Suzy Favor Hamilton - former olympian turned high-priced female escort

Here's her old profile on the hooker services website...she's shaved!

either way she most likely recieved cash crazy hard to track
i would think youd have a tough time proving it

Well, the story broke so there must be some evidence out there. Plus she kind of admitted it.

But it would probobly still be hard to get her thrown in jail.
Doesn't seem nice in the article. Every quote reveals some shitty behaviour.
Doesn't seem nice in the article. Every quote reveals some shitty behaviour.

are you talking about her personality?

maybe omegaboy could put a ring on it after the divorce
The husband needs to get out now, it's only going to get worse.
Tried calling the number but it's busy. Hey guys, get off it. It's my birfday.
Doesn't seem nice in the article. Every quote reveals some shitty behaviour.
Hey! "Nice" doesn't win you .... okay, quickly. Someone tell me how far she got with the Olympics. Second base?
are you talking about her personality?

maybe omegaboy could put a ring on it after the divorce

I always expect unquestionable integrity from prostitutes.

She took a dive in the Olympic final because she knew she wouldn't medal, 2/10 would not hit.
Someone call the number and see what happens.

Just called it.....said "hi youve reached Haley with H&H private collections please leave a message and enjoy your day" or somethin close to that. Girl sounded cute
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The husband probably says he doesn`t but secretly gets off on it.

There are a lot of cuckold men out there, even more today due to all the estrogens in the environment.