Team Alpha Male CONFIRMED in being a bad camp that doesn't know how to develop fighters

Cody 2.0 was one punch away from gettin KOd again. Asuncao felt it and went for it, leaving himself open.
LOL?! Which fight did you watch? Cody was safe in the entire time. That simply doesn't make sense, with all respect.
He actually trained at both, I saw him at Fabers gym and at his house often in the last couple of months.
Does Faber have a nice house ?
I always heard he was pretty good with money.

His wife is half black as is mine.

we are kindred spirits
he still the tam head coach so cody still is a tam fighter. sure he works with mark henry that cause he a great stritking coach. tam is about bjj.wrestling.
He was working on his grappling with Ricardo Almeida. He's basically going to be training with those guys for his actual training camps now, and training at TAM in the meantime. So he has, essentially, changed camps. Which was the right thing to do, he looked way better tonight.
Two of the best talents to come out of your camp both left to improve their game. That's all you need to know about this camp. Cody 2.0 bless.

People leave gyms all the time. Holdsworth was still one of his corner men, anyway.
Two of the best talents to come out of your camp both left to improve their game. That's all you need to know about this camp. Cody 2.0 bless.

dumb post its a fight shit happens just cause a guy goes to a new camp wins a fight doesnt mean it was due to his camp lol alpha male is an amazing gym if u knew anything about technique and how mma works youde know that
Two of the best talents to come out of your camp both left to improve their game. That's all you need to know about this camp. Cody 2.0 bless.

If you train at the same place with the same guys your entire career you aren’t going to improve. It’s better to mix it up.
He was working on his grappling with Ricardo Almeida. He's basically going to be training with those guys for his actual training camps now, and training at TAM in the meantime. So he has, essentially, changed camps. Which was the right thing to do, he looked way better tonight.

but he been doing that for a while now. he done work bang and jackson as wel
Team Also Ran.
It’s for sure nice, not crazy but nice. We live in the “Fab Forties” in Sacramento California, the best area of the city. The houses range from good to crazy huge/nice. His is midrange niceness. Most of the really nice ones are harder to get as they have been in families for ages. His cars are also nice but not over the top.

His gf is half black ya I’ve seen her. Cody and other team alpha guys are often there, I went up and talked to Cody for a bit when I was doing cardio and went by Fabers house , he was standing in front.

Does Faber have a nice house ?
I always heard he was pretty good with money.

His wife is half black as is mine.

we are kindred spirits
Not at all, the team was super happy for TJ when he won the belt. It was when TJ decided to leave for Denver and leave TAM for Team Elevation is when things went downhill.

You realize duane was still with tam when Tj won the title right? Then faber got jealous of bangs popularity and coaching ability so he found petty reasons to run him out. Tj just won a title under duane, hes not going to just watch duane leave and say goodbye.
Two of the best talents to come out of your camp both left to improve their game. That's all you need to know about this camp. Cody 2.0 bless.

Cody is one of the talents, but who are you referring to as the other one

And I hope not soft Sage Northcutt
Big difference, Cody is on a 3 fight skid.

TJ just became champ and said see yea, im changing camps.

Tj and Duane were both part of tam when Tj won the title. Duane was still head coach for a while after that too. Until faber got too jealous and envious and had to run duane out of there. Tj recently won a title under duane, hes not just going to watch his head coach walk away and not go with him. Tj split time at first but Urijah bitched about it and put an end to it eventually. Faber has a huge ugly ego.
Two of the best talents to come out of your camp both left to improve their game. That's all you need to know about this camp. Cody 2.0 bless.
I wonder why Cody is not applying his same flawed logic to leaving TAM.

he so viciously attacked TJ For leaving TAM, said he’d never leave.

funny what a 3 fight skid will do.