The most successful UFC HW Champion is playing games live

One MMA Fan

Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
And he only has 20 viewers what the heck.

Sherbros time to represent. No funny questions/donations you guys.

every1 does blackout, its actually pretty fun if you dont rage from not kicking ass nonstop because you wont kickass everytime
every1 does blackout, its actually pretty fun if you dont rage from not kicking ass nonstop because you wont kickass everytime

That other dude who ever he is needs to shut up I want to hear more from Stipe.. but this goof isn't letting him talk.
"Stipe still makes time for video games"

20 viewers

Not bad for the son of immigrants
Someone just donated $5; glad to know Stipe is still making a good living after losing the belt.
I still cant understand why some people watch randoms playing video games......why not just play them yourself?
Was hoping this would be a Tim Syvlia livestream.
"Stipe is the definition of unmarketable"

~ Dana Pink
I still cant understand why some people watch randoms playing video games......why not just play them yourself?
That other dude who ever he is needs to shut up I want to hear more from Stipe.. but this goof isn't letting him talk.
yeah i wasnt sure if thats his buddy or some random he let join him from the stream. kid was tryna crack jokes and get reactions. like just shut up and play
I still cant understand why some people watch randoms playing video games......why not just play them yourself?
I find it relaxing to watch certain youtubers play games from my childhood, idk why but it just feels like a nice warm blanket of nostalgia, I'm talking purely retro games here btw, I would never waste my time watching some twat playing Fortnite or the latest Battlefield.