That Is Why I'll Never Attend a UFC Ticketed Event - Have you?

I wanted to attend UFC 295 in NY. Cheapest ticket is 858$ before tax. That's in 400 section range where you wont be able to see anything. Decent seats are starting from 2k.

1000 bucks was what the local movie theater was charging to rent out a theater for the last ufc event (pre lockdown) they had there.

I think i would go that route before dropping big bucks for nose bleeds.
No worse than having your primary rooting interest get finished brutally.
Also there’s 13 fights on the average card

don’t go to an event where only a few fights or just the main event interests you
I'm in Toronto - one of the most overpriced places on Earth. Looking at Tix for 2, it's a cool 900 quid. Then you get an anti climatic main event like that. That hits hard.
Every single sporting event is like this. You could get a photo finish or a guy winning a race by an entire lap. You could get a walkoff homerun or a 20-0 blowout. You could get a no hitter or a 12-15 garbage pitching match. You could get an overtime walkoff touchdown or a massive one sided disaster where the stands are empty in the fourth quarter.

UFC events at least stack the last two fights with big names or championship matches. So odds are that you leave seeing a good fight or two. Even on the worst fight night cards the last two or three matches are usually good. So odds of seeing a strong event at a UFC show are better than most sports. Though the ticket prices are now getting into ridiculous territories.
I won’t go to UFC events or even concerts for music I like. I don’t want to be around a bunch of drunk, amped up people.

The only music concert I will attend is if ACDC come to New York again
Saw ufc 171 live, was fantastic. Can’t believe it’s been so long actually
1. I'm from Toronto
2. We never say quid
3. Went to GSP vs shields, not the greatest fight obviously. Would I have missed 129, not a chance
4. Went to see gus jones 1, no big deal just a hof fight lol.. got to pay if you wanna play ts. That said if cash is tight and the tickets are ridiculous expensive as high they are, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't say stay home,chill and watch them at home
Prices are too crazy now but I did attend 218/225/238 & they were all great cards & great experiences. Better than any concert & other sport that I've attended for sure.

Injuries are always a risk with any sport.
Injuries aren't quite the same in team sports. Sure if Lebron goes down in the first quarter you're thinking damn that sucks ass but they still have to play the rest of the game. Main event fighter going down in the first or second round ala Aspinall, Fiziev, Mcgregor is a tough pill to swallow when you dropped several hundred bucks
It wasn't a fluke. He checked his foot with an elbow.
been to the few that have come to my area and about half a dozen or so in Vegas, I've been super fortunate that the cards I've been to have been amazing. Sure, drunks and annoying yelling morons aren't the most ideal thing to deal with if you're a "hardcore" fan but at the same time, it's a pretty cool thing to see people who are genuinely excited about what's going on in front of them. There's "electricity" in the air as they say when you're a live event, even more special when its a good scrap.
i've been to two fight nights in my hometown of halifax, ns canada. tickets were reasonably priced, although the first show was sold out almost immediately and some people were selling tickets for quite a profit. people were willing to pay. both shows had their moments, and one featured the black beast knocking out travis browne in the main event, so that was pretty cool. :)

saw conor mcgregor's debut in stockholm sweden on my birthday...also reasonably priced and i was in the second row where the fighters were walking in.

best show i have been to was UFC 83. i feel very fortunate to have seen that one live. the atmosphere was incredible, unlike anything i've experienced before or after. the crowd was bananas, the fights were great, and it was the first show in canada. i don't think it really mattered to anyone where their seats was just one of those nights. we were way up, but facing straight to the octagon, and got the tickets for a fair price.

all of these were a long time ago, so i know prices have gone through the roof, not only for the UFC shows, but just about any live event one would want to attend. i'm not sure "fair price" exists anymore in live sports or concerts. :(
UFC used to be cheap a long time ago. Cheapest seats were 35 bucks and 350 is front row. 150 is somewhat in the front section.
I went to UFC 154.

It was GSP vs Condit.

Just hearing the crowd when he came out was worth it alone. Hendricks with the brutal KO of Kampmann was on that card too.

I paid $220. It wasn't nosebleeds but I wasn't ringside either. In the 200's.

It was an experience. No regrets.

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