Tell me she’s not cute

She’s no Sage Northcutt, but I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers
She looks like Chuck Liddell from the chest down
Shes not cute..

Looks like a puppet from Sesame street

CGhU.gif being harsh
Well her hairline is better than Aldrich's, at least she has that going for her.

I'm conflicted. Her eyes themselves are pretty. But if they were any further apart, they'd be ears.
Decent...def doesn’t have a good body though for a chick that’s in her shape.
I like her attitude. She is young and has a bright future ahead of her but I really hope the UFC will learn from their mistakes and not rush this girl into top level competition. The WFLW division is shallow, in and of itself. Maycee needs to stay as far away as possible from Shevchenko for at least the next 3 years.
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She's like a 4/10 in the face. Haven't seen her body because WMMA sucks.