I used to sell insurance policies, and train folks how to sell them. To be successful selling any type insurance you must totally avoid the topics of truth, facts, logic, reason, reality, sanity, common sense, science, and nature, and instead rely totally on the adolescent emotions of hate, anger, greed, fear, jealously, spite, lust, envy and lies. It is the only way to sell someone something where 95% of the people who buy it, never get out of it what they put into it, and 5% get more out of it than they contribute, as built into the purchase. The extra revenue generated by these built in metrics, pays for the insurance salespersons salary, their children's college educations and family vacations. Their company cars, computers, phones and expense accounts. Their in town office buildings, sky scrapers, and large property and corporate income tax bills. Their internet, radio and print advertising (and them union Geico Cavemen don't come cheap). The expenses incurred by insurance companies to lobby doctors, hospitals, big pharma, and politicians also of course has to come out of the extra money they charge in premiums, that they do not pay out for claims. It is such an obvious parallel in all ways to the casino gambling industry, that I have no sympathy at all for anyone who wastes their money buying "insurance", rather than pocketing that money for their own use.