The 10 riskiest cities for women travellers

And both are known for being hella crime ridden.Add Rio de Janeiro to that list.

Yeh, but how can it be worse than some of the islamic places? Its only not as crime ridden because nothing against women there are illegal.
Yeh, but how can it be worse than some of the islamic places? Its only not as crime ridden because nothing against women there are illegal.

I guess because as other people point, they are taking into account only places where people would actually travel.

People are savages , Latin American nations are legitimately scary.

When i was watching the series vikings, a lot of what the vikings do remind me of shit that happen in Mexico in a lot of places.
Mecca should be on the list. No?
Hard to put yourself at risk when you can't step outside. Now the question is how much abuse do they put up with behind the doors?
Not sure why this is relevant on sherdog. Can we see a similar list but for males?
I think the nation of Australia must be bad because Helen Reddy was from Australia and she sang that her wisdom was born of pain - that's poignant stuff right there.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is far more dangerous.
Rio is more famous internationally, but nothing compared with Sao Paulo in the 90's. Read about Carandiru and PCC and you will see what I am talking about. In 2006 the whole city was closed down for a series of attacks between police and druglords. Just to have an idea, Sao Paulo is much bigger than NYC. The stats differ in saying that 100-500 deaths happened in just one week. Rio has nothing in it's recent history close to that. i was studying at the time when the professors warned the students to go home and lock themselves up. I was posting here when the events happened.
And both are known for being hella crime ridden.Add Rio de Janeiro to that list.

Rio is a shit hole. The best/worst part of the olympics was that there was videos of people getting shit stolen in broad daylight.

I saw a dude steal a phone, drop it, then throw it back lol.
Rio is more famous internationally, but nothing compared with Sao Paulo in the 90's. Just to have an idea, Sao Paulo is much bigger than NYC. The stats differ in saying that 100-500 deaths happened in just one week. Rio has nothing in it's recent history close to that.

No, I still think Rio de Janeiro is more dangerous than Sao Paulo. I have lived in both cities. Sao Paulo's homicide rate is 9.8 per 100,000, and Rio is 18.6. Both Rio and Sao Paulo are bigger than New York city. Rio has more favelas with highly armed gangs. They are better armed than the police. BOPE was formed in 1978 to combat crime in Rio. Sao Paulo took the same steps a few years later. There is no tourism in Sao Paulo. Tourists run a great danger when visiting Rio. Brazil as a whole has gone to shit. I really wish the military was still in control of the country. It was a better, safer country prior to 1985. Brazilians can't handle Democracy. Corruption from the top down. Just like in Russia. I have dual citizenship Brazilian/American. I was born in Rio.
you're right. When I made my post, I thought the same thing. With Mogadishu and Monrovia, I assumed it was not enough people traveled there.

However, Johannesburg gets a lot of travel. There are more dangerous place than Johannesburg, but I just can't believe Lima is one of them.

Yeah, my other guess would be that it has something to do with expectations versus reality.
I mean everyone knows places like Johannesburg, Mogadishu, Port Moresby, Kabul or Marawi are extremely dangerous, and you'd expect them to behave accordingly.
Delhi, Jakarta, Sao Paulo and Mexico City might not strike people as being so obviously dangerous.
No, I still think Rio de Janeiro is more dangerous than Sao Paulo. I have lived in both cities. Sao Paulo's homicide rate is 9.8 per 100,000, and Rio is 18.6. Both Rio and Sao Paulo are bigger than New York city. Rio has more favelas with highly armed gangs. They are better armed than the police. BOPE was formed in 1978 to combat crime in Rio. Sao Paulo took the same steps a few years later. There is no tourism in Sao Paulo. Tourists run a great danger when visiting Rio. Brazil as a whole has gone to shit. I really wish the military was still in control of the country. It was a better, safer country prior to 1985. Brazilians can't handle Democracy. Corruption from the top down. Just like in Russia. I have dual citizenship Brazilian/American. I was born in Rio.

Well if comparing recent stats You may be right. I left Sp in the late 2009 so many things may have changed. But yeah it is weird. I Just became american and I still cannot understand how people here in the US keep entering in their house garages without at least scanning the horizon for security reasons. My wife thinks I am paranoid hehe
I've seen some horrific videos out of india and pakistan

I think it was off Vice.

A women was accused of something spurious and there was a literal mob calling for her execution, the police attempted to usher her to safety by placing her on the roof so she could flee...the mobs threw rocks at her, one hitting her in the head, where she fell and the mob proceeded to torture her to death.

Fucking animals.
Animals arent like that. They are monsters.
Congratulations. It is a great country. I love the United States. I was in the U.S. military, which made it even more special.
One thing is for sure. I love Brazil but no way in hell I'm going to try to make the US to become like my motherland.
10 riskiest cities for women

Top 10 cities with highest murder rate

These are how liberals choose what countries to have open borders with.

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