Technology for disabling gravitation effects

Ancient Aliens keeps saying this and that like pyramids are energy sources because of the shape but they don't really show scientific experiments except once in university lab with making some hockey puck like thing float in the air briefly.
UFOs are already doing this. They appear to be using a distortion field to bend the curvature of spacetime, enabling them to create whichever trajectory they want. That's why they move without any friction at all from air or water, they can achieve directional changes and speeds with G forces that would normally kill the occupants, and they produce absolutely no noise or supersonic boom. Their spacetime-based propulsion system bypasses those problems entirely; they're in zero-G the entire time and move on geodesics. We routinely observe gravitational lensing around the ship since the craft must change the geometry of its' distortion field as it changes trajectories. As light enters the distortion field, the light follows the curvature of spacetime currently being produced by the craft, giving the impression that the object's shape is constantly morphing.

"Rotational pull?" that's not a thing. In fact the opposite is true: there's a rotational "push" (centrifugal force) caused by the earth's rotation that is trying to fling you off into space, but gravity is MUCH stronger.

Strange fact: You weigh less at the equator because you're spinning faster than you are at the poles. You're also further from the center of the earth at the equator (earth isn't perfectly round), which further decreases the affects of gravity.

The reason you rotate with the earth is that you were born rotating with the earth along with everything around you (the air, the ground, etc.).

It's a centripetal force going inwards.
Great explanation, gravity is such a strange thing.

Asking oneself what the force at your feet when standing is can wreck your brain: are you pushing against the earth or is the earth pushing against you? It seems that the later is far more true: you are standing still while the ground is accelerating upwards at you at 9.8 meters per second/2.

Both is true.
Any known progress on that topic and is that possible to achive for objects with mass ?
For example , currently, I guess we are not able to stand still in relation to Earth.
In case we could be immune to what Earth's rotational pull and mass is doing to us, we should be able to stand still and look at the Earth rotating in front of us ?

btw, it seems that by moving the right amount of specific particles at a certain speed, particles can become aware and have consciousness

What if the universe has a preferred direction? What if everything is moving to your left, right now, at .9c and to your right at 1.1c. You send a message there and back, and measure the speed at light, but how do you know if that is true? Everything is flying to your current right at an extraordinary speed. How do you stand still then?
Any known progress on that topic and is that possible to achive for objects with mass ?
For example , currently, I guess we are not able to stand still in relation to Earth.
In case we could be immune to what Earth's rotational pull and mass is doing to us, we should be able to stand still and look at the Earth rotating in front of us ?

btw, it seems that by moving the right amount of specific particles at a certain speed, particles can become aware and have consciousness

There was some independent inventor/researcher who experimented with rotational disks, and at some point everything in his lab started levitating. He published the vid. Then some "agents" came to his lab and confiscated everything.

If I find the source, I'll post later.

There was some independent inventor/researcher who experimented with rotational disks, and at some point everything in his lab started levitating. He published the vid. Then some "agents" came to his lab and confiscated everything.

If I find the source, I'll post later.

This might be the vid. I don't remember exactly.

Sound/frequency levitation:
UFOs are already doing this. They appear to be using a distortion field to bend the curvature of spacetime, enabling them to create whichever trajectory they want. That's why they move without any friction at all from air or water, they can achieve directional changes and speeds with G forces that would normally kill the occupants, and they produce absolutely no noise or supersonic boom. Their spacetime-based propulsion system bypasses those problems entirely; they're in zero-G the entire time and move on geodesics. We routinely observe gravitational lensing around the ship since the craft must change the geometry of its' distortion field as it changes trajectories. As light enters the distortion field, the light follows the curvature of spacetime currently being produced by the craft, giving the impression that the object's shape is constantly morphing.


one of the best videos on that topic I've seen so far
Hot air balloons work quite well.
By the way, although I didn't think of this first, lots of things are antigravity like the floor or your seat. The earth's gravity is continuously trying to drive you to the center of the earth and the floor or a chair combat that earth's gravity.
does that mean if you are far enough from some mass you are able to really stop with the constant movement through space ?
Also the space itself is expanding, so maybe even if possible to stop with the movement , is it possible to be in the same place all the time while not moving

In theory, yes. If you're far enough from a planet or moon, then you could simply stop and float in space because there's no gravitational pull acting on you.


There was some independent inventor/researcher who experimented with rotational disks, and at some point everything in his lab started levitating. He published the vid. Then some "agents" came to his lab and confiscated everything.

If I find the source, I'll post later.

Not anti-gravity. Simple gyroscopic precession. Anyone who says otherwise is a huckster preying on the ignorant.

understaning dark matter and energy could help with the gravity challenges I guess
In theory, yes. If you're far enough from a planet or moon, then you could simply stop and float in space because there's no gravitational pull acting on you.

View attachment 954555

Not anti-gravity. Simple gyroscopic precession. Anyone who says otherwise is a huckster preying on the ignorant.

The precession is due to gravity.

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