The best movies about business


The thin end of the wedge
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
I am tired of shit blowing up and my favourite movies for a while are movies about the business and financial markets. I recommend to you guys Margin Call and The Big Short.

IMO the absolute GOAT is Margin Call. Top-notch cast and realistic-ish storyline, perfect in terms of atmosphere. In my opinion it is still a little too "flashy" in terms of dialogues, characters and "action" but obviously movies are made to be entertaining. Here is one of the best scenes of the movie (and may be a good preview of the movie without spoiling it too much), and IMO a top-3 scene in history in that specific sub-genre:
Please don't mind the time-stamps and watch the whole scene it is worth it:

Then, closely tied, I have The Big Short. It is not as good, IMO, as it is sort of humorous and clearly takes a moral stance on market capitalism. But I think that the pitch scene in the Big Short is formidable. Again, this one is a lot less realistic (investment bankers don't pitch like that) but it is so full of gems and the chemistry behind the actors is amazing. This scene alone makes the movie and could be the GOAT scene in history for that specific sub-genre:

So what are your favourites? Wall Street 1 is also good, but pretty cheesy. Boiler Room is great and so are many David Mamet films - I think that con artist movies qualify in this discussion. Lastly, Glengarry Glenn Ross deserves a mention due to the legendary dialogues and cast.

Discuss, please, if you will.
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Big short is one of my favorites.

Never heard of margin call though.
Trading Places
Yeah I saw that one a while a go and the topic is interesting (commodities trading IIRC?). Isn't it a bit too "90's comedy with Eddie Murphy, though"? Is it a serious movie?
The Wolf of Wall Street, fucking funny as fuck.


Margin Call was pretty good if you want something serious. I liked Boiler Room as well.
Yeah I saw that one a while a go and the topic is interesting (commodities trading IIRC?). Isn't it a bit too "90's comedy with Eddie Murphy, though"? Is it a serious movie?

FCOJ futures, and how to foil an attempt to front run & corner the market. And it's an 80s comedy.