The Diet Log of a Wanna-Be Mixed Martial Artist


The Wayne

The title says it all. I'm gonna start with a little background about myself and the situation I've gotten myself into before starting the log proper. This might be a bit of a doozy, so reader be warned.

So, I've pretty much been the fat guy since I was 10 or so. I don't really know how it happened for sure, or the precise moment in which I became said fat guy, but I pinpoint that age because I distinctly remember it was 5th grade in which one of my classmates declared, "Your pants are too tight, and your shirts are too small. I don't like looking at you." So at that moment, I realized I was most definitely fat.

Rather than do anything about it, I chose to continue eating horribly. I would like to blame my parents for not controlling my diet better, but c'mon, even at 10 I still had pangs of guilt when I shoveled that second double cheeseburger down my gullet.

I was always heavily involved in sports, which again causes me to look back at my diet and realize had I just cleaned things up a bit, I would not be killing myself now to get down to where I need to be. I remember during football season my mom literally doubled everything she made for dinner, because I would eat the same as the rest of my family combined.

So I stayed involved in sports, but ate like trash, and doubled my food intake during sports. I got involved in traditional martial arts (Kenpo) when I was 8, and it stayed that way until I was 15. Unfortunately, by this time I realized my parents couldn't make me do anything, and I was entirely too interested in video games and junk food to get off the computer chair, go across town for an hour and punch people in the face (at this point I was much more heavily involved in kickboxing than in Kenpo itself). So my parents, happy to save the $60 a month on my classes, let me quit. I ballooned from 5'5", 185 pounds to 5" 6", 210 pounds over the summer. The only good thing that happened when I put on all that weight was my discovery of weightlifting. I actually enjoyed lifting in my spare time, so while I put on another 40 pounds, thankfully it was 30 pounds of muscle. But the fat wasn't going anywhere.

I got involved in wrestling when I was 16, my junior year. For over a year, I had done nothing but lift weights, eat, and play video games. I walked into the practice room halfway into the season weighing 256 pounds. At the end of the season, I walked out weighing 220 and feeling great. My cardio was complete garbage still, but had improved noticeably. Again, I still ate complete trash and still managed to lose almost 40 pounds in a few months. I still kick myself, seeing as this and my senior year were literally my last chances to improve my health and weight issues while I still had the benefits of being a teenager.

Senior year, I started wrestling early. I went to the twice-a-week pre-season practices, but during the offseason I got sloppy, back up to 245. I found myself sitting at about 225 after the first month of practice, and again continued eating garbage. I was a 225 pound heavyweight getting demolished by guys five inches taller and 30 pounds heavier. I still managed to place second in the district, and go on to the state tournament where I went 0-2 and found myself at the end of my high school athletic career. I weighed 212 pounds that morning, meaning had I cleaned things up a bit, I would have been wrestling one weight division down, where I would have been a dominant force rather than an easy win. I finished my senior year with a 7-19 record, and several pats on the back just for finishing the season when nobody thought i would.

From graduation (age 17) up until I was 23, I fell in love with MMA. I kept telling myself and everyone who would listen how I was going to dedicate myself to losing weight, getting in shape, and training. I kept telling them these things while smoking a pack a day, drinking a gallon a week, and my standard meal at a fast food joint costing about $6, meaning I would put down 6 items from a dollar menu. Pretty much 3 times a day 7 days a week.

I bought a scale on a whim one day when I was 24. I brought it home to my fiance, and we put the batteries in and I stepped on. I stared at the result for several moments, even getting back on three times to make sure it wasn't lying to me. It kept saying the same thing: 269.9. I didn't realize I had let myself go that badly.

I spent the next year trying every fad diet that I could afford on my meager $15,000 a year salary. Diet pills, shakes, whatever I could buy that someone would give a good review to, I bought. Over that year, I managed to creep down to 246, but I was stuck there. I got down to 241 for about a day, but never lower.

My fiance got me started on an online food-tracking program (I won't name specifics here because I don't want to seem like I'm making shameless plugs). I was very poo-poo about it at first, telling her if she got results, I'd join afterward. She lost 12 pounds in the first three weeks, and was never hungry. I was sold. I joined up in May of 2011, weighing 244.5 pounds. As of this writing, I am hovering between 215-217 on a daily basis, no longer subscribed to said online resource, and looking for something else to keep tabs on myself. Which brings me here.

I figure if I keep a diet log on a forum used by hundreds (if not thousands) of people on a daily basis, it'll keep me a bit more honest about what I'm putting into my body. I'm 26 now. The clock is against me. I genuinely want to get in good enough shape just to start training for MMA. I know there's a lot more to it than just being in good shape, but that seems like a good place to start. So, without further ado, here's day 1 of my diet log. Feel free to comment as anyone sees fit, but if there are none, no biggie. I'm mainly doing this to keep tabs on myself, but feedback will always be appreciated.

Morning: (9:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
40 oz water
1 serving almonds
1 serving teriyaki jerky
1 apple
1 banana

Afternoon (12:45 PM to 3:00 PM)
40 oz water
1 serving teriyaki jerky
1 can of tuna, with 1 tsp of mayo and pickle juice for flavor
1/2 pickle
1 whole carrot

Evening (5:00 PM to 6:30 PM)
2 skinless chicken breasts
1 yam, baked, without skin
1 oz baby carrots
3 egg (1 whole, 2 whites) scramble with diced ham

Snacks throughout the night
I've got the rest of a bag of jerky, some more baby carrots and some water with my name on it.
Day One

Weight in AM: 214.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 180 pounds (34.8 pounds to go)

Morning (10:15 AM to 10:30 AM)
1 banana
2 egg scramble with 1 oz ham
1/2 oz teryaki beef jerky
20 oz water
Multivitamin/energy supplement

Afternoon (1:00 PM)
1 oz teriyaki beef jerky
1 can tuna, 1/2 tsp mayo, jalapeno juice for flavor

Evening (5:00 PM)
1 apple
2 Skinless chicken breasts

Evening, the sequel (8:45 PM)
1 cup mashed potatoes
2 Porkchops, lightly breaded in panko and pan fried
1 cup steamed cauliflower
About 1/4 cup gravy over everything, and about 1/2 oz cheese on the potatoes and cauliflower

Snacks for tonight
More baby carrots, and more jerky, possibly some broccoli later. Yum!

Notes: That last meal in the evening is probably going to be my undoing. I'm trying to avoid all refined carbs, but...damn I just can't resist panko-breaded meats. And gravy isn't exactly a great option, but I hate cauliflower with a passion, so I needed something to make it taste better. I was only able to do a 30 minute workout (well, 20 minutes of stretching, 30 minutes of working out) this morning, so I'm not super happy about my sleep schedule right now. Gotta get that fixed. But 214.8 this morning was pretty pleasant to wake up to, as I've been stuck at that stupid 215 mark for several days now. Tomorrow is a new day though!
Day Three, actually. I have no idea why I called Day Two Day One, but...anyway.

Weight in AM: 214.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 180 lbs

Morning (11:30 AM)
1/2 bag of teriyaki jerky
20 oz water
Multivitamin/Vitamin C supplements

Afternoon (3:00 PM)
Noodle Express chicken osaka bowl, with no rice or noodles, extra veggies (so effing good it hurts)
Veggie Eggroll (Yeah, I know, good)
20 oz diet coke
10 oz water

Evening (6:00 PM)
Chicken stir fry (tons of broccoli and snap peas in there, plus the regular fixins)
20 oz water

Workout (8:10-9:15)
20 oz water

PWO Meal (as I type this, a couple minutes before 10 PM)
1 oz teriyaki jerky
1 oz lightly salted almonds
20 oz water

Notes: Pretty solid 45 minutes of cardio today, if I do say so myself. There's only so much a guy can do in the spare room, so I'm gonna check out a gym tomorrow. For the first time ever, I'm actually having a hard time maintaining an appetite...I used to have no issues shoveling down food, but now I find myself struggling to eat some meals, even though I know I need to. Very weird. Very weird indeed. Other than that, I feel freaking fantastic. I've got more energy than I used to, just from some simple (okay, not super simple, but not horrific) changes to my eating habits. Also, I'm looking further into a school to get involved with. I think I might start with a BJJ class to begin with, and see where I go from there...any thoughts on this? If I want to get into MMA, should I just jump in full-steam ahead, or would taking some BJJ classes for a while, then gradually integrating the full MMA training regimen be an acceptable course of action? I know time isn't on my side, as I'm 26 right now, but I'd rather do it right than get in way over my head.
Day Four
Weight in AM: 213.2 lbs
Goal weight: 180 lbs

Morning (10:30 AM)
4 Turkey Sausage links
3 Scrambled Eggs
20 oz water
Multivitamin/vitamin C supplement

Afternoon (2:30 PM)
Stir fry from Mongolian BBQ (broccoli, celery, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, carrots, cabbage, beef, soy base sauces)
40 oz water

Late-afternoon (4:45 PM)
The rest of my stir fry

Evening (7:00 PM)
2 mozzerella sticks
1 chicken strip
2 Chicken wraps (6' flour tortilla, piece of grilled chicken in buffalo sauce, shredded cheese, lettuce, 1 tsp ranch)
3 Onion rings
About 10 tortilla chips
Probably about 1 tbsp total ranch
16 oz water

The rest of the night
Gonna rock some jerky for the rest of the night, maybe a few almonds if I find my stomach growling too hard, and a ton more water

Notes: Alright, that evening meal was a trip to a diner with my friends. I gotta figure that out, they're gonna derail me faster than anything else. I was once again happy with my morning weight, and unhappy that I was unable to squeeze in a workout today, but it is the day before a holiday.

And to mnlax13, thanks for the suggestions! I will definitely try to implement those into my repertoire, as it were. Now, is the no carbs after 5 PM a universal rule, even for people like myself who have a pretty skewed sleeping schedule? I typically go to bed around 2 and get up around 10, which seems to set me a couple hours off schedule-wise. And I do try my hardest to stick to raw almonds, but these ones are so much more delicious :icon_chee

And I actually went out and bought lower-fat mayo made with olive oil to replace the regular mayo, so hopefully that works out in the long run. I know condiments aren't really necessary, but I would like to not have to eliminate them completely.
The title says it all. I'm gonna start with a little background about myself and the situation I've gotten myself into before starting the log proper. This might be a bit of a doozy, so reader be warned.

So, I've pretty much been the fat guy since I was 10 or so. I don't really know how it happened for sure, or the precise moment in which I became said fat guy, but I pinpoint that age because I distinctly remember it was 5th grade in which one of my classmates declared, "Your pants are too tight, and your shirts are too small. I don't like looking at you." So at that moment, I realized I was most definitely fat.

Rather than do anything about it, I chose to continue eating horribly. I would like to blame my parents for not controlling my diet better, but c'mon, even at 10 I still had pangs of guilt when I shoveled that second double cheeseburger down my gullet.

I was always heavily involved in sports, which again causes me to look back at my diet and realize had I just cleaned things up a bit, I would not be killing myself now to get down to where I need to be. I remember during football season my mom literally doubled everything she made for dinner, because I would eat the same as the rest of my family combined.

So I stayed involved in sports, but ate like trash, and doubled my food intake during sports. I got involved in traditional martial arts (Kenpo) when I was 8, and it stayed that way until I was 15. Unfortunately, by this time I realized my parents couldn't make me do anything, and I was entirely too interested in video games and junk food to get off the computer chair, go across town for an hour and punch people in the face (at this point I was much more heavily involved in kickboxing than in Kenpo itself). So my parents, happy to save the $60 a month on my classes, let me quit. I ballooned from 5'5", 185 pounds to 5" 6", 210 pounds over the summer. The only good thing that happened when I put on all that weight was my discovery of weightlifting. I actually enjoyed lifting in my spare time, so while I put on another 40 pounds, thankfully it was 30 pounds of muscle. But the fat wasn't going anywhere.

I got involved in wrestling when I was 16, my junior year. For over a year, I had done nothing but lift weights, eat, and play video games. I walked into the practice room halfway into the season weighing 256 pounds. At the end of the season, I walked out weighing 220 and feeling great. My cardio was complete garbage still, but had improved noticeably. Again, I still ate complete trash and still managed to lose almost 40 pounds in a few months. I still kick myself, seeing as this and my senior year were literally my last chances to improve my health and weight issues while I still had the benefits of being a teenager.

Senior year, I started wrestling early. I went to the twice-a-week pre-season practices, but during the offseason I got sloppy, back up to 245. I found myself sitting at about 225 after the first month of practice, and again continued eating garbage. I was a 225 pound heavyweight getting demolished by guys five inches taller and 30 pounds heavier. I still managed to place second in the district, and go on to the state tournament where I went 0-2 and found myself at the end of my high school athletic career. I weighed 212 pounds that morning, meaning had I cleaned things up a bit, I would have been wrestling one weight division down, where I would have been a dominant force rather than an easy win. I finished my senior year with a 7-19 record, and several pats on the back just for finishing the season when nobody thought i would.

From graduation (age 17) up until I was 23, I fell in love with MMA. I kept telling myself and everyone who would listen how I was going to dedicate myself to losing weight, getting in shape, and training. I kept telling them these things while smoking a pack a day, drinking a gallon a week, and my standard meal at a fast food joint costing about $6, meaning I would put down 6 items from a dollar menu. Pretty much 3 times a day 7 days a week.

I bought a scale on a whim one day when I was 24. I brought it home to my fiance, and we put the batteries in and I stepped on. I stared at the result for several moments, even getting back on three times to make sure it wasn't lying to me. It kept saying the same thing: 269.9. I didn't realize I had let myself go that badly.

I spent the next year trying every fad diet that I could afford on my meager $15,000 a year salary. Diet pills, shakes, whatever I could buy that someone would give a good review to, I bought. Over that year, I managed to creep down to 246, but I was stuck there. I got down to 241 for about a day, but never lower.

My fiance got me started on an online food-tracking program (I won't name specifics here because I don't want to seem like I'm making shameless plugs). I was very poo-poo about it at first, telling her if she got results, I'd join afterward. She lost 12 pounds in the first three weeks, and was never hungry. I was sold. I joined up in May of 2011, weighing 244.5 pounds. As of this writing, I am hovering between 215-217 on a daily basis, no longer subscribed to said online resource, and looking for something else to keep tabs on myself. Which brings me here.

I figure if I keep a diet log on a forum used by hundreds (if not thousands) of people on a daily basis, it'll keep me a bit more honest about what I'm putting into my body. I'm 26 now. The clock is against me. I genuinely want to get in good enough shape just to start training for MMA. I know there's a lot more to it than just being in good shape, but that seems like a good place to start. So, without further ado, here's day 1 of my diet log. Feel free to comment as anyone sees fit, but if there are none, no biggie. I'm mainly doing this to keep tabs on myself, but feedback will always be appreciated.

Morning: (9:00 AM to 11:00 AM)
40 oz water
1 serving almonds
1 serving teriyaki jerky
1 apple
1 banana

Afternoon (12:45 PM to 3:00 PM)
40 oz water
1 serving teriyaki jerky
1 can of tuna, with 1 tsp of mayo and pickle juice for flavor
1/2 pickle
1 whole carrot

Evening (5:00 PM to 6:30 PM)
2 skinless chicken breasts
1 yam, baked, without skin
1 oz baby carrots
3 egg (1 whole, 2 whites) scramble with diced ham

Snacks throughout the night
I've got the rest of a bag of jerky, some more baby carrots and some water with my name on it.

I would watch the salt content of the jerky
I would watch the salt content of the jerky

I will definitely be backing off the jerky, thank you for mentioning that. I've been looking at my sodium, and my levels are a bit higher than they should be, so I'm gonna try to find some other protein rich snack without the crazy sodium.

And, I'd update my diet log but it was Thanksgiving...sooooooo....back on track tomorrow! :icon_chee

Thanks to everyone for the replies and advice I've gotten!
Day Six
Weight in AM: 220.6 lbs (!)
Goal weight: 180 lbs

Morning (11:00 AM)
4 Slices bacon
2 eggs
1/2 cup hashbrowns (just cooked, no was kinda gnarly)
A buttload of Franks Red Hot Sauce
20 oz water

Afternoon Snack (2:55 PM)
1/2 serving almonds, lightly salted (yeah, I know...)
1/2 serving teriyaki jerky

Afternoon (3:45 PM)
Leftover stir fry (same stuff I had for dinner the other night, chicken, celery, snap peas, etc.)
40 oz water

Evening (6:00 PM)
Turkey and spinach salad (1/2 cup shredded turkey, mostly white meat, a handful of spinach, 1 tsp reduced-fat olive oil mayo, 1 tsp beau monde dressing)
1/2 head broccoli
1 1/2 stalks celery
20 oz water

Evening part 2 (9:00 PM)
1/2 serving teriyaki jerky
20 oz water

Nighttime snacks
1/2 head broccoli
1 1/2 stalk celery
1 tbs beau monde dressing
1/2 cup turkey
Probably in the neighborhood of 40 oz water

Notes: Yeah, I kinda went crazy on the carbs yesterday, so my body is desperately clinging on to every single one. But no worries there, I was 218 when I got on the scale at 10:45 PM, so already I'm burning up that stored crap. 10 hour shifts at work help when all 10 hours are spent on your feet. I went pretty light on the calories tonight overall, knowing I was going to be much, much heavier than my actual weight today. I figure once I stabilize back at around 214 or so, I can ratchet my diet back up to where it was. Unfortunately these long shifts at work are killing my workout times. Still gotta figure out a way to force that into my schedule.
Day Seven
Weight in AM: 214.8 lbs (muuuuuuuch better)
Goal weight: 180 lbs

Morning (11:00 AM)
4 Turkey Sausage links
1 egg
1 banana
1 apple
40 oz water

Workout (1:15-2:15 PM)
20 oz water
Protein drink w/ 2% milk

Afternoon (3:15 PM)
Tuna Salad (2 cans chunk light tuna, drained, 1 cup spinach, 1 celery stalk (diced), 1/2 pickle (diced), 1/2 tbsp reduced fat olive oil mayo)
1/2 Serving almonds, lightly salted
20 oz water

Evening (5:00 PM)
1/2 serving jerky
1 apple
1 banana
20 oz water

Evening (6:30 PM)
1/2 head broccoli
1 1/2 tbsp beau monde dressing
1 celery stalk
3 slices deli ham (I cut the celery in 3 pieces, spread beau monde over the ham, and wrapped it around the effing good)

Night (8:00 PM)
1/2 serving jerky
1 apple
20 oz water

More Night
1 skinless chicken breast
1/2 serving almonds
20 oz water

Notes: Yeah, I figured my weight would regulate itself pretty quick. I'm backing off the jerky, but its so darn quick and easy I can't keep myself away entirely. Tonight was probably the worst night ever for bad-food co-worker ordered pizza, buffalo wings and breadsticks, and I respectfully declined...then a customer ordered us a pizza, again I had to say "no", and yet another co-worker, misunderstanding my statement "I can't afford to eat Taco Bell right now" for I literally couldn't afford a $1 burrito, purchased me Taco Bell, which I then had to explain my diet and how I couldn't "afford" to stray by eating Taco Bell. Thankfully, the food did not go to waste, as there are plenty of hungry teenage little brothers and sisters between all of us.
Day Eight
Weight in AM: 212.8 lbs
Goal weight: 180 lbs

Morning (8:45 AM)
1 can of pears
1/2 oz jerky
1 apple
Multivitamin/energy supplement
30 oz water

Morning (10:00 AM)
1 serving mixed almonds (1/2 lightly salted, 1/2 wasabi flavor)
20 oz water

Afternoon (3:00 PM)
1 skinless chicken breast
1 skinless chicken thigh
1 Mixed fruit bowl (cantelope, honeydew melon, strawberries, kiwifruit, pineapple, watermelon)

Evening (6:00 PM)
3 egg and cheddar omlette
4 strips bacon
2 sausage patties
2 bites of toast, whole wheat, lightly buttered
20 oz water

Rest of the night
Probably nothing...maybe some more almonds, definitely more water, possibly a little more jerky.

Notes: I definitely felt the 5 hour meal break, but work got completely insane and I wasn't able to pack enough food ahead of time. That coupled with 4 hours of sleep made a pretty miserable few hours in my day. I liked my weight today, I'm slightly concerned with how rapidly I seem to be losing weight, but I feel better than ever, and who knows how much of my original weight was just "garbage weight" versus actual body weight. We'll see what happens in a couple more weeks, I might up my calories a bit if I keep shedding pounds this rapidly.
Day Nine

Weight in AM: 213.2 lbs
Goal weight: 180 lbs

Morning (11:00 AM)
2 eggs
2 slices ham
Multivitamin/vitamin C
40 oz water

Workout (12:00-1:15)

Post Workout (1:15)
Protein Bar (20g protein, and other stuff)
20 oz water

Afternoon (2:00)
1 can tuna with 1/2 tsp reduced calorie olive oil mayo
1 pickle
1 head broccoli
1 tbsp beau monde dressing
20 oz water

Afternoon (3:30 PM)
1 oz beef jerky
1 serving almonds (1/2 wasabi flavor, 1/2 lightly salted)

Evening (6:30 PM)
1 skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup mashed potatoes
1 small salad (mixed greens, 1 tsp light raspberry vinaigrette dressing)
20 oz water

Evening (9:00 PM)
1 oz beef jerky
20 oz water

Night (11:30 PM)
1 skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup mashed potatoes
20 oz water

Notes: My work schedule has been extremely messed up lately, so eating at 11:30 is always fun. I just hate going to bed starving to the point where the rumbling is actually keeping me up. I got in a pretty decent workout today which was nice. Let's see if I can chain two in a row!
who knows how much of my original weight was just "garbage weight" versus actual body weight. We'll see what happens in a couple more weeks, I might up my calories a bit if I keep shedding pounds this rapidly.

Go with how you look in the mirror, and how you can perform. The "garbage weight" vs "actual body weight" you're referring to would just be your body fat vs muscle mass.

When you're rather overweight (high body fat) and start dieting and training your body composition will often change rather rapidly, and this, FWIW, is far more important than the numbers.
Go with how you look in the mirror, and how you can perform. The "garbage weight" vs "actual body weight" you're referring to would just be your body fat vs muscle mass.

When you're rather overweight (high body fat) and start dieting and training your body composition will often change rather rapidly, and this, FWIW, is far more important than the numbers.

I guess what I really meant when I was referring to "garbage weight" was just excess water being retained/glycogen stored, that sort of thing...I know my excess amount of body fat is definitely garbage, but you are definitely right when saying that my body composition and performance are changing at an extremely rapid pace. I'm already able to work out longer and harder than even just a couple weeks ago before I started strictly limiting my carbohydrate intake and sticking to (mostly) whole nutritious foods. The scale says I've lost about 8 pounds since the day before I began, but I feel twenty pounds lighter, and stronger than before.

It's definitely nice :icon_chee
Day Ten
Weight in AM: 213.2 lbs
Goal: 180 lbs

Afternoon (12:00 PM)
3 eggs, over medium
7 slices of bacon (really thin slices, I got it at walmart)
Multivitamin/Vitamin C

Afternoon (2:30 PM)
1 low-carb Six-dollar burger, light on the condiments

Evening (5:00 PM)
1 serving jerky

Workout 7:15-8:45 PM
Biceps and back

Night (8:45 PM)
Protein bar (20g protein)

Night (9:30 PM)
Skinless chicken breast
Skinless chicken thigh
A bowl full of spinach with 1 tbsp light raspberry vinaigrette dressing
1/2 head broccoli
1/2 serving baby carrots
1 tsp beau monde

Night (1:00 AM)
1/2 serving jerky
A few almonds

Notes: I didn't mention my water intake today on a meal-by-meal basis, because it seems kind've pointless. I drink about a gallon of water every day, close to a gallon and a half when I do any sort of workout that gets me sweating. I didn't wake up until 11:30 AM, so eating at noon wasn't a big deal. I started lifting today, so we'll see how I feel in the morning, heh.
Day 11

Note: I'm not keeping track of weight daily seems pointless. The gains are negligible, and it winds up frustrating me more when I weigh .2 or .4 more than I did the day before, even though I know it's probably something stupid like I'm retaining water from all the damn jerky I eat. Goal weight is still tentatively 180 lbs, and I'll update my current weight every Monday from here on out.

Morning (11:00 AM)
2 eggs
2 chicken sausages
1 banana
Multivitamin/Vitamin C

Afternoon Snack (1:30 PM)
1 serving jerky
1 serving almonds (1/2 lightly salted, 1/2 wasabi)

Afternoon Snack 2 (4:00 PM)
1 serving jerky
1 apple

Evening (6:00 PM)
Definitely a cheat meal!
1 crunchy shell taco (1 tsp sour cream, ground beef, 1 tsp cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato, olive, Franks Red Hot Sauce)
2 Soft shell tacos (same as above, just soft instead of crunchy)
1 small plate of nachos (same as above, just 1 tbsp sour cream, a lot more cheese, and chips instead of a shell)

Workout (7:20 PM - 8:45 PM)
Chest and triceps, a little bit of ab work

PWO (8:45 PM)
Protein bar (210 cals, 19g protein)
1 banana

Rest of the night
Water, water, water, and possibly a can of tuna if I really start getting the munchies.

Notes: I love tacos, oh so very much, so I decided that's gonna be my cheat meal for the week. I decided to simplify the diet log, seeing as I'm mainly keeping it to keep myself honest. Keeping track of my weight on a day to day basis started out as encouraging, then frustrating, then I just realized with the help of comments left by immovablestone that the number on the scale doesn't matter a bit, as long as I look and feel good.

Next step, start jiu-jitsu class next week!
Day Twelve

Morning (10:00 AM)
Omlette (1 egg, 3 egg whites, olives, 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese, onions)
2 chicken sausages
1 banana

Afternoon (12:45 PM)
1 serving almonds
1/2 serving jerky

Afternoon (3:30 PM)
1 head broccoli
2 celery stalks
1 tbsp beau monde

Evening (9:00 PM)
Taco salad (ground taco beef, shredded lettuce, cheese, onion, Franks Red Hot Sauce)
Chicken stir fry (4 oz chicken, celery, broccoli, onions, sauteed in reduced sodium soy sauce)

Notes: I did kind of a piss poor job eating meals were sporadic, a couple of them weren't fantastic, and I spaced out my afternoon and evening meals entirely too far unfortunately. I did want to cut my calorie intake a little to get back on track after yesterday, so I think I accomplished that overall. I'm sore as hell from the gym the past 2 days, I think I dove headfirst back into lifting a little too quickly. But I'm definitely not injured, just extremely sore, so today was a good rest day, back to lifting tomorrow, and hopefully some cardio at some point during the day.
Days 13-14

Pretty much a wash the past couple of days. Things have gotten crazy, and while I've been able to find time to make it to the gym, sleep has been rare, work has been busy, and the food has been the definition of suck. I'm shooting to get back on track tomorrow, but the past two days, I haven't eaten anything even worth mentioning.