But some of his fans are just so fucking delusional that they see him as the best thing we've ever seen and will see. And sometimes, he's just as delusional himself to actually believe in some of the crazy shit he says, like when he claimed that Nate was "controlled" on the ground.
I see this all the time. Who cares what his fans think? You see this in politics too: "Id vote for Bernie/Trump/whatever but his supporters are dumb. Therefor I wont." It all reminds me of when I was 13 and a band would come out that would be underground/unknown and people would like them. Then they would get famous and 'dorks' would like them and then the 'cool kids' didn't want to associated with a product that other people, perceived to be unlike them, liked. It is embarrassing/cringe beyond belief when you are adult and look back on this type of thinking. More 'losers' and 'idiots' are fans of oxygen and water than all the commodities put together, yet we dont judge/like/dislike those products by those that like them right? We can't judge a product by those that also like it. Everyone is different and it is a major flaw to pigeon hole millions of people together b one or two sentences you read on the internet.
RE Conor haters: As far as I see it, if you hate anyone that you have never met, the problem boldly lies with you and not with the object of your hate. These Conor haters are extreme for even MMA fandom standards and I think many of them should get help (yet wont and find their hate as being reasonable/doling out justice). It is irrational and unhealthy to be so emotionally effected by a stranger, nm one that is a kid. People that are "obsessed" with another person have entirely too much time on their hands, especially if that person is only eliciting a negative response. If you don't like something, move on, no one cares what you think. Live and let be, we are all different and no good ever comes from pointing out how you think things should be; it is mental masturbation to the maximum degree.
RE Conor having inflated sense of belief: Seriously? Every fighter, every person on the planet has a delusional sense of self worth (see Facebook). Conor just has the temerity to speak his mind. The human ego is boundless, a mental gymnast of the highest caliber, let's not act like it is a revelation that anyone that would step in a cage to beat the shit outta/get their shit caved in by another doesn't have a favorable view of their abilities. No fighter would ever get in the cage if they didn't fancy their chances. And to call Conor delusional 3 years ago, when he was unknown and calling that he would KO Aldo in 1 rnd, would be forgivable..... but after everything that he has done, exceeding his prediction and KO'ing Aldo in 1 punch, how can anyone say that at this point? The guy has called unthinkable things that have come true and now when it comes time to beating Diaz, people act like the chances of that are 0 outta 100.
Im just calling things as I see them - not a hater or "fanboy"(what a regrettable term)....TS is right, Conor elicits a ridiculous reaction out of many and turns the sensible into the senseless. "No ground game", "lucky", "coward" all comically untrue and if you feel yourself thinking such things, you are operating out of reality.