"That wasn't showboating, that was mixing it up"


Silver Belt
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
Did I get the Rory quote right? Lulz.

I found his showboating to be kind of sad last night

EDIT: his body shots should be the message he is trying to send.
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Dear Rory haters,

Get it straight.

Is Rory a robot who lacks a personality, or is he a cawughky showboater?

Not sure he can be both.
he's a petty, sadistic man

Dear Rory haters,

Get it straight.

Is Rory a robot who lacks a personality, or is he a cawughky showboater?

Not sure he can be both.

those 2 are not mutually exclusive. you can be stoic and be a utter narcissist
Dear Rory haters,

Get it straight.

Is Rory a robot who lacks a personality, or is he a cawughky showboater?

Not sure he can be both.

Not hard to figure out. He's a robot programmed to be kawky.
Great fighter, but he does come across as a jackass personality-wise. But it's hard to tell who a guy is when you only watch when the spot light is on him.
It looked like he stepped in dog shit and was trying to scrape it off his feet. Way to make yourself look like a spastic goof on network television.
he's a petty, sadistic man

those 2 are not mutually exclusive. you can be stoic and be a utter narcissist

Good answer. :D

I'm actually really digging Rory's stone cold sociopath vibe he's putting out.

It seems genuine...which is really unnerving.
Dear Rory haters,

Get it straight.

Is Rory a robot who lacks a personality, or is he a cawughky showboater?

Not sure he can be both.

I don't know the answer but his demeanor is odd so it's hard to get a read.

Doesn't seem like the type of guy to do the Ali shuffle.

He should focus on those body shots -they are a more better message to send.

I vote Cyborg
I guess he doesn't learn the things that really matter from GSP.
I don't know the answer but he demeanor is odd so it's hard to get a read.

Doesn't seem like the type of guy to do the Ali shuffle.

He should focus on those body shots -they are a more better message to send.

"More better" lol
He had multiple times where he had Penn hurt and wouldn't finish him, Rory has now become GSP 2.0.

The showboating was just silly.
It looked like he stepped in dog shit and was trying to scrape it off his feet. Way to make yourself look like a spastic goof on network television.

Indeed. I'm a huge Penn fan, and I don't even mind the showboating. I've never had a problem with showboating, unless it goes way over the line. However, if you're going to do it, have some style. Rory made himself look stupid more than he did BJ. He needs to take some dancing lessons from Anderson, so next time he can showboat in a way that entertains the audience.
He had multiple times where he had Penn hurt and wouldn't finish him, Rory has now become GSP 2.0.

The showboating was just silly.

I hear a lot of people saying that, but I don't see it. If Rory was modeling himself after GSP, he wouldn't showboat. Ever. Along with his pre-fight and post-fight comments, its clear that he does not intend to conduct himself the way GSP does. And people keep saying he stole GSP's swag, but how? GSP is styling! Rory goes for a completely different look (more artistic and trendy), and doesn't have half the swag, in my humble opinion.
I hear a lot of people saying that, but I don't see it. If Rory was modeling himself after GSP, he wouldn't showboat. Ever. Along with his pre-fight and post-fight comments, its clear that he does not intend to conduct himself the way GSP does. And people keep saying he stole GSP's swag, but how? GSP is styling! Rory goes for a completely different look (more artistic and trendy), and doesn't have half the swag, in my humble opinion.

I'm trying to say that he dominated the fight but didn't go for the finish for some reason.
Good answer. :D

I'm actually really digging Rory's stone cold sociopath vibe he's putting out.

It seems genuine...which is really unnerving.

WHy people keep saying "cool he's like a sociopath or something", I have no idea....I don't know, does he murder, or steal, or hurt people emotioonally for no regard of their feelings? Is he not able to learn anything from being punished? Does he constantly blame others for his wrong doings?

His standup looked really crisp. Looking forward to seeing him fight again but he surely didn't gain alot of new fans with his behaviour