Economy Studen Loan Forgiveness by EO, Biden say nope.

Yes I’m aware that you don’t understand that leaving multilateral institutions and displaying incompetence has weakened our ability to influence the world and therefore empowered China. The big winners of the Trump presidency were China, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I’m all for nationalism, but isolationism in this interconnected world can only lead to weakness. You stay in multilateral institutions so you can influence them.

Ya it's not like we didn't help negotiate peace treaty in the middle east...I'm sure biden and his beta but diverse staff will certainly hold china to task.

Because assets can be repossessed, your degree cannot.

The solution is to fix what allows universities to charge that much. It is not to say "cool, charge whatever you want and we'll just have the taxpayers pick up the tab".
The key is administration has grown incredibly bloated at colleges and universities. If we cut the number of administrators by half it wouldn't hurt students at all, and would lower tuition costs by a bunch.
I'm curious, when kids are signing up for these loans, where are the parents to tell them whether or not it's a good idea based on their projected major? Also, don't they have to get cosigners that are often parents? I'd think if that's the case they'd come in and pump the brakes. I got loans for the first 1/2 of my university years but for the life of me can't remember if I had a co-signer or not....
Do not ever take debt for an undergrad degree. If you need to, go to CC then transfer to a state school. Taking debt is OK for a professional graduate degree. These dumb kids taking on $200K in debt to get their Georgetown or whatever BA degree - dumb as bricks.
Ya it's not like we didn't help negotiate peace treaty in the middle east...I'm sure biden and his beta but diverse staff will certainly hold china to task.

Ok well this is all off topic anyways. My point was not to defend Biden in general (although I agree with not forgiving student loans) but more to the point that most people didn’t vote for him because they believed he was going to be a far leftist. It was mostly opposition that painted that picture.
I'm far from a leftist, but looking into an overhaul of the student loan system in the US seems to be in order. There's something wrong if a billionaire can declare bankruptcy several times after taking calculated risks with a known way out, but dumbass decisions in your late teens can saddle you with dept for a lifetime.

There should absolutely be a path to bankruptcy for student loan debt. But the inevitable result would be that student loans would be more difficult to come by. That's not be necessarily a bad thing, either, but a lot of people advocating for student loan forgiveness or bankruptcy protection would be less than thrilled.
I'm far from a leftist, but looking into an overhaul of the student loan system in the US seems to be in order. There's something wrong if a billionaire can declare bankruptcy several times after taking calculated risks with a known way out, but dumbass decisions in your late teens can saddle you with dept for a lifetime.

A lot of retards in this thread will defend the rich and attack teens
Did anyone think he was going to do that? Or is this just another weird right wing alternate reality thing
Here's an example of why tuition is high - we're paying a lot of useless people. In this case, Michigan taxpayers and students are funding idiots who decide which words are racist. Picnic and brown bag are the latest discoveries.

Imagine having nothing to do with your life, other than looking through a dictionary and trying to find ways for words to hurt your feelings.

Fucking clown world.
Imagine having nothing to do with your life, other than looking through a dictionary and trying to find ways for words to hurt your feelings.

Fucking clown world.

Let the realization of the fact that the majority of Americans voted in to further explore this clown world!

I can't wait to see what language is like in 4 years.

It will be like that car ride Crowder took on his way to his first SJW meet up where it was nothing but everyone apologizing to eachother...
Stupid. The schools are making bank and effectively have slaves pouring money into their coffers for bullshit degrees. But now the tax payers take it up the ass because progressive pieces of shit are roping kids into debt slavery for useless womens' studies degrees.
Well he had a meeting with some of the people he “works for” and they told him his position. That’s it. Do you think it’s something else? The guy is lower side iq, has only worked in politics the last 50 years, and it’s recently proven all he does is sell influence.

We tried to fkn tell you the “America first” guy wasn’t that bad, but you morons think cnn is reporting news. I watched today for 20 minutes. They are not reporting news.

What a incredibly stupid thing to post.

So Biden deciding not to sign away billions of dollars of student loan debt is somehow proof that the "America first guy" was a better choice yet the "America first guy" had 4 years to sign a EO to wipe out student loan debt and didn't do it. Moreover, the "America first guy" is LITERALLY STILL THE PRESIDENT and can sign a EO wiping out student loan debt TOMORROW but won't. But somehow that is not proof that the "America first guy" works for the same people as Biden. I'm sure he has some completely valid reason for not doing it that somehow does not also magically apply to Biden because thats just how a Trumpard's brain works I guess.