Law The Search For The 114th Supreme Court Justice: The Witch-Hunt Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh

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Republican with a life time of service calls out party for becoming too extreme; stirs up angry incels on the internet to declare said Republican was never really one of us.

Of course she wasn't one of you, you're losers. She was a Republican, however.

Hmm I asked if incel was the new go to here and it gets confirmed everyday I read this sub forum. Anyways BK has already passed on two cases involving planned parenthood and seems (so far) to be in line with the career he had before. How that is considered becoming “too extreme” is out of my understanding. Funny how the woman who made the claims against him dropped her case as soon as he was appointed.....but she took that nice gofundme money though

I hope this lady the best and that’s about it, duces
Applying the law correctly means resisting political and social pressure to not follow the law correctly.

I don't know where you're from Jack, but in CA, "resisting political and social pressure" is the opposite of what this lady is doing. It sounds like she's running for office (which she likely is btw, b/c SCOCA judges can be recalled by voters—a separate but related issue).
Hmm I asked if incel was the new go to here and it gets confirmed everyday I read this sub forum. Anyways BK has already passed on two cases involving planned parenthood and seems (so far) to be in line with the career he had before. How that is considered becoming “too extreme” is out of my understanding. Funny how the woman who made the claims against him dropped her case as soon as he was appointed.....but she took that nice gofundme money though

I hope this lady the best and that’s about it, duces

I'd rather take a "duce" on this woman's face 'cause that's what she deserves.

BTW, "incel" is the weak-attempt by the Liberals to have their own "NPC" moment. lol
Damn. Well, that figures, this state is run by fruitcakes and lunatics.

Isn't it crazy how fruitcakes and lunatics can run a state much better than these career GOP politicians? These fruitcakes and lunatics routinely put more money into the government coffers than they take, while GOP states are typically the ones in the red, replete with massive amounts of social services.

Fruitcakes and lunatics I tell ya!!!
Conservative my ass...

She is doing this, several months later, in hopes to retain her job by an ever increasingly intolerant left in control of her state. If she was so outraged over this, she would have done it the second the hearings were over and he was going to be confirmed.
Conservative my ass...

She is doing this, several months later, in hopes to retain her job by an ever increasingly intolerant left in control of her state. If she was so outraged over this, she would have done it the second the hearings were over and he was going to be confirmed.

I would expect every judge in the country to side with Justice Kavanaugh under the circumstances of Blasey Ford's accusation. This lady is not fit to be a judge.
Kavanaugh is a lunatic with the temperament of a toddler. He should have never been confirmed strictly due to his demeanor during testimony.
No need being all uppity when someone is accusing you of orchestrating gang rapes.
I would expect every judge in the country to side with Justice Kavanaugh under the circumstances of Blasey Ford's accusation. This lady is not fit to be a judge.
Libs are still butthurt over it, its quite amusing really.
Buncha rubes, you'd have to be legit retarded to have bought Blaseys cock and bull story.
No need being all uppity when someone is accusing you of orchestrating gang rapes.
And attempting to ruin you and your career in the process. Shameless.
It was a new low for the left, but I am confident that they will somehow stoop even lower in the near future.
Kavanaugh is a lunatic with the temperament of a toddler. He should have never been confirmed strictly due to his demeanor during testimony.
Because he was pissed that someone would lie their ass off trying to destroy him? You’re an idiot.

What kind of adult cant maintain composure under high pressure scenarios? Guy is unhinged with no business in any court room let alone the SCOTUS.

I think he handled it perfectly. He was pissed off enough, composed enough, human enough, professional enough, and articulate enough to be more persuasive than Christina Blaise Fraud. In the #metoo era, that's quite an accomplishment.

Tie one on for muh boi Brett!


I think he handled it perfectly. He was pissed off enough, composed enough, human enough, professional enough, and articulate enough to be more persuasive than Christina Blaise Fraud. In the #metoo era, that's quite an accomplishment.

Tie one on for muh boi Brett!


Caption of that should be :

"Okay, Christine, you're on camera now. Put on your "I'm a victim" face."
Is this one of those threads where conservatives are hiding from mueller and the ny justice department? Lol

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