*** The Interwebz Most Hilarious Threads ***


Red Belt
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
I made this thread a couple of years back, but it disappeared when sherdog did the software switch, so I figured I'd make it again. I'm bringing the same two threads to the table that I brought in the original thread.

I also had the famous "Abandon Thread Caption" thread from sherdog listed, but I think that thread also vanished during the software switch, which is a shame. I always liked revisiting that one.

A dating website is beautifully infiltrated by a Microsoft Paint artist.

The Shed of Doom. A man documents his oriental landlord's abysmal attempt at constructing a woodshed. A bit of a long read, but absolutely worth it.
The Shed of Doom. A man documents his oriental landlord's abysmal attempt at constructing a woodshed. A bit of a long read, but absolutely worth it.


Perhaps the funniest thing I have ever read in my life is the Martins Cole/Anus Laptops Saga: http://postarchives.entensity.net/040105/scam.htm
(it's been difficult to find a full version of the thread still in existence...)

Nigerian tries to scam a guy who runs a computer shop, but the dude trolls the ever loving shit out of the Nigerian guy for months instead. Was legit in tears reading through that thread the first time


I don't remember the original forum, but the one on the page I'm linking was hilarious (this is just a collection of fucked up posts that includes this one. Strangely I got a link to the original thread on whatever forum I'd never heard of- while on a totally different forum. There was a thread on that forum that had me laughing my ass off as hard as this one - wish I remembered what about. Brings back memories, though.

This post is about a kid sniffing his sister's panties and ends with "I can't fucking breathe, I can't fucking think"