Terroristic Threats w intent to terrorize + simple assault, kindly self documented


Steel Belt
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
I have to imagine the judges appreciate when the criminal take the time to document their crime and presumably post it online.

Thread title is the charges, she got 18months probation and $1500 in fines.

She has the girl unlock her phone, finds her boyfriends contact and FaceTime him while she continues beating on the girl, who looks like she may have peed herself.

Bitches be crazy yo.

The worst part is the girl is incurring a record, including the probation and its fines, for a guy who is a piece of shit.

He cheats. I doubt he takes care of her or his kid(s). He'll never love her. Doesn't matter how many times she does this. And he'll never stop being all about himself. It's sad, really.
Should have done some time for this.
Both girls are dumb bitches messing with that loser. They both deserve whatever they get.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes, cant say I feel really bad about it, dumb shit happening from all angles, beat down was messed up some good licks were landed, get caught cheating and not stopping is kind of fucked up as well <Fedor23>
18 months probation….yeah that’ll show her
18? She should do 5-years at least. That attitude and level of violence needs to be removed from society ASAP. The kick on the ground could have killed that girl and threatening to force her into the car to a location is also a criminal offense.

I read she had to pay a $1600 fine. Amazing. The poor beat up girl should sue her for every penny she's worth and will make for the next 10 years.
18? She should do 5-years at least. That attitude and level of violence needs to be removed from society ASAP. The kick on the ground could have killed that girl and threatening to force her into the car to a location is also a criminal offense.

I read she had to pay a $1600 fine. Amazing. The poor beat up girl should sue her for every penny she's worth and will make for the next 10 years.
Attempted kidnapping in the very least. Sadly though, she’ll learn that criminal actions have few consequences, and she’s free to be a criminal.
18? She should do 5-years at least. That attitude and level of violence needs to be removed from society ASAP. The kick on the ground could have killed that girl and threatening to force her into the car to a location is also a criminal offense.

I read she had to pay a $1600 fine. Amazing. The poor beat up girl should sue her for every penny she's worth and will make for the next 10 years.

What the fuck is wrong with our criminal justice system? That should be multiple felonies. Where do these fkn judges and prosecutors come up with this shit? It should happen to their daughters and see how lenient they are.