Survivors of Mass Shootings Harassed by Conspiracy Theorists


Silver Belt
May 12, 2015
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Hey everyone so I was forwarded this article earlier today on NPR about victims of mass shootings being aggressively harassed by conspiracy theorists who believe that they are actors for government false flag attacks. It's something a lot of people like to forget, but there are thousands of victims of these various terror attacks and even more family members and friends affected by watching their loved ones suffer.

I think this type of behavior is absolutely disgusting. Thankfully, I've never seen something like this in person but you see it all the time online where those cowards can safely harass victims with the anonymity provided to them by the internet. There's definitely scumbags like that who exist in this very forum. I'll refrain from calling them out, but we all know who they are.

But it just makes me think about the responsibility people have when making these wild claims for people to see. The Sandy Hook massacre is a prime example. People started making all sorts of claims insulting the victims and the families who lost a child.

All of this harassment comes from conspiracy theorists. Hell, it came to a head with the pizza place getting shot up. So what responsibility do you think conspiracy theorists have for speading this filth under the guise of "just asking questions"?

To me it's like the same concept as a radical Islamist preaching hate and promoting extremist views with actual terrorists who do commit acts of violence. While they might not have lifted a finger themselves, they certainly encouraged the behavior didn't they? Nonviolent conspiracy theorists also encourage the actions of assholes who are aggressive and violent. And yes I get that real terrorism is way worse than assholes insulting families who just lost their loved ones or victims who suffered. It's just the concept that is similar. The moderate encourage the extreme.

Also I've noticed this conspiracy theory behavior is way more prevalent on the internet. They don't crazy test before they give you WiFi.

I wonder how long until the nutbags enter this thread trying to justify harassing Sandy Hook victims and such because "they know the truth" and they aren't "sheep".
It is disgusting to harass their families.

but there is a slippery slope to your post.
It must be easy to lose hope in humanity when you are first a victim of a deranged killer only to be harassed by lunatics that denies your most horrible life experience even took place!
Alex Jones getting his ass sued should at least make people think twice
Conspiracy Theories are popular on the net because:

1/ You can always find a community that shares like minded opinions
2/ That community will actively reinforce their own beliefs and actively resist outsiders (ie by upvote/downvote, by banning, etc., so that either the opinions are less heard or the persons are dissuaded from partaking in the conversation)
3/ Almost any opinion can be supported by 'facts' online if the person has limited critical thinking skills
4/ Almost any opinion is easily found when search engines are used with careful selectivity in search terms
Hey everyone so I was forwarded this article earlier today on NPR about victims of mass shootings being aggressively harassed by conspiracy theorists who believe that they are actors for government false flag attacks. It's something a lot of people like to forget, but there are thousands of victims of these various terror attacks and even more family members and friends affected by watching their loved ones suffer.

I think this type of behavior is absolutely disgusting. Thankfully, I've never seen something like this in person but you see it all the time online where those cowards can safely harass victims with the anonymity provided to them by the internet. There's definitely scumbags like that who exist in this very forum. I'll refrain from calling them out, but we all know who they are.

But it just makes me think about the responsibility people have when making these wild claims for people to see. The Sandy Hook massacre is a prime example. People started making all sorts of claims insulting the victims and the families who lost a child.

All of this harassment comes from conspiracy theorists. Hell, it came to a head with the pizza place getting shot up. So what responsibility do you think conspiracy theorists have for speading this filth under the guise of "just asking questions"?

To me it's like the same concept as a radical Islamist preaching hate and promoting extremist views with actual terrorists who do commit acts of violence. While they might not have lifted a finger themselves, they certainly encouraged the behavior didn't they? Nonviolent conspiracy theorists also encourage the actions of assholes who are aggressive and violent. And yes I get that real terrorism is way worse than assholes insulting families who just lost their loved ones or victims who suffered. It's just the concept that is similar. The moderate encourage the extreme.

Also I've noticed this conspiracy theory behavior is way more prevalent on the internet. They don't crazy-ass test before they give you WiFi.

One of the few things that rustles me is pieces of shit rambling away online with the dumbest conspiracies possible, completely oblivious to the harm they're doing to real victims, because it's fun for them.

It's worse than negligent: they're doing it for a kind of recreation that is clearly mentally unhealthy. They take it so seriously that they'll take action to defend their right to hurt people with their fucktarded shitposting, but they don't take it seriously enough to approach their "investigations" with the ethics of a journalist or investigator.

Fucking pieces of shit.
Yeah thats not cool but the web can be, and often is a harsh place -- nothing should surprise you on it.
If am one of the victims or survivors I will just harass them back.
TS is trying to censor free speech and criminalize descent. Straight commie.
It is disgusting to harass their families.

but there is a slippery slope to your post.

I absolutely agree with you that it is a slippery slope to blame people for the actions of others. But that are definitely in the same group and encouraging the same behavior and beliefs. All of these theories usually rely on the belief of a corrupt and illegal government. Isn't that bound to create violence and aggression?

I just know that if the group of people that share my core beliefs started harassing families and other disgusting behavior as a direct result of our shared beliefs, then I would think twice about the company I share. I think the limited group size makes peer relationships more impactful.

If I'm wrong, I'm happy to listen.

One of the few things that rustles me is pieces of shit rambling away online with the dumbest conspiracies possible, completely oblivious to the harm they're doing to real victims, because it's fun for them.

It's worse than negligent: they're doing it for a kind of recreation that is clearly mentally unhealthy. They take it so seriously that they'll take action to defend their right to hurt people with their fucktarded shitposting, but they don't take it seriously enough to approach their "investigations" with the ethics of a journalist or investigator.

Fucking pieces of shit.

They really are pieces of shit. I think it's insulting to the memories of those who lost some and those who lost all. I seriously believe that they don't really care about the truth, they only care about the enjoyment they get from being different. That good feeling of everyone else not knowing what you know. They're sheep and you're not. It's a quick way to feel better than everyone around you, but the cost is the actual victims suffering when they deserve love and support.

I really do think most of them just have some sick enjoyment from conspiracies. It's addictive to them in the same way that drugs are addictive. They get a dopamine rush from it and feel superior to everyone around them. Probably because they have a shit life. They feel too good to be flipping burgers even though they aren't really qualified to do anything. They feel smart even though they never went to college and got a real education. Conspiracies let them escape their pathetic realities.
It must be easy to lose hope in humanity when you are first a victim of a deranged killer only to be harassed by lunatics that denies your most horrible life experience even took place!

I know the first thing I'd do if I lost a child would be to go online and see if people didn't believe it.
TS is trying to censor free speech and criminalize descent. Straight commie.

Cough coughSpeakingofpeoplethatIwon'tnamecoughcough

I'm not talking about the government forcing conspiracy theorists to shut their suck hole or physically stopping them from mashing their fat, nasty, dirty nailed, Cheetos covered fingers on their ratty keyboards to spread their ignorant bullshit.

I'm talking about the public standing up and telling dumbasses to shut their suck hole and mashing their fat, nasty, dirty nailed, Cheetos covered fingers on their ratty keyboard to spread that ignorant bullshit.
I know the first thing I'd do if I lost a child would be to go online and see if people didn't believe it.
So the relatives to the victims seek out conspiracy theorists, not the other way?

Many of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting have been looked up on Facebook by conspiracy theorists that say they are actors and deserves to be shot.
So the relatives to the victim seek out conspiracy theorists, not th other way?

Many of the victims of the Las Vegas shooting have been looked up on Facebook by conspiracy theorists that says they are actors and deserves to be shot.

No idea what you're trying to say.

What I'm saying is that if I just lost someone I loved, I would not give an inch of a fuck if people were on the fucking Internet saying whatever the fuck.

I'd leave it to retards like you to get upset for me.
I know the first thing I'd do if I lost a child would be to go online and see if people didn't believe it.

Oftentimes the conspiracy theorists are going out and finding phone numbers, emails, work and home addresses to harass the victims.

For example, Len Pozner lost his 6 year old son in the Sandy Hook massacre. Len started receiving voicemails and phone calls claiming that he was a piece of shit for lying about having a son who was killed.

The whole thing came to a head with this crazy conspiracy theorist (probably @TheComebackKid mother), when a woman started sending Len Pozner death threats for being a crisis actor and lying about having a son killed in the hoax. She was sentenced to serious jail time for the incident.

Little bit more serious than seeing idiots online talking shit right? Other victims of terror attacks have been subject to the same treatment by conspiracy theorists. It's not like what you're suggesting. They aren't seeking out idiots online. They are being stalked by mentally unstable individuals.