the not-so-amazing 'gotten to' of BrianFantana

Well it's nice to see that I am one of the awesome posters.
See, it's guys like this that I love the most. A little physical intimidation over the internet.

Ooooooooooo. Scaaaaary.

What a colossal idiot you are my man. Now, terrify me some more with your spooky stories!

i see theres alot of hype surrounding you around here young feller . the so called platinum scientist lol

cvnt your about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, just fuck off now and save yourself the embarresment.
i agree with luba
and we seldom agree on things because i'm on another level of intellect
which makes it very hard for me to understand luba's inferior perspective
Posted via Mobile Device
Now that's IRONIC.

But really, haven't you guys every seen Trading Places? This was just a little social experiment born out of boredom and debate. Brian is Eddie Murphy, sort of.

eddie murphy was the opposite of 'gotten to.' our pet wasn't.
No, just a random mediocre one. Actually, PM did. The terms of our bet were that he could choose someone.

You guys really are caught up with 'goodness' and 'badness' aren't you?

More infusion of the serious from Matt, not entirely surprising.

Do you think that giving me another outlet to argue with people is really going to make matters any better?
Brian is probably going to write a long drawn out pm to your uncle, Matt. He's probably going to ask for his $10 back a lifetime plat account. I'll be surprised if he doesn't try to press some sort of legal action and get this site shut down.

Way to go, Matt
This is all lies propogated by Bush. Read between the lines man, Luba is behind all of this. The rest are just pawns.

Only demolition could bring down Fantana like that.
I'm considering posting that pic of the old men kobbin' on eachother just so I get banned and don't have to read this shit anymore.

I mean, I could just get off the computer, but that wouldn't be as exciting.
Wow. Some people take this shit way too seriously.

Even if this thread goes horribly down hill and rambles on to be a thousand pages of shit. I will have this post to laugh my ass off to.
Brian is probably going to write a long drawn out pm to your uncle, Matt. He's probably going to ask for his $10 back a lifetime plat account. I'll be surprised if he doesn't try to press some sort of legal action and get this site shut down.

Way to go, Matt

that would be mclulz
Posted via Mobile Device
eddie murphy was the opposite of 'gotten to.' our pet wasn't.

True. I mean, of course in the movie they turn the tables on the Dukes and all of that. But the analogy kind of sort of partially works. Particularly the $1 part. The inspiration for that was taken directly from the movie.

Well, maybe he's more like Dan Aykroyd.
I can't believe that I have to empty my pm box again.
So let's get this straight: you guys found the most argumentative poster, and then bet that I could be the most argumentative?

You really haven't started up until most recently. Be honest.

So the legends were true.
i see theres alot of hype surrounding you around here young feller . the so called platinum scientist lol

cvnt your about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, just fuck off now and save yourself the embarresment.

Embarrassment? On the internet? Are you going to threaten to call my mom like Luba? I mean, if that were the case, I'd feel more embarrassed for you than anything.

I like the motorbike analogy, though, that's fairly solid.

Of course, I've never heard of you before, so I don't particularly care. You're like shit in kitty litter: a little bothersome at first, but easy to clean up.

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