How would you feel if your kids saw shit like this and started emulating it? These are, for the most part, the superstars that are being created in today's age. What effects do you think this will have on younger generations? Would you want a generation of kids like this (or worse) running the world?
These kids are going through a phase, they're silly little girls enamored by ghetto/hip-hop culture.
This is just some 'bad ass' ghetto shit for kids to look up to, it's a real white-washing of hip hop culture. Instead of 13 year olds looking up to 30 year old black men, they're looking up to there age, race and gender peers.
This is just a safer version, something they can identify with. It's all quite pathetic but is it really harming anyone ? We don't have people like this where I come from...but we do have those chavvy trashy teenage aspects.
Teenagers are shit heads my dude, this is just a different brand of shitheadery. Give it 5-10 years and the shitheads will have new slang and clothing.
What I will say is, is it really worse kids liking these idiots whom are pretending to be ghetto than it is for them to like actual ghetto criminals ? I mean, is a 14 year old liking 'catch me outside girl' worse than a 14 year old liking someone like 50 cent ?
The only issue here is, the parents of these young insta' famous kids have failed miserably.