Law The Search For The 114th Supreme Court Justice: The Witch-Hunt Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh

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Its helping our stock market specifically

But our stock market is just on the same trajectory it's been on for a long time (we had a little wobble--short acceleration followed by a crash, followed by a return to the trend). And the stock market is very much not the economy.


Again, it's going well, but it's been going well. I'm not seeing any reason to think that tariffs would be causing that (and if you listen to conference calls, you'll especially not see that--it's bad news).

Just look at the last few SEC Qrtly filings from the Swiss National Bank, Japanese bank and others. Money that was going to China and EM in recent past is being heavily diverted particularly into FAANG stocks (well not FB). This was a recent trend exacerbated by our trade war with China and lack of trust for FDI there or denominating debt in Yuan

I'm skeptical of that, but more to the point, the market as a whole is just on the same trajectory it's been on.
But our stock market is just on the same trajectory it's been on for a long time (we had a little wobble--short acceleration followed by a crash, followed by a return to the trend). And the stock market is very much not the economy.


Again, it's going well, but it's been going well. I'm not seeing any reason to think that tariffs would be causing that (and if you listen to conference calls, you'll especially not see that--it's bad news).

I'm skeptical of that, but more to the point, the market as a whole is just on the same trajectory it's been on.
just look at the Nasdaq, it's near/at it's literal highest point ever, despite it having 100 highs and 100 lows for the first time since 2015. It's being strongly carried by the FAANG stocks, and the QE money being printed by other countries is going oftentimes directly towards it, along w/ our own Institutional investors (largely pension and hedge funds) specifically in the ETF market.

Also in previous times due to the more Globalist nature of world economies, the other countries followed us. Recession and recovery, etc... That is not the case specifically right now. Our dollar is increasing specifically while other major currencies are experiencing heavy losses, coupled w/ the foreign debt balloon payment problem and this is not a insignificant issue that is only going to get better for us, and worse for other countries. The interest rate in Argentina is 60% currently, Turkey is essentially done at this pt, S. Africa it's a wrap, Chinese stock market has lost 20+% this year while ours has gained 8, etc...

I tend to believe that in all his ridiculousness, Trump's America First platform is a part of that. I'm sure you'll disagree and that's fine, but playing hardball w/ China is clearly helping us, hurting them, and also largely responsible IMO for N. Korea calming down.
Surely recovering wealth(Obama) after a crash and creating wealth to continue the upward trend(Trump) in the stock market after the recovery is different, unless my basic understanding is lacking?
Surely recovering wealth(Obama) after a crash and creating wealth to continue the upward trend(Trump) in the stock market after the recovery is different, unless my basic understanding is lacking?


Well recovery and "creating" 6k after. Do you think it was an easier job to get out of a recession vs continuing 8 consecutive years of positive growth?
Kavanaugh's accuser wants full FBI investigation before testifying
By Lawrence Hurley, Eric Beech | September 18, 2018

A woman who has accused President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault decades ago wants her allegations to be investigated by the FBI before she appears at a U.S. Senate hearing, one of her lawyers said on Tuesday.

Christine Blasey Ford, a university professor in California, has accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her in 1982 when they were both high school students, allegations Kavanaugh has called “completely false.”

The Senate Judiciary Committee, which is overseeing the nomination, has called a hearing for Monday to look into the matter, and the White House has said Kavanaugh was ready to testify.

“Nothing of substance and nothing legitimate can happen by Monday,” Lisa Banks, an attorney for Ford, told CNN.

In a letter to the committee’s chairman, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, Ford’s attorneys said an FBI investigation should take place before any testimony. A copy of the letter was posted on CNN’s website.

“A full investigation by law enforcement officials will ensure that the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner, and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decisions,” the lawyers wrote.

A spokesman for the committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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not too mention the 'wealth' being created isn't going to the average person, which i think is the underlying point that perhaps JVS and Trotsky have (IMO) and i totally agree.

As these individual stocks gain value, the 'average' person is clearly not investing personally into them as they can't afford it. Maybe they have a 401k or other retirement fund that invests partially into those stocks, but that's generally it. But i think i read recently that a strong percentage, or perhaps even majority of 401k in the US currently have a loan against them right now so even then the average person likely isn't benefiting that much.
As these individual stocks gain value, the 'average' person is clearly not investing personally into them as they can't afford it. Maybe they have a 401k or other retirement fund that invests partially into those stocks, but that's generally it.

Which exact stocks? Asking for a friend with a 401(k) brokerage account.
Kavanaugh's accuser wants full FBI investigation before testifying
By Lawrence Hurley, Eric Beech | September 18, 2018

A woman who has accused President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, of sexual assault decades ago wants her allegations to be investigated by the FBI before she appears at a U.S. Senate hearing, one of her lawyers said on Tuesday.

Christine Blasey Ford, a university professor in California, has accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her in 1982 when they were both high school students, allegations Kavanaugh has called “completely false.”

The Senate Judiciary Committee, which is overseeing the nomination, has called a hearing for Monday to look into the matter, and the White House has said Kavanaugh was ready to testify.

“Nothing of substance and nothing legitimate can happen by Monday,” Lisa Banks, an attorney for Ford, told CNN.

In a letter to the committee’s chairman, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, Ford’s attorneys said an FBI investigation should take place before any testimony. A copy of the letter was posted on CNN’s website.

“A full investigation by law enforcement officials will ensure that the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner, and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decisions,” the lawyers wrote.

A spokesman for the committee did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
So the FBI has officially been weaponized for everyone on the left
Dem senators back Kavanaugh accuser's call for FBI investigation
By John Bowden - 09/18/18


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Tuesday backed a call from Christine Blasey Ford for an FBI investigation before she testifies on her allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I strongly support Dr. Ford’s call for an FBI investigation before a hearing is held," Schumer said in a statement Tuesday night. "An immediate FBI investigation is not only consistent with precedent, it is also quite clearly the right thing to do."

Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, also issued a statement, saying she agrees with Ford's letter to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

"I agree with [Ford] 100 percent that the rushed process to hold a hearing on Monday has been unfair and is reminiscent of the treatment of Anita Hill. I also agree that we need the facts before senators—not staff or lawyers—speak to witnesses," Feinstein wrote in an emailed statement Tuesday.

“We should honor Dr. Blasey Ford’s wishes and delay this hearing. A proper investigation must be completed, witnesses interviewed, evidence reviewed and all sides spoken to. Only then should the chairman set a hearing date," she continued.

Feinstein's statement came after the release of a letter from Ford's lawyers requesting the investigation be completed.
Dem senators back Kavanaugh accuser's call for FBI investigation
By John Bowden - 09/18/18


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Tuesday backed a call from Christine Blasey Ford for an FBI investigation before she testifies on her allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I strongly support Dr. Ford’s call for an FBI investigation before a hearing is held," Schumer said in a statement Tuesday night. "An immediate FBI investigation is not only consistent with precedent, it is also quite clearly the right thing to do."

Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, also issued a statement, saying she agrees with Ford's letter to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

"I agree with [Ford] 100 percent that the rushed process to hold a hearing on Monday has been unfair and is reminiscent of the treatment of Anita Hill. I also agree that we need the facts before senators—not staff or lawyers—speak to witnesses," Feinstein wrote in an emailed statement Tuesday.

“We should honor Dr. Blasey Ford’s wishes and delay this hearing. A proper investigation must be completed, witnesses interviewed, evidence reviewed and all sides spoken to. Only then should the chairman set a hearing date," she continued.

Feinstein's statement came after the release of a letter from Ford's lawyers requesting the investigation be completed.
Right or wrong...politically the Republicans should and will likely cave on this. If they were smart, they would begrudgingly pull Kavanaugh and just ram someone easier through.
Right or wrong...politically the Republicans should and will likely cave on this. If they were smart, they would begrudgingly pull Kavanaugh and just ram someone easier through.

Man, you're still here??

Seems like every time somebody refute something silly that you said, you quickly moved on to say something even more silly.

How many times have you been proven wrong in just the last 24 hours alone?
Man, you're still here??

Seems like every time somebody refute something silly that you said, you quickly moved on to say something even more silly.
Still here...enjoy the FBI investigation that is inevitable.

I'm also the only rational person here dumb enough to indulge you trumper mongoloids. I'm underappreciated.
UPDATE: Feinstein blames GOP after Kavanaugh accuser stays mum, admits 'I can't say everything's truthful'

To be fair, she's being honest.

Absent of any proof and important details that can may be used to verify some of the claims (such as where it took place, when it took place, or how did she get there), any third-party who claims that anyone involved is 100% truthful or 100% lying is obviously bullshitting.

The truth is we will never know, since the story is completely unverifiable. Anyone who thinks otherwise based entirely on the allegations presented on front of us here is clearly letting their dreams and hopes do the thinking for them.
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...and Kamala's 180-degree turn here takes the cake. Kavanaugh's character is suddenly important now that she got a chance to smear it.


...and Kamala's 180-degree turn here takes the cake. Kavanaugh's character is suddenly important now that she got a chance to smear it.

Zero red lines from Republicans...putting on a show for their people (just like the dems btw). The Republicans are in a really tough spot here. And they will cave...
To be fair, she's being honest.

Absent of any proof and important details that can may be used to verify some of the claims (such as where it took place, when it took place, or how did she get there), any third-party who claims that anyone involved is 100% truthful or 100% lying is obviously bullshitting.

The truth is we will never know, since the story is completely unverifiable. Anyone who thinks otherwise based entirely on the allegations presented on front of us here is clearly letting their dreams and hopes do the thinking for them.

It’s pretty obvious to me she’s lying. There’s only one reason she’s speaking up: to Bork a conservative SCOTUS candidate. She will fail, but she must still be made an example of. May the rest of her life be filled with fear and loneliness.

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