The cholesterol Myth


Mar 15, 2005
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I am writing to expose the myth that eating eggs and saturated fat causes high cholesterol.

For breakfeast, I eat 4 or 5 eggs and goat cheese. For Dinner I have meat with saturated fat. I don't eat bread, rice or potatoes. The only carbohydrates that I get are from salads (lunch and sometimes with dinner) and berries. I have been eating like this for more than 6 months.

My friends and family were bugging the shit out of me thinking that I was going to die of a heart atttack due to high cholesterol. I got tested. My total cholesterol is 141! I don't remember my LDL and HDL numbers but they were also great.


Anybody who bothers you about cholesterol because you eat lots of eggs and meat is ignorant. If they bother you, tell them that they are a fucking idiot and send them this link!

A special message to all who harrassed me about my cholesterol - YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT - DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOU MOUTHS - LIKE - BLOW ME!!!
First of all, you are writing to expose no myth. You are writing simply to tell people to leave you alone. If you were really all that great at exposing myths, the first principal you would adhere to is that what is true for you is not necessarily true for everyone subject to this information. You are living proof, perhaps, living proof that everyone's physiology is different, and that some people's bodies can handle certain things, while other people's may not be able to.

I suggest you learn not to suggest what others should and should not think until you understand that calling everyone else this or that because things they said bothered you, only validates their ability to bother you. But your test results are not a madate of what anyone else should or shouldn't do.

With all that being said, congratulations on your health, keep inflammatory shit out of here.

Aren't you the mature one.

You are basicaly right about my rant. I enjoy these boards as I get to anonymously let off steam. Sometimes I do go too far.

You can't believe what I had to put up with. Once, I was at a family holiday dinner. One of my relatives is a nurse. She noticed me eating a piece of whitefish skin. She thought that eating the skin was very unheathly, and she shouted at the top of her lungs "why don't you just kill yourself - that is basically what you are doing anyway." I should have shouted back - "fuck you die die die, fuck you die die die.", but I didn't. I just took it. The anger and frustration built up in me. A lot of it came out in the post.

I happen to be a huge fan of MMA with a big tape and DVD (over 130 Events) collection. I enjoy this board very much.

I don't mean to behave inappropriately.

What is this world coming to - a nurse - an RN in a supervisory position thinks that somebody eating whitefish skin is killing himself. To top it off, my family thinks that because some organization certifies her as a nurse, that she must know everything that she talks about that is health related. Therefore, I was killing myself by eating whitefish skin! Kind of like the inmates running the asylum!!

Anyway, this board is good for me, because if I don't ran't, even more steam builds up in me. It is a good outlet and I apologize if I behaved inappropriately.

It's alright man, I actually totally understand. Just something I've taken notice of is a lot of young impressionable guys actually come up here and take this shit seriously (Lord only knows why). It's quite disturbing on one-hand, but on the other-hand it means that this place has to be run with a certain amount of ethics. I might seem strict where that is concerned but that's mainly because I simply address it before subjecting people to double-yellows or bans. All I'm asking is that if you're going to make a thread like this make it in OBVIOUS jest. Like "fuck all of you'se who said I might get high cholesterol"...that's addressing your problem and at the same time funny. Whereas sometimes thread-titles would lead a person to believe they can actually find some sound advice in them.

I don't mind blowing off steam, let's just keep a distinct line between humerous ranting (which is welcome) and providing people with sound training or health advice (also welcome).

Thanks for apologizing though, it sets a good example.
Dragon, a measure of your cholesterol (especially without attention to HDL or LDL levels) is far from a complete rundown of your health. Did you check your triglycerides? How has your diet affected your bodyfat percentage? (and don't say, "I look the same," tell us what you measured your BF% at for the beginning of this eating cycle and what it is now).

Why are your eating whitefish skin? I don't mean to harass you the same way as your relatives, but seriously, there are many healthy alternatives to whitefish skin that provide better protein and with less saturated fat. It's okay to have that stuff occassionally, especially if you're not deriving high amounts of fat from oil, butter, and other sources outside your meat, but why would you gas on regular when you could energize yourself with premium for the same price (stuff like lean chicken breast or top round)?

I probably should get more tests done.

To answer some of your questions. My body fat is higher than I would lik it to be - around 18%. However, back when I was heavier, (I am now 5-10 160 - I was around 210) and living on bad carbohydrates, (lost of white rice and pasta) candy and soda, the percentage was around 25%. Also, my resting heartbeat which was around 100 went to between 70 and 80.

dragon50 said:

I probably should get more tests done.

To answer some of your questions. My body fat is higher than I would lik it to be - around 18%. However, back when I was heavier, (I am now 5-10 160 - I was around 210) and living on bad carbohydrates, (lost of white rice and pasta) candy and soda, the percentage was around 25%. Also, my resting heartbeat which was around 100 went to between 70 and 80.


Blame the candy and soda, not the pasta and rice. Still, I don't eat white rice myself, unless I'm at a restaurant and have no alternative. Just avoid the bleached stuff.

I eat brown rice and pasta made from whole grains or vegetable sources (like the spinach stuff). Those are two of the healthiest foods you can eat.

But in weight loss phases, keep the carbs low (I'm talking about 40%, nothing dangerous like 15%, that's crazy talk, man).
Madmick said:
But in weight loss phases, keep the carbs low (I'm talking about 40%, nothing dangerous like 15%, that's crazy talk, man).

Funny that you mentioned this - at some point my body adjusted to the calorie restriction and my weight loss slowed. To compensate, I went 13 days without eating any carbs at all! I ate some fish, but was mostly living on Lamb Chops and Goat Cheese.

It worked. I only lost 7 pounds during those 2 weeks, however, it was all belly fat. The difference was quite noticable.
dragon50 said:
Funny that you mentioned this - at some point my body adjusted to the calorie restriction and my weight loss slowed. To compensate, I went 13 days without eating any carbs at all! I ate some fish, but was mostly living on Lamb Chops and Goat Cheese.

It worked. I only lost 7 pounds during those 2 weeks, however, it was all belly fat. The difference was quite noticable.

More likely you lost some muscle, there, man. It's cool you looked better, but losing weight makes you look thinner no matter where it comes from.

It's my understanding those extremely low-carb diets (now that there's been time) have been studied and shown only to reduce body water percentage, a greater proportion of muscle/fat than conventional diets, and worst of all, people who used them have been shown to be far more likely to not only rebound in weight, but gain weight beyond their original weight before dieting.

None of that is desirable to an athlete, only to someone trying to get banged over Spring Break, and needing to look good fast.
Madmick said:
More likely you lost some muscle, there, man. It's cool you looked better, but losing weight makes you look thinner no matter where it comes from.

It's my understanding those extremely low-carb diets (now that there's been time) have been studied and shown only to reduce body water percentage, a greater proportion of muscle/fat than conventional diets, and worst of all, people who used them have been shown to be far more likely to not only rebound in weight, but gain weight beyond their original weight before dieting.

None of that is desirable to an athlete, only to someone trying to get banged over Spring Break, and needing to look good fast.

In my case, some of this is true, except putting the weight back on. I can serve of evidence for future references. Also, to be clear, I did lost body water percentage at first, but also lost a lot of fat - and unfortunately muscle.