lightning was less than a mile away. Then i get on intellicast and this is just the little thunderstorm before the real one. Now my lights are blinking everytime a lightning bolt hits......

might as well fire up the grill and make a few burgers.
i am in Kansas City btw and the current storm is just hovering overhead and not going east and it just got 4x as big
I got woken up at 3 AM CST because i saw lightning flash in my eyes and less than a second i heard thunder which means the lightning was less than a mile away. Then i get on intellicast and this is just the little thunderstorm before the real one. Now my lights are blinking everytime a lightning bolt hits......

might as well fire up the grill and make a few burgers.

Start a youtube channel where you just grill in the middle of a thunderstorm wearing only an apron. Rain man grill. Get that pewdiepie money.
you know you grill too much when you go to grill and the coals are still hot and it is raining.

yea i use a charcoal grill like a real man.
it looks like the first storm ate the 2nd storm and won the Game of Thrones. to celebrate i am making bacon and eggs. Is normal.
It had been thundering for several hours here with little to no rain. Just the long rumbling thunder that lasts for 30 seconds or more.
Been pouring in OKC since about 5:30 or earlier . . . parts of the road near my office was under 6-8" of water.
I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven.