The Stennis Compromise -- hilarious moment from Watergate


Gold Belt
May 29, 2013
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In an attempt to exonerate himself after the revelations of White House tapes regarding the Watergate break-in was revealed, President Richard Nixon proposed a compromise — he’d not only release to his special counsel, Archibald Cox, a transcript of the tapes, but would also have a seemingly neutral lawmaker compare the transcripts to the audio.

The only problem? The lawmaker, John Stennis, a “pro-Nixon, Dixiecrat senator” from Mississippi, “was famously deaf.”

The episode became infamously known as the “Stennis Compromise.” When Cox refuted Nixon’s offer, the president went down the line at the Justice Department to get someone to fire him — an episode that, even more infamously, became known as the “Saturday Night Massacre” after his attorney general and deputy AG resigned in protest of the request.

“Ultimately, a new special counsel was appointed,” Maddow said. “And that was all she wrote for the Nixon administration.”

I LOLd at this. Tricky Dick indeed.