"Substancial security threat":Congressional hearing on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz staffer Imran Awan


Dec 10, 2014
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Background: Imran Awan is a Pakastani born "IT specialist" who worked for dozens of Dem congressman performing IT duties. Earlier this year, capitol police named Awan a suspect the theft of thousands of dollars of Congressional electronic equipment, and for attempting to access forbidden parts of the House Network. He had his Network access revoked as a result of this investigation.

Almost all Dem Congressman who employed him immediately fired him, but Debbie Wasserman-Scultz and a few others retained his services, though as more details about Awan's criminal lifestyle emerged in the following months (including kidnapping and bank fraud), the others fired him, but Debbie Wasserman-Schultz stayed loyal. And since he no longer had network access, it didn't make sense to call him an IT specialist anymore, so she promoted him to "advisor". Awan was later arrested by the FBI at the airport trying to flee the country to Pakistan (where his wife has already fled) after wiring all of his money overseas. Only then the DWS fire him. It later came to light that Wasserman-Schultz knew Awan was heading to Pakistan, and he had even filed paperwork with her office requesting to be paid while he was overseas.

Over his career has an IT technician, he was paid millions of dollars by Democratic congressmen. Earlier this year, capitol police seized a laptop belonging to Awan, which they said was "hidden" in a building that congressional staff use, as part of their investigation. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz claimed that the laptop belonged to her, and threatened the capitol police with "consequences" if they did not return the laptop immediately. She later claimed to have never seen the laptop before.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz maintains her position that Imran Awan is a good friend, and that this is all the result of a "right wing media circus" and "islamophobia".

New info from the hearing:
-Awan would spend months at a time in Pakistan, supposidly performing his IT duties from abroad. He was paid during these trips.
-Awan was able to get several of his family members employed in similar IT positions, and made of $7,000,000, yet no one can find any evidence that he was even good at his job.
-Spent hundreds of dollars on a stapler on one occasion.
-Lied on dozens of federal forms. This was apparently known about by Dem Congressman for a long time.
-Awan sent stolen Congressional equipment, which includes phones and laptops, back to Pakistan
-There were "massive data transfers" that indicate a "substancial security threat"
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This will get merged into some random thread I predict.

A Republican lawmaker on Tuesday described the “massive” data transfers on government servers by a former IT aide to Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as “a substantial security threat.”

“These facts, standing alone, indicate a substantial security threat,” Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Scott Perry said of the Imran Awan case during an informal hearing of Republican House members on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

Awan pleaded not guilty in September to multiple federal charges including bank fraud and conspiracy. A grand jury had returned an indictment in August in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia charging Imran Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, with a total of four charges.

Perry, a member of the Homeland Security subcommittee on cyber security, said Tuesday that the House Office of Inspector General tracked the network usage of Awan and his associates on House servers and found that a “massive” amount of data was flowing from the networks.

Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats had been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Wasserman Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July.
According to Perry, more than 5,700 logins by the five Awan associates were discovered on a single server within the House and 5,400 of those logins appeared unauthorized. That server, Perry said, belonged to then-Democratic Rep. Xavier Becerra, who is now attorney general in California.

Perry said a criminal investigation by Capitol Police begun after the House Office of Inspector General reported its findings into Awan and his associates last year.

The congressman said Capitol Police determined that an image they asked Imran to provide was falsified, believing it to be a “deliberate attempt to conceal the activities that they knew were against House policy and the law.”

Perry also discussed how Capitol Police recovered a bag with a laptop featuring Wasserman Shultz’s initials from a phone booth after midnight in the Rayburn building about two months after House investigators barred Awan and his coterie from access to House computer networks.

This Awan guy wiretapped his own mother in law in order to steal a life insurance policy ment for his mother in law. If this scumbag is willing to wiretap his own mother in law, God only knows what blackmail Awan has collected from the over 80 Democratic congressional offices he personally worked for.
A Republican lawmaker on Tuesday described the “massive” data transfers on government servers by a former IT aide to Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as “a substantial security threat.”

The Democratic party is a substantial security threat

This Awan guy wiretapped his own mother in law in order to steal a life insurance policy ment for his mother in law. If this scumbag is willing to wiretap his own mother in law, God only knows what blackmail Awan has collected from the over 80 Democratic congressional offices he personally worked for.

I can't decide if he worked for DWS as her spy to dig up dirt on other Congressmen so she could blackmail them, or if he just had some really good dirt on DWS and was blackmailing her.
I wonder why threads about this story keep getting buried
The good thing is from finally that harpy will disappear. Thought she was done after rigging the Democratic nomination for Shillary, but she is a politician and they are hard to get rid of.
The good thing is from finally that harpy will disappear. Thought she was done after rigging the Democratic nomination for Shillary, but she is a politician and they are hard to get rid of.

Hillary hired her literally the same day she stepped down.
I wonder why threads about this story keep getting buried
Inconvenient Truths?

Hillary hired her literally the same day she stepped down.
Its is amazing that Shillary can not figure out why she lost.
Instead of distancing herself from corruption, Hilary embraced it.
This Awan guy wiretapped his own mother in law in order to steal a life insurance policy ment for his mother in law. If this scumbag is willing to wiretap his own mother in law, God only knows what blackmail Awan has collected from the over 80 Democratic congressional offices he personally worked for.
Bad example.
Another good question is why Republican leadership isn't making more of an issue about this. If the shoe was on the other foot Democrats would be screaming from the rooftops and this would be discussed 24/7 in the media until enough damage had been done and scalps had.
I can't decide if he worked for DWS as her spy to dig up dirt on other Congressmen so she could blackmail them, or if he just had some really good dirt on DWS and was blackmailing her.
My guess is a bit of both.
Where are the usual suspects to defend the DNC?

This thread needs more hotdog gifs imo.

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