Law Supreme Court makes watergate legal? President now has near immunity

Sotomayor also thinks that written exams are "racist."

Is this where we dig up shit opinions from each of the justices (to be fair), then end up and then disregarding their opinions on this issue altogether because we think they are all retarded anyway lol?
Is this where we dig up shit opinions from each of the justices (to be fair), then end up and then disregarding their opinions on this issue altogether because we think they are all retarded anyway lol?
FDR rounded up Japanese Americans and interned them in camps. Never prosecuted.
LBJ and Vietnam. Never prosecuted.
Reagan and Iran-Contra. Never prosecuted.
Bush and Iraq. Probably will never be prosecuted.
Obama and droning an underrage US citizen. Probably will never be prosecuted (or expected to even apologize).

"Biden should send Seal Team 6 to kill Trump because SCOTUS just said it's legal!"

Well 3 of the people voting on it seemed to think that, as noted by Sotomayor's and Jackson's dissents, so it's not just MSNBC, right?

I think it's important to also consider Roberts' opinion towards the dissent, which he dismissed as a weak case and fear mongering extreme hypotheticals, which may or may not be true.

But at the end of the day, my only point is that even the 9 most informed and important people deciding this issue didn't come to a unanimous conclusion, so the idea that any concern is unwarranted also seems shortsighted.

I don't think we can say without a doubt that this changes nothing the same way we obviously can't say that Trump/Biden is going to be a dictator for the next 20 years.

Truthfully, it doesn't seem like any of us, or even the justices themselves, can definitively define exactly how this ruling is going to affect the next, say 50 years.
The argument would be fine if the dissenting judges hadn’t previously put forward pearl clutching dissents in the past.
Is this where we dig up shit opinions from each of the justices (to be fair), then end up and then disregarding their opinions on this issue altogether because we think they are all retarded anyway lol?

Truthfully, the three dissenting judges have all made pretty pathetic dissents in the recent past.
FDR rounded up Japanese Americans and interned them in camps. Never prosecuted.
LBJ and Vietnam. Never prosecuted.
Reagan and Iran-Contra. Never prosecuted.
Bush and Iraq. Probably will never be prosecuted.
Obama and droning an underrage US citizen. Probably will never be prosecuted (or expected to even apologize).

"Biden should send Seal Team 6 to kill Trump because SCOTUS just said it's legal!"


Is the idea that those were all good decisions and that we shouldn't have prosecuted them?

Or is the idea that since we've been essentially allowing this behavior, we might as well formalize Obama killing US citizens?
We're like one shade away lol
The parts of this the SC punted are going to come right on back, because of course they will, and then the horrors will continue

The court has directed federal prosecutors to hold hearings to determine whether or not trumps attempts to unlawfully overturn the 2020 election, should be considered an "official act."

I really don't know how Jack Smith should proceed, except to be incredibly blunt and punch directly at the heart of the ruling. Something like:

In determining whether our founding fathers believed that attempting to overturn an election you lost was an "official act" of a president, we concluded that it did not. We based that decision on the grounds that upon taking office, the president swears to uphold and defend the Constitution. So working directly in opposition to the very 1st Amendment in that document, cannot possibly be construed as an "official act." For fucks sake, that would mean that working directly in opposition to the oath you swore, was somehow an official part of being a president. So the reasoning by the defendant that this constitutes an official act, fails not only under the terrible standards you twats just set; it also fails under a basic understanding of the english language."

I honestly don't know what else the guy could say at this point.
Is the idea that those were all good decisions and that we shouldn't have prosecuted them?

Or is the idea that since we've been essentially allowing this behavior, we might as well formalize Obama killing US citizens?
Or that today's ruling doesn't actually change anything in reality?

Rough week for democrats. They found out their candidate has dementia like the rest of us knew for several years, and now their attempts to prosecute their way into staying in power are falling apart, and they're not handling it well.

No. Not a King. Not a Mob Boss. A President.

Mob Bosses cannot be impeached. Mob Bosses can order the murder of a rvial, a President can't.

This ridiculous over reaction is the next Fake News Lie and it's funny watching the Left Cult freak out once again over bullshit. I'll bet you believed Trump Russia Collusion and that the Covington Kids went after that Native American.
How is the left a cult but not MAGA? They literally think Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Haven't you ever seen these people interviewed? They're fucking insane. At least the left criticizes their own party. Trump is the entire party now, you either fall in line or you are an outcast. That's way more cult-like to me.
Or that today's ruling doesn't actually change anything in reality?


According to the list you just posted, I think you might have convinced me that's not a good thing lol.


Truthfully, the three dissenting judges have all made pretty pathetic dissents in the recent past.

Idk that I love this logic personally, bc the liberals will just say the reverse to justify why this is such a terrible majority decision and it's just subjective.

But I get it.
No. Not a King. Not a Mob Boss. A President.

Mob Bosses cannot be impeached. Mob Bosses can order the murder of a rvial, a President can't.

This ridiculous over reaction is the next Fake News Lie and it's funny watching the Left Cult freak out once again over bullshit. I'll bet you believed Trump Russia Collusion and that the Covington Kids went after that Native American.
If there were an appropriate time to invoke “slippery slope” this is it.
How is the left a cult but not MAGA? They literally think Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Haven't you ever seen these people interviewed? They're fucking insane. At least the left criticizes their own party. Trump is the entire party now, you either fall in line or you are an outcast. That's way more cult-like to me.

They have a right to worship the man. I'm not a big fan of the Orange Ogre, but he beats the wheels off the senile one. He's not the Boogieman the Left Cult has made him out to be. The hysteria is insane and not healthy for the nation.