Law Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg Falls, Breaks Three Ribs, Hospitalized| UPDATE: Malignant Tumor

at what point do you call it quits? In the last year how much has she actually been on the bench?
I don't know what RBG is made of, but they should make rocket ships out of it!

I don't agree with her politics, but I admire her tenacity.

Warren Buffett is older and can walk fine. lol. Maybe they should build rocket ships out of him.
Warren Buffett is older and can walk fine. lol. Maybe they should build rocket ships out of him.
Yeah, acting like she’s healthy is pretty inane, she’s unhealthy and at times can barely keep her head held up, the likelihood is her clerks are running the show and she’s a figurative puppet
Yeah, acting like she’s healthy is pretty inane, she’s unhealthy and at times can barely keep her head held up, the likelihood is her clerks are running the show and she’s a figurative puppet
It's like life imitates art man!

It always sickens me to see people cheering on her death. Yah, I dont agree with her, but jesus christ. Dont get me wrong, I would cheer her stepping down. But shes lived a good life, and deserves to lives out her final months/years in peace.

The work she has done on the courts has been phenomenal, and she will rightfully be seen as a pillar of the court for generations. Even people who disagreed with her gave her respect as her arguements were always remarkably well thought out, researched, and put to paper. Her sparring with Scalia was some of the best subtle comedy on the court ever, especially since there were best of friends out of the courtroom.

I wish her nothing but the best, and hope that no matter what she chooses she goes on her own terms and without suffering.
She needs to step down if she can’t be present
She got old
Happens to all of us
Liberal America every time RBG has an issue:

Wonder if she will make it to 2020 election so trump does not get another court appointment
at what point do you call it quits? In the last year how much has she actually been on the bench?

It's not about being on the bench and making legal decisions when the court is a political tool.
At what point heading into the next election would it be too late for the Republicans to try and race another Supreme Court Justice through? When do they no longer have enough time?
Hours, Cocaine Mitch is the scumbaggiest operator in the history of insider political games...he'd suspend the constitution if he could.
Mitch is a principled guy who believes in fair play and that is why good ole Mitch is apparently worried about the Dems and shoring up minority party rights and strengthening the filibuster.

He's extremely effective at what he does. It's over, baby.

The Republican Party’s takeover of the federal judiciary is almost complete.

The strategy, executed to near-perfection by Senate Republicans Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley, was simple: Stall as many nominees chosen by President Barack Obama as possible. Then, by either disregarding or outright changing the Senate rules governing the confirmation process, rush through President Donald Trump’s nominees.

So far, that strategy has worked. Trump has already appointed two Supreme Court justices—though one of those appointments was rightfully Obama’s—along with a fifth of the sitting circuit court of appeals judges. Now, Republicans have set their sights on the district courts. There are more than 100 vacancies left, and monied interests are champing at the bit to handpick Trump’s nominations to fill them.

At the beginning of the month, McConnell invoked the “nuclear option” to permanently limit the amount of time senators can debate most nominees from 30 hours to just two. The change doesn’t apply to Supreme Court nominees or circuit court nominees but will allow Republicans to advance district court nominees at lightning speed. This latest move by McConnell all but ensures that judges hostile to causes like voting rights, reproductive rights, and LGBT equality will help shape the law around those issues.

Trump commented on the phenomenon last March, seemingly confused as to how he got so lucky. “When I got in, we had over 100 federal judges that weren’t appointed. I don’t know why Obama left that. It was like a big, beautiful present to all of us. Why the hell did he leave that?" Trump asked. "It was like the gift from heaven. We were left judges."

It wasn’t a gift from heaven, however. It was a gift from McConnell and Grassley—who, after Republicans wrestled control of the Senate from Democrats in 2014, immediately ground to a halt Obama’s efforts to confirm judicial nominees to make way for the next Republican president. That president turned out to be Trump.

Trump has appointed around a third of the judges on the conservative Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Circuits. He’s on the verge of flipping the reliably liberal Ninth Circuit. The Third and 11th Circuits were both majority-Democrat until Trump. Now the majority of the judges on the Third Circuit are Republican; the Eleventh Circuit is evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.

The problem isn’t just that Trump is appointing conservative judges. It’s that he’s appointing conservative judges who are handpicked and vetted by the Federalist Society, which Meagan Hatcher-Mays describes as “a shadowy conservative group that mobilized in the years after the Supreme Court’s historic decision in Roe v. Wade.”

“The organization grooms law students to become hardliner anti-choice judges who oppose reproductive rights and the social safety net but support wholesale deregulation and unfettered personhood rights for corporations,” Hatcher-Mays continues. “These are not neutral judges who ‘follow the law’ or umpires who call ‘balls and strikes,’ as they frequently claim in their confirmation hearings. They are partisan hacks who are hand-selected by billionaires to stand in the way of progress.”
Lol at this thread. Hey republicans, guess what. Dems have the house now. Another supreme Court nominee from Trump would never make it past the house.

Looks like McConnell really fucked this country over when he set the precedent that you can block a nominee on the grounds of, because I can.

Umm, the House doesnt vote on court nominees
He's extremely effective at what he does. It's over, baby.

The Republican Party’s takeover of the federal judiciary is almost complete.

The strategy, executed to near-perfection by Senate Republicans Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley, was simple: Stall as many nominees chosen by President Barack Obama as possible. Then, by either disregarding or outright changing the Senate rules governing the confirmation process, rush through President Donald Trump’s nominees.

So far, that strategy has worked. Trump has already appointed two Supreme Court justices—though one of those appointments was rightfully Obama’s—along with a fifth of the sitting circuit court of appeals judges. Now, Republicans have set their sights on the district courts. There are more than 100 vacancies left, and monied interests are champing at the bit to handpick Trump’s nominations to fill them.

At the beginning of the month, McConnell invoked the “nuclear option” to permanently limit the amount of time senators can debate most nominees from 30 hours to just two. The change doesn’t apply to Supreme Court nominees or circuit court nominees but will allow Republicans to advance district court nominees at lightning speed. This latest move by McConnell all but ensures that judges hostile to causes like voting rights, reproductive rights, and LGBT equality will help shape the law around those issues.

Trump commented on the phenomenon last March, seemingly confused as to how he got so lucky. “When I got in, we had over 100 federal judges that weren’t appointed. I don’t know why Obama left that. It was like a big, beautiful present to all of us. Why the hell did he leave that?" Trump asked. "It was like the gift from heaven. We were left judges."

It wasn’t a gift from heaven, however. It was a gift from McConnell and Grassley—who, after Republicans wrestled control of the Senate from Democrats in 2014, immediately ground to a halt Obama’s efforts to confirm judicial nominees to make way for the next Republican president. That president turned out to be Trump.

Trump has appointed around a third of the judges on the conservative Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Circuits. He’s on the verge of flipping the reliably liberal Ninth Circuit. The Third and 11th Circuits were both majority-Democrat until Trump. Now the majority of the judges on the Third Circuit are Republican; the Eleventh Circuit is evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.

The problem isn’t just that Trump is appointing conservative judges. It’s that he’s appointing conservative judges who are handpicked and vetted by the Federalist Society, which Meagan Hatcher-Mays describes as “a shadowy conservative group that mobilized in the years after the Supreme Court’s historic decision in Roe v. Wade.”

“The organization grooms law students to become hardliner anti-choice judges who oppose reproductive rights and the social safety net but support wholesale deregulation and unfettered personhood rights for corporations,” Hatcher-Mays continues. “These are not neutral judges who ‘follow the law’ or umpires who call ‘balls and strikes,’ as they frequently claim in their confirmation hearings. They are partisan hacks who are hand-selected by billionaires to stand in the way of progress.”
ya the Republicans have proven time and again they do not believe in Democracy, not even a little bit. They will manipulate the levers and subvert the "Will of the People" at every chance they get whether it be gerrymandering, vote suppression or judges.

Trump is the extension of that and no one should doubt he would go the full Putin route if he thinks he could coalesce enough power around him to get away with it.
ya the Republicans have proven time and again they do not believe in Democracy, not even a little bit. They will manipulate the levers and subvert the "Will of the People" at every chance they get whether it be gerrymandering, vote suppression or judges.

Trump is the extension of that and no one should doubt he would go the full Putin route if he thinks he could coalesce enough power around him to get away with it.


“The full Putin route”

Didn’t you gullible idiots spend the last few years telling us exactly that?

PS, {<jimmies}
And The Notorious RBG just keeps on Weekend At Bernie's-ing it along. Tough ol' girl, but might be time to consider hittin' the ol' dusty trail (stepping down/retiring). For her own good, and the good of the republic.


U.S. Reuters
Justice Ginsburg in hospital, but expected to be released soon
Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in a Maryland hospital after suffering from chills and a fever, but is expected to be released on Sunday, the Supreme Court said on Saturday. Ginsburg has faced several health scares over the past year, including in August, when she underwent radiation therapy for pancreatic cancer. Ginsburg, 86, began experiencing the symptoms earlier on Friday.

Ginsburg hospitalized for treatment of chills and fever

Associated Press

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, four-time cancer survivor, is back in the hospital


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