Swiss regional authority: Muslim students must shake teachers' hands.


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
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Evidently it is part of the culture there for students to shake their teachers' hands . 2 Muslim boys (14 and 15 year old Syrians) refused to shake their female teacher's hands claiming religious exception.

Swiss regional authority has decreed they must shake their hands. While on the surface this ruling by the regional authority seems silly, everyone knows it points to a large problem, namely that some immigrant subcultures are intolerant , very tribal and anti-native .

Guys like these 2 students will almost certainly have an US vs. Them frame of mind , putting loyalty and allegiance to Islam and Muslims over non-Muslim Swiss.

On Reddit a Swiss guy commenting on this story said there are Muslims in Switzerland who have no problem shaking female strangers' hands .

These Syrian kids are 14 and 15 so a lot of the blame lies with the parents, yet that age is old enough to know what courtesy is. Super duper Muslim country Saudi won't even take in Syrians , whereas Europe does. Yet some of these religious Muslims can't show gratitude.

By the way: their dad is an Iman. I wonder what he preaches at the local Mosque. Considering how he raised his sons, you know dam well he is preaching bigotry , intolrance and supremacy at his mosque.
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If they lived in an uber-liberal place like Portland or San Fran, they could have just said they identify as otherkin and otherkin don't have hands, thus it's literally impossible for them to shake.

Didn't Switzerland block the construction of minarets years ago after the people demanded it via referendum? The Swiss give less shits about defending Islam as long as it expresses the will of the people, it seems.
Seems like a lot of regulation over a pretty trivial tradition but maybe Europe needs some rigid traditions to sustain its national identities at this point. Besides if those shit heads can't shake one hand in exchange for a fucking education I say send them to Syria.
Religion of peace
What is this supposed to mean? Its not like this is one of the Pakistan or Bangladesh threads about someone getting hacked in the street.

These kids refused to shake someone's hand, nothing about that would contradict the religion of peace mantra. This place is getting so used to its buzz words and statements that they're being thrown around with no care as to whether it fits or not.
lol, we have thousands of assholes in america alone with way worse issues of sexism. atheist went on a giant fucking rant about how women should be so lucky men let them be free. but you are making a thread about two muslim kids in a european country not shaking a female teacher's hands?

time to get a little fucking perspective. we got plenty of nutters here to deal with, i'm sure switzerland can handle two prick teenage kids.
lol, we have thousands of assholes in america alone with way worse issues of sexism. atheist went on a giant fucking rant about how women should be so lucky men let them be free. but you are making a thread about two muslim kids in a european country not shaking a female teacher's hands?

time to get a little fucking perspective. we got plenty of nutter here to deal with, i'm sure switzerland can handle two prick teenage kids.


Countries should uphold their way of life especially when it comes to refugees; most countries don't seem to be doing this too well. Treat them as separate and they will see themselves as separate. You don't want "No-Go" zones in your country like in France.
They should shake their teachers hands but two dumb kids is nothing to get all triggered about.
lol, we have thousands of assholes in america alone with way worse issues of sexism. atheist went on a giant fucking rant about how women should be so lucky men let them be free. but you are making a thread about two muslim kids in a european country not shaking a female teacher's hands?

time to get a little fucking perspective. we got plenty of nutters here to deal with, i'm sure switzerland can handle two prick teenage kids.

It isn't just these kids and it's not shaking hands; it is part of a very real problem of arrogant Muslim immigrants and their cultural chauvinism. Our sexists are quite tame compared to religious Muslims. Sure our sexsits might rant , but ultimately they don't and can't do anything because our society does not allow the kind og sexism and misogyny found in Muslim communities and Islam.

We don't have "way worse" sexism than Muslim countries or Islamic culture ; you are dreaming if you think this. This is just an absured false comparison, akin to comparing Christianity espoused by Jesus as morally comparable to Islam esposed by Muhammed.

Countries should uphold their way of life especially when it comes to refugees; most countries don't seem to be doing this too well. Treat them as separate and they will see themselves as separate. You don't want "No-Go" zones in your country like in France.

that's fine, that wasn't the point of my post. so -10 for you. but you'll have a hard time making the case this is an issue someone in america should give a shit about when we have thousands of angry white christian men proactively trying to return us to the mother fucking dark ages.

like i said, the swiss can handle two kids being an asshole to their teacher. we don't need to bring in bomb squads and high tech soldiers to deal with that. but we have christians trying to outlaw abortion in the face of roe v. wade and ban gay people from going into fucking stores like this is some kind of twisted time warp to the 1950s. so yea, i got more important shit to rant about.
lol, we have thousands of assholes in america alone with way worse issues of sexism. atheist went on a giant fucking rant about how women should be so lucky men let them be free. but you are making a thread about two muslim kids in a european country not shaking a female teacher's hands?

time to get a little fucking perspective. we got plenty of nutters here to deal with, i'm sure switzerland can handle two prick teenage kids.
That Switzerland is dealing with it is exactly the point of this thread. They've reacted to this in a far more different way than we have seen so far.
They have even suspended the family's immigration process, reviewing their refugee claim. That's pretty hardcore when it comes to western nations handling Islamic integration.

I personally think this is a good, correct precedent.
If this is the first time it's come up that some Muslim kids won't shake their teachers hands, yet many thousands of Muslims have been through the school system then it would seem to me that the vast majority of them have no problem integrating with the expected culture.
If they allowed this particular instance to slide, they would be inviting future families and children to choose a path towards non integration. Treating this as a very real red flag regarding this particular family also sends the message that motivation and effort to integrate into the host culture is expected and mandatory. You can't just come into an asylum providing nation and expect them to do all the work for you.
The students complained that they can't just delete their culture like a hard drive. It's a handshake with a female. They're not exactly asking the world of them. If such a small cultural change is so fundamental to this family then they are simply not suitable to live in the western world. Atheist can post all the mysogynistic drivel in the world, I would wager money that he treats any female faculty at his school with respect and would shake their hand if needed.
that's fine, that wasn't the point of my post. so -10 for you. but you'll have a hard time making the case this is an issue someone in america should give a shit about when we have thousands of angry white christian men proactively trying to return us to the mother fucking dark ages.

like i said, the swiss can handle two kids being an asshole to their teacher. we don't need to bring in bomb squads and high tech soldiers to deal with that. but we have christians trying to outlaw abortion in the face of roe v. wade and ban gay people from going into fucking stores like this is some kind of twisted time warp to the 1950s. so yea, i got more important shit to rant about.

you can't -10 me!!

That Switzerland is dealing with it is exactly the point of this thread.
They have even suspended the family's immigration process, reviewing their refugee claim. That's pretty hardcore when it comes to western nations handling Islamic integration.

I personally think this is a good, correct precedent.
If this is the first time it's come up that some Muslim kids won't shake their teachers hands, yet many thousands of Muslims have been through the school system then it would seem to me that the vast majority of them have no problem integrating with the expected culture.
If they allowed this particular instance to slide, they would be inviting future families and children to choose a path towards non integration. Treating this as a very real red flag regarding this particular family also sends the message that motivation and effort to integrate into the host culture is expected and mandatory. You can't just come into an asylum providing nation and expect them to do all the work for you.
The students complained that they can't just delete their culture like a hard drive. It's a handshake with a female. They're not exactly asking the world of them. If such a small cultural change is so fundamental to this family then they are simply not suitable to live in the western world. Atheist can post all the mysogynistic drivel in the world, I would wager money that he treats any female faculty at his school with respect and would shake their hand if needed.

i don't disagree - there should be zero tolerance for bullshit that tries to contradict established, moral societal rules and standards. free speech, treating people fairly and justly, etc.

but i find it extremely odd considering the level of religious threats there are in america and in europe that this catches your attention. even on the scale of stupid shit muslims try to force into western society, like anti-free speech, not shaking a woman's hand is rather insignificant. that shit doesn't keep a person up at night, where as drawing a cartoon and possibly getting killed for it is some real shit.

just a little perspective is all i'm asking for. people that focus on the little shit tend to be people too timid to tackle the big shit, and we have a lot of big shit to deal with.
They should shake their teachers hands but two dumb kids is nothing to get all triggered about.
Their dad taught them to reject shaking womens' hands ...and he is an Iman at the mosque there. What do you think he is preacing at the mosque ....
A step in the right direction! Congrats to the Swiss.
I get you.
I guess I just disagree that this is "little shit."

I think the integration of two radically divergent cultures is a big deal, and that happens on a real scale as interactions between individuals, not fluffy speeches by politicians.

This is an account of individual interactions leading to real regional precedent on the expectations of Muslim immigrants. I applaud that. That is all.
lol, we have thousands of assholes in america alone with way worse issues of sexism.

Really? You really think there are thousands of Americans more sexist than a bunch of ignoramuses from Syria? I highly doubt that. American sexism has nothing on stone age Islamic sexism.

But even if you were right, thousands out of a population of 310+ million goes to show America's problem with serious sexism is statistically nearly nonexistent.