StrikeForce this weekend pretty much like a TUF finale for every fight...


Brown Belt
Jul 23, 2008
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The winner will essentially get a contract with the UFC while the losers will probably be be cut for the most part. This makes this weekends event just a bit more exciting and the fact that its the last event should add to that as well. Im sure a few guys will come over anyway win or lose but only like 3-4 max. Who do u think will come to the UFC after this weekend?

Nate, cormier, mousasi, jacare for sure. Maybe gracie because of the name.
Im guessing they will take every winner, and even some of the losers.
The loser of Mousasi and Kyle will get at least 1 fight in the UFC. Exciting stand up fighters get the benefit of the doubt.
I really hope they pick up Feijao despite his PEDS trouble. He put a beating on King Mo, wrecked Kyle in their rematch, and put up a pretty damn good fight against Hendo. I could really see him being top 10 in the UFC.
If I thought every loser was getting cut, it would bum me the fuck out. Peoples gots to eat.
the guys that dropped out due to "injury" sure are sad they're not on this card
The winner will essentially get a contract with the UFC while the losers will probably be be cut for the most part. This makes this weekends event just a bit more exciting and the fact that its the last event should add to that as well. Im sure a few guys will come over anyway win or lose but only like 3-4 max. Who do u think will come to the UFC after this weekend?


I hope watching Marquardt, Cormier, Jacare, Mousasi, Barnett and Gracie on UFC.
i can't wait to watch the fights i've been waiting for awhile even though some of the fights i really wanted to see are out of the card. Im interested to see what kind of match ups are going to be made for the guys that head over to the ufc
I don't think it's going to be as clear cut as "Win you're in, lose you're out." Who knows what contractual issues are in play. They may have to take some guys they don't want. or they may choose not to take some guys from the undercard if they want, even if those guys win, if that's an option contractually.
They pretty much gave their biggest names relatively easy fights to make it easy for them to just come to the UFC once the event ends.
everyone who doesnt lay and pray hopefully
This. If you go out there, put all of your heart, spirit, and strength into a fight, make it exciting, and you put on a show, the UFC should keep you, even if you lose-especially if you're on the Main Card.

That's the way I see it at least.
I doubt if Cormier loses they won't sign him.

Cormier's fight is the one that doesn't make much sense. He's going into the UFC with top contender status regardless. A win doesn't elevate him any higher than he already is, and some freak loss probably wouldn't send him much down the UFC ladder.