Stuff missing from my bag after airport baggage check


Gold Belt
Aug 28, 2009
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I've never hidden stuff in my check in bags because I figure it'll all get searched through, yeah? Well, today I got unlucky. I bought gift cards when I was at the airport in Seattle because they're cheaper than Canada (where I was living). They were all in a little bag and I just threw it on top of the pile in my suitcase and checked it in.

Well, I get to Minnesota, I check my bag and sure enough, it's all gone. $80 worth of giftcards are just gone :/

What should I do about this? Does the airline have cameras rolling for this stuff? Is it even worth calling about?
A colleague of mine bought an iPad in Houston and when he arrived back home in Denmark, it was gone.
Seems like a strange thing to steal? I'm guessing your only hope is travel insurance if u had it
well take consolation in the fact that it was just $80 of gift cards and not a camera with photos on it or something

just claim it on insurance
try giving them a call. what's the worse that could happen?
A colleague of mine bought an iPad in Houston and when he arrived back home in Denmark, it was gone.

I saw a bit on the news months ago where the ABC news crew's iPad was left at the airport and traced to the security employee's home, who denied anything, then ultimately produced the missing iPad and said his wife brought it home from somewhere.

Do iPads have the laptop lock slot? If so, is it possible to use those steel cable laptop locks to somehow secure the iPad to some immoveable part of the inside of your luggage?


What should I do about this? Does the airline have cameras rolling for this stuff? Is it even worth calling about?

Report it to the police with enough details like date, time, which security screening area so they can catch the crook. If you don't help stop them, they'll keep stealing from other people and from you again next time you travel there.
I'd call bitching and asking why I can't leave anything in there without their dirtbag employees stealing it. That said, I hate gift cards.
That sucks. I used to work at BWI awhile back and there were a few guys that would steal shit out of bags. They got bust after awhile cause they got really greedy and did it to often but fuck them anyway. I had a silver fask taken out of my bag once.
Raise hell.

You probably won't get it back but people have a tendency is to just forget about it, which is why it happens so often.

I knew a scouser who put in a false lost baggage claim every time he came back into the States. Scumbag always got a check from the airline. He used to blag having his travellers checks stolen too.

Ijust got a xmas card here from my mum the other day that had 60quid stolen out of it.
I flew from amsterdam to LAX in 2001 and wasn't thinking straight when I packed my bag.

I made it all the way home with a used bong/bubbler, but they made a point to take out the awesome collapsible metal pipe. It was shaped like a mushroom and you unscrewed the head to make the bowl. I don't know why they would throw away one but not the other.
They're gone. No employee will confess to stealing them. Call and wish them a Merry Fucking Christmas. Yell until they hang up. Ruin someones day.
my wife had an iphone lifted from her, she went back and made a demand to see the managing supervisor and roll back the security tape, eventually they told her to run the bag through and wait in a different area and miraculously the iphone reappeared
I've never hidden stuff in my check in bags because I figure it'll all get searched through, yeah? Well, today I got unlucky. I bought gift cards when I was at the airport in Seattle because they're cheaper than Canada (where I was living). They were all in a little bag and I just threw it on top of the pile in my suitcase and checked it in.

Well, I get to Minnesota, I check my bag and sure enough, it's all gone. $80 worth of giftcards are just gone :/

What should I do about this? Does the airline have cameras rolling for this stuff? Is it even worth calling about?

Fill out the online form on the TSA website.

Happened to me several times. I got my stuff back one time.
To those who got stuff stolen, do u lock ur bags? I doubt makes a difference nut just curious

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