Terry Gilliam comes out as black lesbian.

“It made me cry: the idea that ... no longer six white Oxbridge men can make a comedy show. Now we need one of this, one of that, everybody represented... this is bullshit. I no longer want to be a white male, I don’t want to be blamed for everything wrong in the world: I tell the world now I’m a black lesbian... My name is Loretta and I’m a BLT, a black lesbian in transition.”

Fucking agree. If everything has to have boxes to be checked as to not offend ethnic/non-binary groups, then the result wouldn't be organic. It would be a sad, forced, pathetic excuse of something they wanted to be.

And Loretta. LOL!!!
It has always been pretty obvious that he was black and female. It's kind of like Kevin Spacey coming out.
Shame they hated each other. I feel like Gilliam does what he wants and not embroiled with other Monties financial woes.
As someone who identifies as a large Samoan woman i would like to embrace this stunning and powerful woman of colour as a soul sister who don't need no man.
Athletic, explosive and at the bottom of the dating scene along with asian men.

Terry Gilliam? C'mon son. Other than Monty Python, he's directed some of the finest movies of the 20th century, like "Brazil" and "12 Monkeys".
I really know who the director is of too many movies.