The Failure of the American Dream

They won’t achieve elite status due to low intelligence. Menial labor and waiters are still needed in society, however.

Menial labor and waiters are still needed in society, however

For now.

If a job can be automated, replaced or gotten rid of, it will be (eventually).
People still have the OPPORTUNITY to be successful. However, many (most?) seem to have lost the work ethic to get there, make terrible decisions along the way that they don’t take responsibility for and then blame the system instead of themselves when they don’t meet their own unrealistic expectations.
What people want is guaranteed success. Guess what...death and taxes.

Nailed it.
Of course they won't obtain power because they are useful idiots. They will be ran over by the communists and sent to gulag.

The sooner you embrace patriotism and freedom, the sooner you can snuff out the communist takeover.

Lol @ murrcans.
You guys see a communist takeover when in fact what is happening is the beginning of the decadent phase of your full blown capitalist corporate glory hole.
Communism is dead but you guys are going to need more State because the free market is not going to help your country anymore.
It's alive and well, it was just hiding in the shadows this whole time injecting schools with Marxist subversion and preying on capitalist greed. China has seized the means of production!

The means of production certainly have shifted towards China and it certainly results from corporate greed but nobody "seized" shit. It's the West that outsourced it's production, essentially.

I've seen so many people in my life succeed. In all areas. They all work hard and don't make excuses. I knew a guy who grew up in a trailer, and because of hard work he owns like 15 different Taco Bell restaurants and fucking kills it. His first job was at a Taco Bell when he got his driver's license.

I know another guy who started with nothing and has worked his way into owning over 40 rental houses.

People act like there is no opportunity when there is more opportunity in the US than anywhere else in the world.
The american dream is the money dream. A bigger house, bigger car, bigger tv, bigger fridge dream. It’s money. Period. That’s why 90 percent of people who migrate to the us of a come from shithole countries running away from extreme poverty. Usa is a good country, one of best. If you work hard and you are remotely wise with your money you can be wealthy, even if you are broke as i write. Hell, ive met illegal aliens who are rich lol. That said, it is not a perfect country. No country is perfect. The “ x country is the best in the world” is a croc of shit.

In the us the work/ leisure balance is pretty bad, lots of depression and anxiety in their people and treated with drugs that make things worse, it’s a very unhappy country according to data, health system is beyond terrible, obesity and diabetes are rampant, police is brutal and if you are a man may god protect you from a crazy bitch cause the law won’t be on your side. Look at how many us born people destroy their monuments and burn their flag for fucks sake. That’s self hate right there. I am cuban/ peruvian and as pisspoor as my countries are i have NEVER seen a cuban or a peruvian burning their flag. Even the poorest guy out there puts the flag on top of their old, crumbling house.
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While thinking about the many root causes of what's going on, and how those causes intersect, I came across this tweet.

And I can't help but agree.

From birth, the messaging is "You can do anything you want." "You can be anything you want."

But the truth is, that's not true, even for the cream of the crop of people. And as social mobility keeps decreasing, and income inequality keeps increasing, the gap between what people are told by society versus actual reality will continue to increase.

Even though I disagree with the hyperemotional reaction that's going on throughout the country, I understand it and empathize with it.

Imagine taking out a 6-figure loan for the promise of a 5-figure job, only to end up working at Starbucks. And if you do ever get your promised job... it'll probably be automated away within 20 years.

People of all races are hurting. Having lived in NYC and redneck Ohio... the issues were the same. Lack of opportunity. Hopelessness. Of course people turn to anger and drugs.

1) So what do you all think?
2) Any solutions in mind? I have a few (not my own, but stated by people much smarter than me)

@panamaican This seems like a topic you'd be good and nuanced with

I think there's a lot of truth to that generally but not with respect to the protested issues.

The protested issues surrounding race aren't about being promised elite status and finding out that the promise is an illusion. The protested issues are about being promised basic human and civil rights and finding out that promise isn't just an illusion but that people genuinely will obstruct that promise being achieved.

Everything is hard enough, for everyone, without the secondary burden of systemic race related obstacles.

As for the general issue. Yeah, a lot of people have been told that hard work and smarts will get them to the top. Now they take a look at the data and their lives and see that it isn't true. A large part of that aspiration related. People aren't aspiring to sustainable life styles anymore. They're aspiring to be rock stars.

They're not aspiring to being able to support their family and save a little every month. They're aspiring to 6 figure incomes and 7 figure retirement accounts. Of course, it's great to dream big. But those dreams have morphed into demands and expectations.

To tie it back to the race issues, it's easy to empathize with those who say "What are they complaining about? I'm not black and my life is fucking difficult too." But what those people forget is the oft repeated and very true maxim "As bad as it seem, it can always be worse.:(."

Still, yeah, inflated expectations based on inflated senses ability is driving a lot of general unrest. I just think the protested issues aren't that. They're arguing for a much more basic set of expectations,
The american dream is the money dream. A bigger house, bigger car, bigger tv, bigger fridge dream. It’s money. Period. That’s why 90 percent of people who migrate to the us of a come from shithole countries running away from extreme poverty. Usa is a good country, one of best. If you work hard and you are remotely wise with your money you can be wealthy, even if you are broke as i write. Hell, ive met illegal aliens who are rich lol. That said, it is not a perfect country. No country is perfect. The “ x country is the best in the world” is a croc of shit.

In the us the work/ leisure balance is pretty bad, lots of depression and anxiety in their people and treated with drugs that make things worse, it’s a very unhappy country according to data, health system is beyond terrible, obesity and diabetes are rampant, police is brutal and if you are a man may god protect you from a crazy bitch cause the law won’t be on your side. Look at how many us born people destroy their monuments and burn their flag for fucks sake. That’s self hate right there. I am cuban/ peruvian and as pisspoor as my countries are i have NEVER seen a cuban or a peruvian burning their flag. Even the poorest guy out there puts the flag on top of their old, crumbling house.

Those who burn flags are less than 0.1% of the population.

I used to blame media and social media for the current ills of the country, but I realized its parenting. "Real" American parents (white, suburban or rural, Northwest Euro background or mutt, generational etc) - many of them live like absolute slobs and have no self respect and thus no parenting skills. And I'm not talking about rednecks. I bought a house in suburban Boston from a "real" American family, who made 150-180K combined. Middle class, white. I spent a month cleaning that place because it was so disgusting. They never cooked, had dogs piss all over the stinky carpet. Spent the next few years fixing that place, from improperly wired outlets to leaky roof. They just didn't care about fixing it. Saw their kids - out of shape disrespectful slobs. Why would it be surprising that those people would raise such children? Now, you'd tell me it wouldn't be extremely easy to brainwash them to participate in some blm protest, smash monuments or do some other such nonsense?
You don't consider globalization and the failure of the education system as some of the causes of the discontent brewing in America? (Which, in my experience, has been brewing for decades)

You don't consider Trump's victory essentially a middle-finger to the establishment by the average conservative/rural blue-collar worker? Just because one is an illegal act and the other is legal, doesn't mean that they can't both be forms of rebellion.

Gonna copy/paste again my post about how I actually believe this is the best time to be alive in all of history.

This can be the best time ever for some and a dangerous, bleak time for most. Things are never that black/white or that simple.

I consider our educational system horrendous. And I consider globalization treason. However that's nothing new. According to your opening paragraph, you are trying to find a reason for "what's going on". What do you mean by that? What trends, behaviors, actions, changes are going on in the world that you are trying to get to the bottom of?

Trumps election might be considered a middle finger but to say his voters were revolting is ridiculous....especially when you are equating it to an actual insurrection and destruction of major cities. He spoke about issues important to the right that have long been forgotten. Border security and a turn away from globalization.

Dangerous and bleak time for MOST? MOST? Could you explain that?
What would you say makes social mobility easier in Scandinavia? I'm assuming you're from there, right?
I'm sure there are lots of articles on the subject.

But imo some important factors are

Higher education at the best schools being accessible through merit not money.
Healthcare costs don't break the bank.
Livable minimum wage/low skill entry job opportunities.
Worker rights for low skilled workers.
The job parts leave ekstra time for education because you don't have to work 25 jobs to support your family.
The security of a functioning safety net.
Capitalism is built on the backs of others. The have nots are coming for the rich, probably going to eat them. The zombie apocalypse is just a metaphor for the starving masses.
It is so hard now, but a lot of it is self-inflicted pain! I have no doubt things were better “back in the day”, but today it’s nuts how like most of my friends in their 30s get married right, and both they and their spouse have 100k in student loan debt. They want to buy a house and it’s super difficult because they INSISTED on spending 50k on a wedding, and they are obsessed with fine dining. So, you have all these couple who make decent money but don’t own a home or car and have 300k in debt. Meanwhile, my father in law is 60 with two homes he owns outright and multiple cars and boats. The man lives in bumble fuc* and will eat a pb&j sandwich for dinner on a Saturday night. He doesn’t drink wine and scotch, he wears old jeans from Levi’s and doesn’t dress up like he’s going someplace fancy for no reason. All my buddies who are riddled in debt are just crushing themselves by tipping 25% at Michelin rated restaurants and wearing allen Edmonds shoes and traveling while they literally owe hundreds of thousands in debt and have zero investments! It’s nuts!

“My pain is self chosen”
This is likely an encouraging move. As the article mentions some companies have moved away from the requirement of a college degree to instead skills being required to obtain a job.

Appears the government is heading in a similar direction. Imagine this will help with the debt problem of college degrees.

Trump to overhaul federal hiring to make skills priority over college education
The American Dream is a 20th century concept to sell dishwashers and pay for wars.