Elections That time Jon McCain founded MAGA

Libya was about preventing a massacre. The country was already a mess. I think it's nuts to blame Obama for that. We attacked ISIS targets in Syria. Again, I don't think it's reasonable at all to say that Obama destroyed the country.

I don't think you can make a case that Obama made the situations worse.
Will respond later brotha. Out and about on a Friday
I should have said helped destroy. The result of the whole affair was one of the largest mass displacements period. My point is that the US government involves themselves in many things and it isnt always right. And I'm not an obama hater in terms of his overall presidency. I dont subscribe to the idea that any president does everything right or everything wrong. But since the point came up I spoke on it. Ultimately there was no good resolution for either countrie.
The USA barely contributed anything to the international force that intervened . That’s why, at the time, the GOP was saying he was leading from behind.
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Lol @ this can @KOPPE backing out first post in dm after i sent him location. Fuck outta here, peasant.
- I wond't go face a strange of a challenge on a forum also.
Even if said strange said that Daniel Day Lewis, is a better actor than Kevin Costner or Val Kilmer!
In all seriousness MAGA, the ideology, was arguably most organized by Pat Buchanan:

- wanted to build a fence on the US Mexico border
- anti-free trade, isolationist
- allegedly anti-War
- massive unapologetic corporatist who wanted essentially no taxes or regulations kn corporations
- anti-worker empowerment
- consistent appeal to grievance politics
- defended Hitler
- claimed affirmative action was discrimination against white males and attributed minority SCOTUS appointments to AA
- Pro Putin...said Putin has God on his side
- wants Civil Rights laws overturned

I mean, I could keep going. But the MAGA platform is almost identical to everything Buchanan did. The reality is Buchanan was employed by moneyed-interests to protect their wealth, and just used grievance politics to do it.

I would suggest he in turn was propelled by conservative talk radio.
- But i wond't put my adress. Theres several no registred people reading those threads everyday, i bet some of them dont like you, @KOPPE or even me, and could start something.
Did you not read the thread? I didn't give him my address. I gave him the city I live in. Told him to dm me a pic when he arrived in Dartmouth and I'd arrange a location or come to him.
He asked though, lol

You didn't give me your address so I accepted ur surrender and moved on. Why are you still talking about me? Sorry to have frightened you, didnt know you’re so fragile.
You didn't give me your address so I accepted ur surrender and moved on. Why are you still talking about me? Sorry to have frightened you, didnt know you’re so fragile.
I'm responding to the guy who asked, are you illiterate?
You still talking about me tho. You tapped in our dm and know you trying to act tough in front of everyone.
Lets be better.
I apologize for keeping it going. Hit me up if youre ever passing through ;)
I would suggest he in turn was propelled by conservative talk radio.

More like conservative white elites who want to protect their wealth via grievance politics. These are the people who influenced the Dixie Crats objections to Civil Rights laws because they understood that more people (particularly minorities) who are marginalized by the system will have more access to subsidization. Think how Mississippi functions to this day. You have Governors always talking about bootstraps and suggesting gutting the use of public assistance, while guys like Brett Favre outright rob the coffers and arent in prison. Like that but on a larger scale.

Grover Norquest is the kind of guy you'll never hear about, but he always said: "All I need is a warm body who can hold a pen."

We focus a ton on candidates, but not enough on the entities that build them. The Foundations and Think Tanks. The places where the policies and agendas are from. Where they f*cked up recently was making a deal with Trump. The worse person to make a deal with among the wealthy elite. They got the SCOTUS majority out of it, and managed to f*ck up so bad with overturning Roe that it pushed the entire Country left.
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More like conservative white elites who want to protect their wealth via grievance politics. These are the people who influenced the Dixie Crats objections to Civil Rights laws because they understood that more people (particularly minorities) who are marginalized by the system will have more access to subsidization. Think how Mississippi functions to this day. You have Governors always talking about bootstraps and suggesting gutting the use of public assistance, while guys like Brett Favre outright rob the coffers and arent in prison. Like that but on a larger scale.
It's turtles all the way down, I know.