I'd go with Fight Club because Troy is waaayyyy too baby faced and blonde for meBut you can choose only one. . .
I'd go with Fight Club because Troy is waaayyyy too baby faced and blonde for meBut you can choose only one. . .
I'd go with Fight Club because Troy is waaayyyy too baby faced and blonde for me
Yeah, but he's clean shaven and since he's bigger, his face is fuller. in FC he's dirtier etcIronic since Troy was made five years after Fight Club.
Terry Crewes has the ugliest muscular physique ever, no V taper it looks weird, no Lats, his chest also has a huge gap.
Its lumpy and uneven
The chest thing is weird, Scott Steiner has it but more pronounced
The chest thing is weird, Scott Steiner has it but more pronounced
probably from roid usage or something, Terry crews has the same transformation with the chest like steiner and lopsided muscles that a lot of these heavy roid users get.
This was prime Terry crews his muscles look full and not lopsided his chest doesnt even have that weird gap. I heard if you keep using gear in high doses or stack stuff your body starts deteriorating they call it palumboism named after Dave Palumbo
Wonder if its age or roids?
yeah it because a lot of guys at the gyms are taking trt or steroids, but Brad Pitt body was impressive for a natty. He has great genetics always lean and never puts any fat on.
Now you got juice heads like this, I think he is taking that dangerous fat burning stuff that helps maintain and build muscle while burning fat his bodyfat is freakishly low
if i could look like anybody, i would choose him tho
He got nothing on prime Van Damme.
Sandow is a legit genetic freak thats how a natural strong man should look
Zac on the other hand is on gear
yeah he is def natty, he always had that lean look, if he took juice he would def be a responder, he just put on natural muscle, he dedicated himself to the role and was taking creatine and whey I think that guy Gunnar Peterson trained him.
If pitt took roids he would have that bulky traps key sign for steroids look like Kellan Lutz who is def on the sauce
yeah its stupid who gives a shit if he has lean legs, whats guys obsession with guys having massive body builder legs, women dotn like that, and Jackman might not have the biggest legs but he is strong as fuck for his age and for skinny legs.
I started out a huge fan. The one-two punch of American Psycho and Equilibrium put me on my ass.
But subsequent disappointing role choices as well as the fact that he just seems to be a bit of a dick (or maybe a huge dick) have forced me to cool on him considerably.
tbh he doesnt look that big. I wouldnt be surprised if he was natty.