Swedish Police Kill Man with Down's Syndrome with Toy Gun


Gold Belt
Aug 29, 2007
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Expressen said:
Behaved "threateningly"
"I heard gun shots and woke up. When I looked out a saw policemen. They shouted that someone should lay down his weapon and lie on the ground. Then more police arrived and also an ambulance," an eye-witness says.

The police was called to the spot after getting reports that a person was showing a gun to people living there. At least three policemen shot at him because he behaved "threateningly" when being approached, according to media reports.

Eric Torell was pronounced dead from gunshots at 5.45 a.m Thursday.

This one sound like something straight out of Florida. There's very little information contained in the article. Depending on the toy gun and the ''threatening act'' this could be a good shoot. But at the same time, what are the odds that a non-verbal down's syndrome gets his hands on a submachine gun? Are cops under an obligation to consider such things before opening fire?
Not enough melanin to warrant a shooting but fuck me if those cops don't need to be named and shamed wherever they go for the rest of their lives.
I'm glad to see American police techniques spreading to other countries.
Should have said he was a refuge.
tragedies happen every day. This is ridiculous in a ridiculous world.
ITT, liberals feign outrage at police not being mind readers.
Damn if he was dark skinned they would have looked the other way. Poor retard did not have Muslim privilege.
Really really shitty situation. “Toy gun” could easily be something that looks exactly real until you held it in your hand yourself. And a person with a mental handicap could have a tough time following orders to set the gun down when police showed up

Shitty situation and depending on the details, could be something officer acted appropriately about and now feels horrible

I had an air soft pistol growing up. It was clear plastic body with orange trim. Realize now parents were very smart not getting me a black replica one with just an orange tip 10 year old shit head me would have probably taken off
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That batshit insane Swedish chick from the plane won't give a second thought to this.
I gotta say, that ''toy'' gun had better have been an actual SMG with the barrel welded. It would take a lot to get me to shoot a person with down's syndrome.
I gotta say, that ''toy'' gun had better have been an actual SMG with the barrel welded. It would take a lot to get me to shoot a person with down's syndrome.
I dunno, watching Whats Eating Gilbert Grape would have given me an itchy trigger finger for Leonardo Dicaprio for a couple of years. Man I wanted slap the shit out of that kid.
Man. I can't imagine what it's like to find out your wife is pregnant and to go through all those months of planning and discomfort and excitement only to learn that the child will have Down's. Then you weigh your options and decide to go through with the birth and give that child all the love you can, knowing they may not live long. Then because of your love and effort, your Down's kid actually does okay and even though you sometimes feel jealous and frustrated that your friends' kids are achieving amazing things, you do what you can. You even do so well, and your kid works so hard, thay he reaches adulthood against all odds only to be killed by a cop for playing with a toy.

I know "good shoot" is a technical term, but these are people's lives we're talking about. Even if it was a real gun, nothing "good" came of this. Since most of the posters in the WR have Down's, this hits especially close to home.
Man. I can't imagine what it's like to find out your wife is pregnant and to go through all those months of planning and discomfort and excitement only to learn that the child will have Down's. Then you weigh your options and decide to go through with the birth and give that child all the love you can, knowing they may not live long. Then because of your love and effort, your Down's kid actually does okay and even though you sometimes feel jealous and frustrated that your friends' kids are achieving amazing things, you do what you can. You even do so well, and your kid works so hard, thay he reaches adulthood against all odds only to be killed by a cop for playing with a toy.

I know "good shoot" is a technical term, but these are people's lives we're talking about. Even if it was a real gun, nothing "good" came of this. Since most of the posters in the WR have Down's, this hits especially close to home.


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