The 2 Biggest Detriments to African Americans: Integration and Immigration

This is what they always fail to grasp.
I will take a black conservative over a white leftoid any day of the week.
It has nothing to do with skin tone, it has everything to with values.

Intelligent black men like Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele are a perfect example of the division caused by values. People who are intelligent and admire character appreciate people like Sowell and Steele. Degenerate leftist scum hate Sowell and Steele because they hold people to a higher standard and do not play into the victim mentality that the left embraces.
I think it's kind of pointless to worry about the success of black people as a group because you have no control over their behaviour. Many of them are lost causes as well in my opinion. All you can do is focus on your own success. As for the others, they'll sort themselves out or they won't, they have the will to improve their situation or they don't.
Intelligent black men like Thomas Sowell and Shelby Steele are a perfect example of the division caused by values. People who are intelligent and admire character appreciate people like Sowell and Steele. Degenerate leftist scum hate Sowell and Steele because they hold people to a higher standard and do not play into the victim mentality that the left embraces.
The left always show their true colors when it comes to blacks that dare to leave their plantation.
You see it all the time.
Wow that was a hell of a post.
My brother teaches in Mississippi and he tells me that all of the black boys oppose immigration. Sounds like a good development.
I'm in favor of allowing races to stick together and more importantly casting aside the engineered stigma that is attached to segregation by choice. An all white ethno dtate or a black one in the south? Doesn't sound like a good idea to me, but if blacks started following Marcus Garvey's admonitions it would do wonders for the community.

Integration is a process that dilutes our resources, our wealth, our identity, our communities, and our power structure. African Americans are the only group in this country that doesn't understand this. We are the only group that still pursues this failed notion of integrating into white society, white wealth, and the white power structure. Hispanics and Asians do not do this. They spend their energy pooling their resources together to create their own wealth, their own culture, their own communities, and ultimately their own power base. As their positions and power becomes increasingly threatened you are seeing more and more Whites focus on this as well both in America and in Europe. Yet we African Americans are still stuck in this paradigm where we think the path to equality and prosperity is through social justice and acceptance by the existing power structure. WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE THIS(well the white liberal as well) and it's done absolutely nothing for us. We are about to go from 2nd behind whites in terms of wealth, population, and ownership to number 4 behind Whites, Asians, and Hispanics.

By opposing integration that does not mean I am embracing segregation or separation. And I'm certainly not advocating any kind of hate or racism. Instead I am advocating aggregation. The only way for blacks to ever achieve any sense of equality and prosperity we must aggregate our resources, our culture, and our communities.


Immigration is another process that is further diluting the resources, wealth, identity, communities, and power structure of African Americans. For some reason we insist on identifying with immigrants when no group of immigrants identify with us. In fact they largely have open disdain for us. Yet we allow them to wrap themselves in our history and struggle in this country in order for them to prosper. We don't understand that we ourselves are NOT immigrants. We are part of the original group of settlers and founders who were here from the beginning and built this country. We should be against DACA, sanctuary cities, and this never ending influx of immigrants legal or otherwise. Why? Because they are competing directly with us and are supplanting us and our position in this country. They are making gains and taking ground not just from white society but from us as well.

As this continues and groups like Hispanics and Asians continue to grow and gain power and footholds in this country they will not be afflicted by the same guilt that white people are. They have no obligation or care about black plight. We will not be able to shame them into accepting us, giving us opportunities, giving us wealth and token positions of power. And as whites start to focus on their own survival and positions in this country they will care less and less about that as well. We African Americans will become the permanent underclass in this country and we won't be able to lean on past injustices to make gains socially and economically. We will be truly and totally marginalized, kept poor, and treated like dirt. We will once again begin to face real oppression and real hate.

I respect the Richard Spencers and David Dukes of the world that make no excuses for their agenda of white supremacy much more than your soft conservatives or white liberals. When whites are open and clear about their goals and agenda it clearly outlines the rules of the game. It allows us to begin playing the game ourselves. It leaves us with no illusions and no excuses about who we are and our position in society.


Yes. I'll go into more detail later.

I didn't know you were black
Fuck this racial shit.

It's all about our values and culture.

Ive found I have more in common with conservative Americans than I do with some samoan in the city on welfare.

The only race that matters to me is the American race.
I agree with you but I think that if racial thinking is going to happen, and history shows people will think this way, that it should be focused on the self improvement of races. That's the only way groups will stop trying to cultivate grievances.
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@TheComebackKid , I'm no expert on this topic. I'm sure you have more of a handle on the insight I'm looking for here. With regard to your OP, that integration is detrimental to the black community, something crossed my mind.

My understanding is that during the Civil Rights era, there were two main schools of thought. One represented by MLK, which essentially called for integration of blacks into white society, which is the strategy that won out. And the second school of thought represented by Malcolm X, who more so advocated for blacks to go their own way, which became marginalized in both the black and white communities.

Perhaps neither school of thought or strategy mentioned above accurately reflects your belief or understanding of the situation, or your prescription for a better tomorrow. But while reading through your post I got the sense you think the Malcolm X strategy would have been better for blacks in the long run?
I don't buy it. Asians are successful because they connect to and achieve in the "white" system.

Zero or first generation Asians may find resources and support by living in Chinatown or Little Saigon or other ethnic enclaves, but that's not their end goal.

They are over represented in "white" universities. They aspire to work at "white" companies like Google, Goldman Sachs, Mt Sinai Hospital, etc. They put their money in "white" banks and buy homes in "white" neighborhoods.

If blacks would quit trying to define success as "black" success, they'd realize that successful whites, Asians, hispanics and blacks usually take similar paths.
I'm not sure what you are talking about with integration. I see plenty of hispanics and asians integrating as I do other peoples. Also with your last sentence you make it seem like white peoples end goal is white supremacy and that is the game that is played.
Minorities need to stop seeing America as whites vs blacks vs latinos vs asians and start seeing it as me vs everyone else.
Good points in the op.


Something in the culture needs to change. The celebration of failure is destroying the black community. As long as it's cool to fail in school, sling drugs, and get pregnant before 20, there will not be a bright future for blacks.

Every single successful black man is proof of what can be accomplished with hard work. Kids need more good black role models.
Racist ideas that would doom black people to forever be behind.

Blacks should strive for integration.
Racist ideas that would doom black people to forever be behind.

Blacks should strive for integration.
It's weird cause I'm pretty sure some of the people in this thread have complained about groups of people having their own private cultures ( hispanics etc) within the US and not integrating.
Also why are you taking a shot at immigrants? Are you saying that blacks can't compete with them?