Stupid things your SO does

OverCoronavirus Pressure

Mayberry = War Room, WR = OT. Shit.
Jan 29, 2015
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I'll start mildly but this thread will spring to life because women, am I right, bros?

My gf has this cognitive/verbal dissonance when she gets flustered.
*during argument, I remind her of her own words on the subject by quoting her*
"Well, yes, I said that, but I didn't say it!"
Door open with AC on. I get so irritated because it will be 105 degrees outside and for some reason the door to the deck will be wide open.

And the way she loads the dishwasher is incredibly inefficient.
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Inb4 stories of phantom girlfriends and wives.

But anyway my gf always invites her ringcard girl friends to practice ring card holding

My girlfriend is terrible in bed, just terrible.

She just lays there, screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
My masters degree holding wife put a bowl with a metal spoon in it into the microwave...and didnt see the issue.

Also thought her windshield was melting when it was ice...stupid bitch.
We both have dressers just a few feet away from eachother yet all her random stuff and clutter ends up on top of my dresser instead of her own.

Also, I'm the one that cooks and she in turn cleans the kitchen and does the dishes. It irritates the shit out of me if she doesn't do the dishes that night and lets them sit there til the next day.

The one that makes me want to drive my head into a wall-- When we're going somewhere like out for drinks or something and takes upwards of 2 hours to get ready while I'm sitting around waiting, visibly irritated and she finally comes out of the room and has the nerve to say, "Are you ready?" like I haven't been fucking sitting around for an hour and a half waiting for you
My girl is always trying to adopt a cat.

But I have to keep reminding her that she can't take care of a cat. She couldn't even keep her baby alive.
I'll start mildly but this thread will spring to life because women, am I right, bros?
My gf has this cognitive/verbal dissonance when she gets flustered.
*during argument, I remind her of her own words on the subject by quoting her*
"Well, yes, I said that, but I didn't say it!"

Mine has this cognitive/verbal dissonance when she gets flustered.
*during argument, I remind her of her own words on the subject by quoting WHAT SHE JUST SAID*
" I didn't say THAT!"

We both have dressers just a few feet away from eachother yet all her random stuff and clutter ends up on top of my dresser instead of her own.

Also, I'm the one that cooks and she in turn cleans the kitchen and does the dishes. It irritates the shit out of me if she doesn't do the dishes that night and lets them sit there til the next day.

LOL - I hate dirty dishes.
Whenever my wife talks about distances, if there is a possibility of walking it is always very far in her judgment.
While everything that has to be done with a car/motorbike is always very close.

That leads to often having to drive for like 1 hour to do something very minor because in my wife interpretation of the distance it was ''very close''. And if I asked her if we can walk there its always too far and we end up having to look for parking etc. when it would have been easier just to walk for 5 minutes.
Door open with AC on. I get so irritated because it will be 105 degrees outside and for some reason the door to the deck will be wide open.

And the way she loads the dishwashers is incredibly inefficient.
Door open ac on would infuriate me.
LOL - I hate dirty dishes.
Yeah, and it isn't like I can wait to cook til the next day. I cook 4-5 nights a week usually. There's only two of us, it doesn't take long to do some damn dishes after dinner, but half the time she insists on letting them sit because "she's tired from the work day". Well guess what, I worked too you idiot yet I still came home and cooked a whole ass meal

ok I feel better now
Turning off my fucking video game when she gets pissed. I'm against domestic violence but....

My girl is always trying to adopt a cat.

But I have to keep reminding her that she can't take care of a cat. She couldn't even keep her baby alive.
Hey a fellow Jeselnik fan lol.