Media The Monkey King calls out The Carpenter: "Here's why me and Clay Guida should totally fight" says Jordan Leavitt

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Ofc this guy is calling out a 50 year old Guida… he can’t fight lol.

This is what’s become of the once prestigious UFC roster lol… paycheck jobbers fighting shopworn undersized 40something year olds. Guys like Paddy are making a career of it.

He is married (to a woman) and has a child. He's just secure in his masculinity.
I've always thought it was stupid that the o ly way you can be comfortable with your sexuality is to act gay. If someone doesn't want to act gay that somehow makes them uncomfortable with their sexuality ? How exactly ? You need to give what percentage of gay vibes to be a secure straight man ?
I've always thought it was stupid that the o ly way you can be comfortable with your sexuality is to act gay. If someone doesn't want to act gay that somehow makes them uncomfortable with their sexuality ? How exactly ? You need to give what percentage of gay vibes to be a secure straight man ?
And is he acting gay? Or is he acting like Jordan Leavitt?
Clay doesn't need to fight him. Clay should only fight Tony Ferguson.
Tony is just an easy win for anyone at this point. He shouldnt be in the UFC, and we shouldnt be seein two 40 yr olds fight each other in the UFC. Old should fight the young and hang if they can hang, or hang em up or go to a lesser org, if they cant.