The Godfather 1 & II vs Once Upon A Time In America


Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
We see plenty of Godfather vs Goodfella's(and the odd Starship Troopers) comparisons but what about this? I'm talking the longer directors cuts of Once Upon A Time as well not the butchered US edit.

To me its actually a more interesting one since I tend to think Once Upon A Time In America(OUATIA) in a lot of respects feels more similar to the Godfathers(and indeed Leone was originally offered it to adapt) when it comes to tone both with a lot of time spent on building highly atmospheric settings rather than the more quick-fire drama of Goodfellas.

As similar as they are in some respects though they seem totally different in others, on the face of it you'd say Leone is the pulpier director yet I tend to think the story of OUATIA is considerably less pulping than Puzio's novel that tends to dwell rather more on the specifics of mafia life. As much as I love his earlier career I think Leone really moves into a more challenging direction here and the strange mix of old Hollywood sensibilities and graphic violence/rape is something very unique, I'd guess maybe also something that puts many off although it never feels exploitive for me.

You could argue that the Godfather pt 2 is actually rather closer to OUATIA in style I spose with Pacino and Deniro giving more subtle performance similar to the latter in Leone's film and of course the prewar setting but perhaps mostly in the stronger focus on Micheal's own story.

I'd actually say the biggest edge OUATIA has is in terms of visuals and soundtrack. the Godfathers are great looking films but Leone I think crafts one of the best looking films ever made(often with a surprising modern eye when it comes to compositions) and that plus Morricone's soundtrack makes for probably the most effective feeling of regretful nostalgia I'v seen on film.
Once upon a time belongs up there with the
the Godfather 1&2 and Goodfellas but to be
honest with you it was longer than it needed to be.
Once upon a time belongs up there with the
the Godfather 1&2 and Goodfellas but to be
honest with you it was longer than it needed to be.

I think its really the nature of the film though, I mean you could tell the central story more quickly as they tried to do in the re edit but it wouldn't be nearly as effective without the building og atmosphere/drama, the specifics of the plot are IMHO secondary to that.
Godfather by whatever the fuck it wants.
4 hours is just too long for a film, imo.

I watched OUATIA and thought it was good, but never had a desire to go back and watch it.

Even though The Godfather films are overly long too, watching them never felt as much of a grind as OUATIA.
Minute for minute, Goodfellas crushes everything.

Not counting the Godfather 1 and 2, next in line for me is Donnie Brasco.
OUATIA is really underrated but it's not on the same level as the Godfather
This one was better

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Once Upon A Time In America is a really, really underrated film. Has one of the best soundtracks ever, too.

I wouldn't put it above the original Godfather but I'd rank it above the second Godfather and Goodfellas for sure.
Once Upon A Time In America>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Why are you doing this

Most people haven't even seen OUATIA, and even if they have, while it is certainly great, you're comparing it to the GOAT.

This is the most unfair competition since Khabib vs. Max Holloway
Why are you doing this

Most people haven't even seen OUATIA, and even if they have, while it is certainly great, you're comparing it to the GOAT.

This is the most unfair competition since Khabib vs. Max Holloway

Its not THAT obscure surely? seems to be getting some support as well although a "vs" thread can be more than just picking a favourite as I tried to set up in the opening post.
Its not THAT obscure surely? seems to be getting some support as well although a "vs" thread can be more than just picking a favourite as I tried to set up in the opening post.

It's kind of obscure, I think. The people who have seen it love it, but most people haven't seen it. A hidden gem of the genre.
It's kind of obscure, I think. The people who have seen it love it, but most people haven't seen it. A hidden gem of the genre.

Perhaps dependant somewhat on where you live? the extended cut was originally released in Europe were as the US got the butchered version so I wouldn't be supprised if its more popular in the former as a result.
Perhaps dependant somewhat on where you live? the extended cut was originally released in Europe were as the US got the butchered version so I wouldn't be supprised if its more popular in the former as a result.

Perhaps. Though in this age of the interwebz, people have no excuse. Everyone who loves the genre should check it out.
Perhaps. Though in this age of the interwebz, people have no excuse. Everyone who loves the genre should check it out.

Moreso just in terms of general reputation I spose as it never quite seemed to have a Blade Runner like "rediscovery" in the US.

Honestly I think the most supprising effective section of it is the one in the 20's with the child actors. You'd think that would give lesser performances but Jenniferr Connnery arguably out acts Elizabeth McGovern and none of the others are really a weak spot either.
Once Upon A Time In America is a really, really underrated film. Has one of the best soundtracks ever, too.

I wouldn't put it above the original Godfather but I'd rank it above the second Godfather and Goodfellas for sure.

It's really not underrated at all. It's also #69 on IMDb. It has very high ratings on all major movie sites.
I loved Goodfellas and recently watched the Godfather series for the first time. Need to watch this one.