a) Hillary said she'd start a no-fly zone in Syria that would lead to war with Russia
b) Hillary puts global interests ahead of American interests
c) PC culture (that Hillary pushes) is pissing everybody off and threatening the 1st amendment
d) Hillary is anti-2nd amendment
e) Hillary committed crimes that would have gotten any regular government employee thrown in jail
f) Hillary has terrible judgement in who she surrounds herself with and how she handles state secrets
g) Hillary's immigration policies hurt minority job opportunities
h) Hillary's social policies hurt the American family unit
i) Hillary is a liar that will say anything to anybody if it helps her get her way
j) Hillary colluded with the media and cheated Bernie out of an honest run
k) Hillary is unhealthy and only appeared once a week (at best) over the course of the last year. Gave few pressers. Small infrequent rallies.
l) Hillary approved a sketchy uranium deal with Russia
m) Hillary's top aid Podesta is a weirdo and judging by his response to being hacked, a moron
n) Hillary was supported by a DNC that was rife with corruption and required four different speakers in one calendar year thanks to wikileaks
o) Hillary's campaign orchestrated various violent events at Trump rallies using pacs that violated campaign laws in order to make Trump look bad
p) Hillary is supported by the Banks, the Pharma industry, the Neocons, and every other modern public enemy
q) Hillary's supporters behaved like criminals, stealing Trump signs, smashing windows, and vandalizing property throughout the election (totally one-sided)
r) Hillary's campaign bus dumped human excrement all over Florida streets (helloooo 1.7% victory in FLA!)
s) Hillary's husband is certainly a sexual predator and possibly a serial rapist
t) Hillary lied about her intentions in Lybia, overthrew Gadaffi, then laughed about it.
u) Hillary tried to overthrow Syria so Qatar (CF donor) could build a pipeline to the EU
v) The Clinton Foundation is clearly a corrupt enterprise that accepts donations from terror-supporting nations
w) Hillary refuses to acknowledge radical Islamic terror as a legitimate issue, and instead demonizes those who are concerned
x) Hillary is a hypocrite for fighting against a border-wall with Mexico after helping her husband campaign for that very thing
y) Hillary tried to turn Pepe into a Nazi symbol
z) Hillary suggested using a drone to kill Assange
I could go on and on and on