The Good Lift - A life Philosophy



First of all, my deepest apologies for not contributing to the WR as of late. My punk ass got a job. Second of all, this may be better suited for the Berry but I don't like anyone there or really know them. If it gets moved, so be it.

Today I discovered a new life philosophy while working out at the gym. See, the thing is, my upper body is like a solid 7, maybe even an 8. But my lower body is definitely a 4 or even a 3. I got gimpy legs. So when I go to the gym, I do curls almost every day. I can do 3 sets 12 at 50lbs dumbbells. That's pretty good and I don't really see many guys doing more. It's my good lift.

And that's the thing -- you need one good lift, unless your a body builder or something. But for normal guys, you need one good lift.

Similarly, career-wise you need to be good at one thing, like really good. Something you are persistent with.

This may sound obvious, but the real heart of the matter is in finding a single thing and pursuing it or perfecting it until you're either unusually rewarded by it or unusually good at it.

So if you go out drinking and they have that ring game that everybody fucking sucks at, get really good at it. That's your thing.

And chase the good fuck, too.

I'm going to bed.

Is RIP back yet?
Curls are your good lift?


You might as well be telling the neckbeards in here that everything will be okay once they get really good at video games.
deep man, appreciated.
Yup....i feel you dude.

Bench is my one good lift ...

As for body weight exercises, pull ups and dips I'm king.

For a man my age, I can knock out more dips and pull ups than most of you young'uns
This is just amazing. So much potential... so easy...


I'll just leave it at this and be nice: congrats on the job!
Your one good lift should be squats.

That's the best lift to face the obstacles in life.
Curls are your good lift?


You might as well be telling the neckbeards in here that everything will be okay once they get really good at video games.

Lmfao @ your choice of a perfect gif here. Gold.
First of all, my deepest apologies for not contributing to the WR as of late. My punk ass got a job. Second of all, this may be better suited for the Berry but I don't like anyone there or really know them. If it gets moved, so be it.

Today I discovered a new life philosophy while working out at the gym. See, the thing is, my upper body is like a solid 7, maybe even an 8. But my lower body is definitely a 4 or even a 3. I got gimpy legs. So when I go to the gym, I do curls almost every day. I can do 3 sets 12 at 50lbs dumbbells. That's pretty good and I don't really see many guys doing more. It's my good lift.

And that's the thing -- you need one good lift, unless your a body builder or something. But for normal guys, you need one good lift.

Similarly, career-wise you need to be good at one thing, like really good. Something you are persistent with.

This may sound obvious, but the real heart of the matter is in finding a single thing and pursuing it or perfecting it until you're either unusually rewarded by it or unusually good at it.

So if you go out drinking and they have that ring game that everybody fucking sucks at, get really good at it. That's your thing.

And chase the good fuck, too.

I'm going to bed.

Is RIP back yet?
congrats on the job bro, im in the hunt too. i dont need a job but i figure i might as well get one. i havent had a real job in 10 years
I think the analogy can be a good life philosophy depending on application. For example, it works well as a career choice assuming your “biceps curls” is something you can make a living doing. Too many people try to force them selves into a career rather than assessing what they’re good at and what is marketable. It’s a good idea to find that thing and be the best at it, or at least the best you can be.

It’s a terrible philosophy for body building though. You need a well rounded workout plan man and never skip leg days bruh. And btw one year of Muay Thai did more for my legs than years of lifting. I still hit the weights but those workouts triggered growth. Also, you legs will grow with age.
Curls are an accessory movement. You don't have a good lift. You're a failure and no one likes you. You'll die alone.