The Lack Of Formal Training

Marvin Covar

Amateur Fighter
Mar 4, 2005
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I've been noticing a lot of threads these days about people purchasing heavy bags and what not. A lot of people have been asking for a lot of pointers, so here is my ultimate advice for those who have just purchased punching bags... this is guaranteed to work one hundred percent of the time. get some formal training. guaranteed, you will learn something if not a whole lot. just my two cents.
Exactley you cannot expect to become a great striker with no real training. Sure you may be able to hit hard on a bag that dosent hit back but when the target starts to move or hit back thats when the real "formal" training comes into play
no doubt, thats why techniques such as muai thai and boxing go over well in the world of MMA and on the street because these guys are natural fighters who hit and get hit back, its like anything else whether it be a basketball player or a nurse you need to experience it hands on in a real live setting to be the best, shooting jumpshots in your back yard or learning theory in a class room is all well and good but you need practical experience to become a true proffesional.
on the other side, i rally think that in a safe mode, having a heavy bag in home to punch is a good therapy but yes, you never should think that because you punch it, you're a striker..
legshot420 said:
I've been noticing a lot of threads these days about people purchasing heavy bags and what not. A lot of people have been asking for a lot of pointers, so here is my ultimate advice for those who have just purchased punching bags... this is guaranteed to work one hundred percent of the time. get some formal training. guaranteed, you will learn something if not a whole lot. just my two cents.

While I agree that formal training is best, some people are in a position where they cannot attend formal training right away. I'm guessing that maybe some of these people are planning on doing formal training in the near future and want to prepare themselves a little. This is the position I was in a while back...I knew it would be a few months before I could train, so instead of sitting around I got some equipment and trained the best I could by myself when I could. So if you can train formally then do it, if not then train yourself as best you can :wink:
In my humble opinion, going at it without formal training may be worse than sitting on your ass at home, because you will develop bad habits that will be hard to break.

Instead of purchasing a heavy bag and larnin' yerself bad, I would suggest doing massive conditioning (run, burpee, Tabata, swim, lift, calisthenics up the wazoo) to get yourself in shape while you save up the $ to pay for training.
Yeah. At least go to the library and get a book on basic boxing. I don't fight or train anymore, but I hit the bag to stay in shape, and it is good for that.