Neither of you have responded to any questions or points. This series of moving goalposts goes nowhere. I honestly do not believe that either of you know anything relevant on this topic. Your posts speak to this.
1) The zionists will NEVER accept what I think you are referring to as the '48 borders. If you understood this topic at all, you would know this.
2) Once you start talking about the '67 borders, you must keep in mind a couple things. There is no contiguous Palestine, for one, and we are talking transferring occupied land seized in war. Not only is that in itself clearly illegal under all known international law, it's beyond that as it is known as what we call a 'War Crime' and the regime responsible would need to be tried at the Hague for example, where the world could conduct something similar to the Nuremberg trials. Nuremberg, coincidentally, is where much of the international law in this area comes from.
3) It is not a choice between a 'Jewish state' and the state being obliterated and all land be given to the Arabs... that's just stupid and further illustrates how lost you are on this topic.
Your post comes from a script. It is known as 'hasbara.' Israel spends a fortune on creating an image for the world that has nothing to do with reality and tries to make herself seem like the poor, innocent victim, when nothing could be further from the truth.
That whole thing is based on the false notion and the early zionist mantra of
"a land without a people for a people without a land." Beyond that, it is abhorrent to deny the existence of these people, mostly Arab-Muslims, some Arab-Christians and even a small group of Arab-Jews.
If you honestly believe that Palestine never existed and these people are an Arab talking point, then you are crazy. Go read the TREATY OF PEACE WITH TURKEY SIGNED AT LAUSANNE which was signed on July 24,
1923. For reference, he document is more commonly called "the Treaty of Lausanne" And then go read the Palestinian citizenship order in council of
1925. The dates are important.
And if you're not a reader, which I'm sensing, but still care to understand how wrong your contention truly is, then take a few minutes and check this out: