THAI FIGHT Extreme -Pattani-22 september 2013

จำนวนคนอ่านล่าสุด 112 คน
วันที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556 เวลา 12:24 น. ข่าวสดออนไลน์

Boxing Match As Rare Entertainment For Restive South

(23 September) Over 50,000 people have attended the ′Special Thai Fight′ boxing tournament held in Pattanai Province, the heart of the restive Southern border provinces known for their prolonged separatist violence.

The tournament, which pitched numerous Thai boxers against foreign challengers, was held at Pattani′s Rainbow Stadium. According to Pol.Col. Tawee Sodsong, Secretary-General of Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC), the number of attendees at the show had exceeded any expectation.

I would love to see Yodwicha's first can crushing in Thai Fight be against Leo Pinto.