The Brexit "divorce bill"

The UK agreed to pay for lots of things when they were in the UK. We're leaving the EU, we're not turning our back on the financial obligations we've already agreed to pay for. That would classify as going back on our word, and that's not exactly something we want to do when we're trying to negotiate a deal which will define the future of our country.

We've already agreed to hundreds of billions of investments, subsidies and other contributions. It's mutually understood this has to stop since we're leaving, and the divorce bill is basically going to be whatever the fuck europe ask for to keep them happy, because we're going into these negotiations with the weakest prime minister we've had for 40 years, and absolutely no chips on the table.
Quite unfortunate.
so they're still in the EU?

Technically, and historically, they're in the EU, and looking at the brass tax of things, they're getting off light with their bill compared to their current obligations.
As a member of the EU, they agreed to pay their share for their citizens pensions.
If so, then I guess the best that the UK can do is to get the best deal they can under the circumstances.
If so, then I guess the best that the UK can do is to get the best deal they can under the circumstances.

They're getting a killer deal when compared to the totality of their pledged obligations that they're backing out of, as well as the value of their citizen's pensions.
Why??? Why are we paying for the EU when we are not in the EU anymore??

This is a scam.

hiya Goonerview,

a few of my male friends are going through divorces, and i know for certain they'd love to retain you as their attorney.

Why don't the UK write up a divorce bill of our own, the the tune of all the EU buildings, initiatives and institutions we've part funded over the past 50 years, Sounds fair. Should be quite a considerable amount too.

May is weak as fuck, put her out to pasture before it's too late.
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May is weak as fuck, put here out to pasture before it's too late.

The brexit minds are intellectually bankrupt and lacking any semblance of leadership or strategy.

If you votes for brexit, you cannot complain that it's being handled badly - you voted for chaos, against the advice of almost every expert in the country.

Take ownership.
WTF is this? A divorce bill? Apparently Theresa May has agreed to hand over 40 billion pounds of tax payer money to leave the EU....

This is beyond ridiculous.

Did the soviet countries pay a "divorce bill" when they left the USSR? No, they just took their power back.

This talk of a divorce bill is a scam and Theresa May is naive and weak for even thinking complying with it.

It sounds insane to me.
We need a strong leader of the Farage/Thatcher cloth. Someone that stands up to the EU attempts at bullying.

Even British remainders piss me off, they are like "oh well, we have to pay this bill", "that's what happens when you get a divorce", "we shouldn't have voted Brexit"

... it's so defeatist, it's pathetic. Ugh ... makes me sick.

Farage? The same bloke who wants to keep his EU pension.

Thatcher? Fuck off. She made the UK worse and is still paying for it now.
Then you should have left when it becomes the EU if you weren't happy with the EU.
I mean what is it with all the EU blaming when you were free to leave at any time.

You are free not to pay now (most likely not sure if it's legal binding).
Just don't pay and trade under WTO rules. It's fine from the EU point of view.
Its the UK that doesn't want that.

We didn't have a referendum on EU membership, when it became the EU. Our leaders just signed us in for it
We didn't have a referendum on EU membership, when it became the EU. Our leaders just signed us in for it

That's because you are a parliamentary democracy.
Which is actually a big issue now. Would the UK leave via a parliamentary majority you would have a government, systems and enough time to leave the EU.
But the Eurosceptics in England have plunged your country into political turmoil once again without any plan whatsoever. Which is probably going to cost England the Kindom.
We didn't have a referendum on EU membership, when it became the EU. Our leaders just signed us in for it

Then that's the UK's fault, not the EU.

It's no use crying about it now, you wanted Brexit and voted for it. So how about the UK gets it's shit together, instead of constantly whinging about stuff you've already agreed too.
That's because you are a parliamentary democracy.
Which is actually a big issue now. Would the UK leave via a parliamentary majority you would have a government, systems and enough time to leave the EU.
But the Eurosceptics in England have plunged your country into political turmoil once again without any plan whatsoever. Which is probably going to cost England the Kindom.


You can be constitutonal conservative, or pro brexit via referendum. You cannot be both.
Why should they pay to a pension fund of an organization that they are no longer a member of?

why should the organization pay a penision for people who left them?

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