THE LOW KICK! What is it?


Dec 23, 2008
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Ok, I'm here to discuss the low kick.


What makes a strong low kick? Is it something you're born with, like KO punching ability?
I do Muay Thai, I notice some guys kick hard as hell, and guys bigger than them kick like girls...
So I'm curious as to what it is that make a person kick so hard?

For MMA example, a huge guys like Brock or Carwin probably can't kick for shit (low kick) and a way smaller guys like Pedro Rizzo probably kick like 2x harder.

Another question, would you rather be a hard puncher or a hard kicker? :icon_surp
Ok, I'm here to discuss the low kick.


What makes a strong low kick? Is it something you're born with, like KO punching ability?
I do Muay Thai, I notice some guys kick hard as hell, and guys bigger than them kick like girls...
So I'm curious as to what it is that make a person kick so hard?

For MMA example, a huge guys like Brock or Carwin probably can't kick for shit (low kick) and a way smaller guys like Pedro Rizzo probably kick like 2x harder.

Another question, would you rather be a hard puncher or a hard kicker? :icon_surp

I think it is technique. But I know guys my size that kick weak and have held pads for middleweights that kicked like mules. I am a hard low kicker. I kick way harder (relatively) than I punch. I think wether or not being a hard puncher or kicker depends on sport? In Muay thai they score more on kicks than punches. MMA puncher. K-1 probably rather be a harder puncher than low kicker???
There are a few reasons why it is powerfull. Alot of power comes from the whip in your legs and your ability to roll your hip into it. Also you are hitting with a bone which is like a baseball bat. Your hand is not the same bone structure when you punch.

Also your legs are more powerfull on a lower kick as your do not lose power trying to go high and stretch your legs.
Ok, I'm here to discuss the low kick.


What makes a strong low kick? Is it something you're born with, like KO punching ability?
I do Muay Thai, I notice some guys kick hard as hell, and guys bigger than them kick like girls...
So I'm curious as to what it is that make a person kick so hard?

For MMA example, a huge guys like Brock or Carwin probably can't kick for shit (low kick) and a way smaller guys like Pedro Rizzo probably kick like 2x harder.

Another question, would you rather be a hard puncher or a hard kicker? :icon_surp

This is one of those threads that can be argued to death! probably has at one point!

Either way, what makes a person kick hard is relatively simple : GOOD TECHNIQUE!

same reason Tiger Woods hits his drive consistently farther than a lot of guys far larger than him!

Combined with technique is: Flexibility (greater range of motion), Strength in motion Vs Static strength (Olympic vs power lifting). But technique has to come first, then is supplemented by other factors as noted.

"Another question, would you rather be a hard puncher or a hard kicker? " = in muay thai a harder kicker, in boxing a harder puncher, in MMA a better wrestler! Hard punchers and kickers dont hit so hard on their back and anyone can learn to punch down on a guy on his back!
Some people kick with their legs.
Other kick with their whole body.
I'd rather have both...:icon_twis
but if I had to choose... hhmm.. I'd pick hard punches over hard kicks... hands are naturally faster than kicks.. so while you could kick hard.. landing those kicks is another story...

I would say I kick pretty hard for my weight class... but only because I'm pretty tall and lanky for my weight.. I'm 6' but I fight at 145 (155-160 walking) so I kick hard because of the distance of the arc in my kick... not from my muscles per say... anyone know what I'm saying..?

I would say its prob easier to learn how to kick hard than it is to punch hard... like KK says.. I think some people are born with power in their hands, and the same with kicking too... but I also think you can teach some people hwo to punch and kick harder to become KO artist... and most others will never "get it" no matter how long they try...
Low kicks I love em.
They kinda do what body punches do in MMA.
You won't score a lot of points for them but they're an investment for the 3rd Round on.
I think they're under utilized in MMA.

Like Terry Silva taught Daniel Son,"A Man Can't Stand He Can't Fight!"
In my first MMA match, I tore my opponent's MCL with a lowkick. I lost my second MMA match. I didn't lowkick at all.
In my third MMA match, my opponent limped home with me getting victiory. A few things I'll add based on my experience:
You have to go into a good lowkick with gusto. It can't be a namby pamby "this is going to set up a jab" lowkick, its gotta be a "I am going to cut your fucking leg off at the knee" lowkick.
Comboing off a lowkick, such as leg inside low kick 1-2 is tits, and you'd do well to learn how to do it.
Never, ever, ever throw a naked low kick. Always cover it with a punch. I've only been dropped to a knee with strikes once in a fight, and it was when I didn't hide a lowkick with a punch.

if you've seen happy gilmore, then you already know, It's all in the hips. In that gif you posted, alves opens up his hips to an optimal degree with his first step by stepping out and pointing his toes out. he uses this to whip his right leg around. When I jump rope before MT practice, I practice pointing my toes out as far as possible with the foot coming forward, alternating as I jump. this helps loosen my hips and get in the habit of turning my toes out when i step to kick.
Since the subject is lowkicks, this is somewhat relevant. I just learned this today, but has anybody else here countered a jab with a low kick to their front leg? The reason behind this is because all their weight is on the front leg, and you can knock it out from under them, but at worst, that badboy ain't moving, so you can really hit it deep. While you may eat a jab in the process, it is possible to parry it and still score the kicks. Thoughts?
Since the subject is lowkicks, this is somewhat relevant. I just learned this today, but has anybody else here countered a jab with a low kick to their front leg? The reason behind this is because all their weight is on the front leg, and you can knock it out from under them, but at worst, that badboy ain't moving, so you can really hit it deep. While you may eat a jab in the process, it is possible to parry it and still score the kicks. Thoughts?

Yeah why not except that you don't even need to take the jab if you get the timing right on it. You can hit that front leg as soon as they put their weight down on it even before they get that jab off. Very effective against a boxer type. I know it happened to me in one of my MT matches. Very frustrating and I learnt a valuable lesson that day.
Proper technique and good flexibility. My instructor once told me when I asked about low kicks: "Once you can kick high and hard, kicking low becomes easy."
ianthegreat - I think I told that dude Ryan to do that in his street fight with gloves/sparring session (fighting advice thread). Works with most punches if your opponent isn't really experienced. People tend to punch and kick rather than attack and defend so chances are that your opponent will be focusing on his punches and not where his weight is and where his legs are - it will take a few leg kicks for him to realise what you are doing, but no guarantee he won't keep getting caught with it!
What is it ? in the .gif it's a Kick boxing technique. It looks mad but it's a slap kick... will still hurt like a bitch.

In Muay Thai we keep our legs straight and swing our body.
what makes a person kick hard is relatively simple : GOOD TECHNIQUE!

same reason Tiger Woods hits his drive consistently farther than a lot of guys far larger than him!
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In my first MMA match, I tore my opponent's MCL with a lowkick. I lost my second MMA match. I didn't lowkick at all.
In my third MMA match, my opponent limped home with me getting victiory. A few things I'll add based on my experience:
You have to go into a good lowkick with gusto. It can't be a namby pamby "this is going to set up a jab" lowkick, its gotta be a "I am going to cut your fucking leg off at the knee" lowkick.
Comboing off a lowkick, such as leg inside low kick 1-2 is tits, and you'd do well to learn how to do it.
Never, ever, ever throw a naked low kick. Always cover it with a punch. I've only been dropped to a knee with strikes once in a fight, and it was when I didn't hide a lowkick with a punch.


"its gotta be a "I am going to cut your fucking leg off at the knee"

If you have an opponent sitting on punches for you, you have to think like that. See each kick shattering his femur. It is a world of difference. Be very specific when you throw that kick. Break something with it.
Putting your body and weight behind it makes it a hard kick, that plus landing it on the very sensitive thigh area makes for a very effective move.

I'd rather be a harder puncher because most knockouts come from punches.
Since the subject is lowkicks, this is somewhat relevant. I just learned this today, but has anybody else here countered a jab with a low kick to their front leg? The reason behind this is because all their weight is on the front leg, and you can knock it out from under them, but at worst, that badboy ain't moving, so you can really hit it deep. While you may eat a jab in the process, it is possible to parry it and still score the kicks. Thoughts?

Yes. I love doing this.

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